
Behind the Smile

Your POV


You jerked awake in the workroom, disoriented.  Your heart was racing as you tried to hold on to the remnants of the dream.  You rubbed your eyes tiredly with one hand, feeling cramped and stiff from sleeping awkwardly on the slightly-too-short couch.  It was just the right temperature under the light blanket, so you gave up and snuggled back down, pulling it up to cover your head.  You could afford a few more minutes. 


That dream….it had been incredible, and you covered your face fully with your hands, pressing the palms into your eyes hard enough to see streaks of light as you struggled to recall the details.  Onew had been involved, it was late at night, and he had….he had….asked about the clothes….and then, then…he had...

So frustrating.  What had he done? I can see his face, standing next to me…what happened?


" ......     ...   0_0   ...     ......"




“What did you do Onew?”  You blew out a hard sigh, and pulled the blanket up over your head.

“Well first, I told you that I wanted to be your boyfriend…,” a voice laughed from somewhere close by.

You made a sound that you knew would embarrass the hell out of yourself later.  




You cowered under the blanket, afraid to move.  You heard soft laughter, and a shadow moved, growing larger as you heard someone moving closer to your covered form. 

“Then you pinched your arm,” he said.  “Then you pinched MY arm.  Something about not believing it was real, or it was a dream or something like that.” 

You didn’t resist as the blanket was tugged down gently.  You did, however, keep your eyes clenched shut, refusing to open them and destroy this moment.  You could still be dreaming, after all, you had had those dreams before.  Those dreams where you ‘wake up’, but you’re still dreaming and then later on you actually wake up.


Your mind was babbling.  Your thoughts skittered like a hyper gerbil in the wheel-spinning, spinning, spinning.  The first touch on your cheek was so soft you almost mistook it for a stray breeze brushing by your face.  But it came again, tracing the line of your jaw, the corner of your lips, and the scrunched furrow between your eyes.

“..still a dream,” you murmured, “good dream. niiiicccee dream.”    The touch moved to brush hair off your forehead.  Soft chuckles again.

“God, just ten more minutes,” you pleaded. 

But the voice was relentless.


“And then, I almost died when you threw yourself at me in an attempt to kiss me senseless, cause I was off balance, and you know that I don’t do well, and we fell, I got a hard crack on my skull, you bit your lip…,” the voice kept on talking, the teasing tone coming through loud and clear.

Then the sense of what it was saying connected.  BOYFRIEND. KISS. FAIL. WHAT?!?


Your eyes snapped open.  And he was there.  Beautiful.  Even in the artificial light, he was just so beautiful.  How could this not be a dream?  All you could do was look at him, watch him talk with that amusement twinkling in his eyes. 

me2day update


“Finally awake, ne?"      You blinked at the direct question. 

When had he stopped rambling? How long had you been staring at him?  You glanced away, feeling embarrassed  now that reality (he was really here touching your face) had caught up with you.   You brought your hands up to clutch at the top edge of the blanket.

“Ummm…ne,” you agreed. 


His thumb ran down your jawline again, and your heart skipped. He paused, the same thumb brushing against your bottom lip, and you felt a slight sting.  Must be the bitten lip from the fall like he mentioned.  The tiny pain was enough to spark your brain into functioning again.  A tinge of rose colored your cheekbones as you frantically tried to will yourself to be cool.  Say something cool. Say something cool.

“Good morning,”  Ugh. NOT COOL.  I am officially lame.


Onew smiled down at you, the sheer happiness in it making you catch your breath.  Your heart beat double-time, and it felt like a missing piece had fallen back into place.  That smile was everything you’d been missing for the past weeks.  It filled you up, somehow. 

“Good morning,” he laughed.  “Ready to greet the morning?  What do you remember about last night, err, early this morning?”


Now that you knew this was real, you thought hard to try and remember. 

“You were hugging me.  You said you’d like to be my boyfriend.  And I…,” your voice trailed off as the (to you) humiliating events rushed back.  He grinned a silly little grin and leaned back. 

“And you…,” he encouraged, rolling a hand in the ‘continue on’ gesture.

“And as soon as you loosened up the hug, and after I got over the shock, I turned around and jumped on you…”

“And we fell…,” he grinned, crossing his arms all smug and satisfied.

“And we fell,” you sighed, “and you hit your head, and there was blood and I freaked out, and we ended up with you trying to calm me down on the couch, and after that…”

“After that, you passed out from exhaustion.”

You shut your eyes in mortification.  “Of course I did,” you muttered under your breath.  “Because that’s what you do when your crush tells you he wants to date you.” 

You thought it was quiet enough, but it must have been loud enough for him to hear, because he laughed out loud again. 

Time to face the music


You sat up slowly, groaning at your sore back, but you made it upright.  Onew took advantage of the extra space left when you moved your legs and sat down.  He turned to face you, crossing his legs.  You noticed that his clothes had changed from the interview outfit to a loose pair of sweats and a large t-shirt.  Must have gotten them from storage over there.

His face was make-up free, and for a nanosecond you felt the tiniest sliver of envy at the smoothness of his skin.


“So, why don’t you tell me what happened after I went out.  Better yet, tell me what brought on this sudden desire for a relationship.”

He paused, face taking on a solemn expression.   “First, will you please answer my question?” 

You cocked your head, confused.  “Question?”

Something flickered in his eyes, too quick for you to catch.  He looked down at his hands and took a deep breath.  Looking up, he caught your gaze.  “I like you.  I’d like to be your boyfriend.  I’d like to date you.  I’d like you to be mine. “ 

His tone became even more serious, almost formal.  “Will you accept me?”


You were never one of those people who always said the right thing at the right time.  You almost never had snappy comebacks when you wanted them.    Usually, you just blurted out whatever was at the front of your mind at the time.  Unfortunately, you were one of those people that just couldn’t keep quiet.  The only time you seemed to get your act together was in professional situations. 

So you amazed yourself when what fell from your lips was…nothing.


Instead, you leaned forward, carefully this time, placing your hands on either side of his face.  You kept your face serious, eyes locked to his.  You could see the worry that crept in, the skin tightening over his jaw.  His eyes widened as you pressed your lips against his.  The kiss was soft, sweet, and just long enough to feel him begin to respond, lips moving against yours.  You pulled back, letting your heart show in the silly smile plastered across your face.

“In case you missed it, that was a yes.”







A/N: Oh my Awesome Subbers, the update has arrived!  Finally got some time at like 5 this morning to post this, cause I'm totally up early & about to go into work.  Thanks for waiting- *hugs*.

A/N#2: OMG!  Bought the new SHINee album- and I LOVE IT SO STINKING MUCH!  My goodness, Taemin's voice has improved so dang much- he has so many parts its amazing!  Of course, the rest of the boys sound lovely too.  Did you see the teaser MV?  So happy that the MV makes them look way more y than the teaser photos!  Can't wait to see the full MVs & get the new dances!  Yay K-POP- gotta love it.  *ahem* Okay, fangirling stops here. *grin*

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In the middle of the next chapter right now. This story has become my achilles heel people.


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Chapter 46: oh my . .
it's must be hard for her and jinki

update soon please^^
Chapter 46: Oh Em Gee!!! I've missed a lot and only mananged to finish reading uptodate today.

I feel sorry for myself. How much more pain can she bear? :'(
Shineegirl101 #3
Chapter 45: Cute a/n ;D glad to finally get an update! :D I'm really hoping for some happy Onew/you times soon! I miss those :(.... ;P jk. Any update is a great update! <3333
aegyoJellyprincess #4
Chapter 45: ah~ another nice update~ although depressing, it's getting better~ will be waiting for your next update~
VerOnew #5
Chapter 45: I hope we sort things out and end Happily Ever After soon.
Great to see you writing again, I really love this story, and it was worth waiting for an update. :) <3
Chapter 45: yayyyy an update^^
Chapter 45: It's heartbreaking to see them suffering. Please make them together again. Thanks for update <3<3
Shineegirl101 #9
Chapter 44: Holy crap I can't even.... But I'm so glad you updated! Definatly worth the wait! <3333
Chapter 44: this is so sad, hope that Onew can know the truth soon TT