
Behind the Smile

The Enemy's POV


He woke up in a terrible mood.  Rubbing at his eyes, he looked around the bedroom, irritated at all the damage he had done in his fit of rage last night.  The maids will just have to work a little harder than usual.

He threw the covers off and stalked into the bathroom, anger once again bubbling up from the boiling pool hiding somewhere deep inside him.  He splashed water on his face, and stared intently at his own eyes in the mirror.  For an instant, he was shocked at his own expression- cruelty pulled at the corners of his lips-casting his smile into more of a evil grimace, and his eyes- it was if burning flames lived deep in their depths.  But his initial feeling of revulsion passed quickly- and he felt dissatisfaction settle into his features like an unwelcome guest, lingering in the way his skin felt pulled taut over his bones. 

 Yes, he thought, I’ll have to suffer with this until I can transfer this burden to someone else. Until I can make that person suffer as much as me, I can never feel good.  Why is it that I never realized how quickly life can change?



Loyalty meant NOTHING in this business.  He slammed the delicate teacup and saucer down to the table, the cup wobbling rapidly with mad clinking sounds of china against china, rolling across the surface uncontrollably and off the edge, shattering on the tile floor.  The President merely lifted an eyebrow at the rude outburst, carefully uncrossing his legs and taking one last sip of the expensive green tea.  The irate man watched in pure frustration as the President gently set down his own teacup, and took up a linen napkin to dab the last traces of moisture from his lips. 

Finishing his task, his eyes flashed upward with a hard stare.  “I have always respected your work, and it has been good work, in the past.  Your ability to complete concepts and your professionalism under stressful conditions in this fast-paced industry have impressed me.  Please don’t make me doubt your character now.” 

The President sighed at the affronted look still plastered to the designer’s face.  “I hope this will not be the end of our association- the fact that we’re going with a new designer for this album in no way means we wish to sever all of our ties with you.  We have several other bands nearing debut that could benefit greatly from your input.  Let the development team know if you’re interested- I’m sure we can work out an equitable arrangement for your services.”  

The angry man suddenly stood, gave a brief bow and swung on one heel, stomping toward the door with outrage clearly visible in every step.   The sound of the President’s voice stopped him as he grasped the door handle.  “One last thing- Please accept my personal gratitude.  It is my belief that SHINee’s popularity was in part due to your contribution to developing their original style.” 

“Yes, it was me.  But never again,” the man gritted out, flinging open the door with a bang and striding off into the bowels of the SM company building. 


His blood was on fire, his hands shaking as he returned to his on-site office to gather up his personal effects.  No way am I leaving a bit of my hard work for some other nobody stylist to take credit for- they can damn well do it all on their own, just like I had to in the beginning.

“You two- come over here and get all this stuff packed up- I’ll call a van to have it all hauled over to my studio this afternoon.  The finalized clothing in the Shinee block that has been paid for by the company stays.  Everything pending, all the drafting and sewing supplies, fabric, it goes with me - and I mean EVERYTHING.  Get busy.”  

The look on his face cowed his long-time assistants, and they nervously began filling boxes, debating whether or not they should ask about the sudden change in their boss's attitude.  Watching as he went to his work desk, they flinched as he swept his arm across the surface, sending all his supplies and equipment crashing to the floor.  “Not now…, “ one of the assistants mouthed to the other with a negative headshake.  They silently got to work, even as their boss sat panting in fury. 

End Flashback



Face dripping, hands gripping the edge of the countertop with fierce pressure, he contemplated his crap situation. 

Work hard, do a good job, produce, produce, produce hit after hit.  Always something new, always something cutting edge, leading trends, hell- MAKING the next trend.  It wasn’t enough that he had spent nights sewing his fingers off, sketching thousands of “looks”, researching, buying, or searching out the next biggest thing in clothes and accessories. 

Out of the blue, they hire some unknown rookie to think up the look for the Korean Comeback album- one of the most eagerly anticipated new albums of the year.  All new songs-nothing repackaged.   A concept he had already been working on the past nine months while SHINee was in Japan.

It was a 20-minute phone call from the SM president to set up a meeting.  A face-to-face meeting in which he thought he was going to be given the final go-ahead for the new project.  How insulting-I’ve been with them almost since the beginning.  Our names have been linked, our futures linked, and now…..nothing.  It was an insult.  A slap in the face for a respected name in the business.  Ha Sang Baek was internationally known- a leading icon in the Korean fashion world.  Now, to have it known-gossiped about- that SM had dropped him, it was intolerable.  I at least expected more warning than this.


He dried his face with a towel, piecing together a cool mask of indifference to cover his real feelings.   He strode over to his closet, deftly avoiding the broken glass and unrecognizable bits of torn and shredded paper and fabric littering the carpet.  What to wear-if he was going into battle, he’d better put on some good armor.   This new designer, what was that family name again?  James?    Never heard of him, he sneered as he slipped on some dark pressed jeans, a foreigner no less…

He’d have to see what kind of talent this kid had, and if he had the chops to swim with the big boys.  Because it’s never easy when you’re new-someone’s always waiting for you to slip up…and sometimes that someone is there to help you over the edge, like me…  He pulled on a white muscle shirt and long black cardigan, a giant war plane dive-bombing printed across the back, choosing to wear some bright yellow framed glasses and a set of dog-tags on a long chain.

After all, he was a professional, and he had learnt a lot while working his way through the ranks.  The best way to get revenge, to keep yourself on top, was to do it coldly and without remorse- to think and plan and cover your …   He pulled on some yellow and black high-top sneakers at the door, grabbed his work-satchel and headed out to his studio.  An ugly smile flashed over his face as he started sketching out his plan.


To take care of your problems, you had to do it….professionally.  

<--Ha Sang Baek



A/N#1: So, Ha Sang Baek really is one of the designers who works with SHINee-and developed the whole bright-colored skinny jeans look they are famous for- maybe you recognize the clothes below? he designed these pieces for thier Lucifer comeback!  And Minho has walked in several of his collection shows see awesome robot walk here   He's really not a mean/evil guy at all, but I needed a villian for this story.  So, mianhe, Ha Sang Baek, if you ever read this- I really love your work!

A/N#2: And yes...that is a girl over there wearing the same pants as Taemin *giggle*  And of course, Onew Condition in the photo *he's so crazy cute*


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In the middle of the next chapter right now. This story has become my achilles heel people.


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Chapter 46: oh my . .
it's must be hard for her and jinki

update soon please^^
Chapter 46: Oh Em Gee!!! I've missed a lot and only mananged to finish reading uptodate today.

I feel sorry for myself. How much more pain can she bear? :'(
Shineegirl101 #3
Chapter 45: Cute a/n ;D glad to finally get an update! :D I'm really hoping for some happy Onew/you times soon! I miss those :(.... ;P jk. Any update is a great update! <3333
aegyoJellyprincess #4
Chapter 45: ah~ another nice update~ although depressing, it's getting better~ will be waiting for your next update~
VerOnew #5
Chapter 45: I hope we sort things out and end Happily Ever After soon.
Great to see you writing again, I really love this story, and it was worth waiting for an update. :) <3
Chapter 45: yayyyy an update^^
Chapter 45: It's heartbreaking to see them suffering. Please make them together again. Thanks for update <3<3
Shineegirl101 #9
Chapter 44: Holy crap I can't even.... But I'm so glad you updated! Definatly worth the wait! <3333
Chapter 44: this is so sad, hope that Onew can know the truth soon TT