Chapter 5

Memories Last Forever


~Maybe I'm Treating Him Too Harshly...

Mei Mei: Guigui!
Guigui: Hmmm?
MM: Can you take Aaron to his room?
GG: Aren't you scared that I might poison him?
MM: Guigui!
~End Of Recap :D

Guigui's POV:
Grr... I've already done all I could.
1.I kept my temper cool.
2.I didn't say anything rude to Aaron...
NOW THIS? I'll be more happy if I just brought him to the
Airport and let him fly to where he belongs, AWAY FROM ME!
"AARON! Wake your damn self up!... Your not my responsibility.
So you better bring yourself to your room!" I yell.
"GUIGUI!" Mei Mei shouts.

Guigui takes Aaron's hand and places it around her neck.
She slowly tries to help him up...
& aaron follows...

@ Aaron's room:

Guigui's POV:
Haaa! Finally here!
"Here you are. Sleep!" I rudely say.
As soon as I left the room, I heard Aaron reciting words,
with a name that seems to be a girls...
"I love you, Rainie! I love you, Rainie. Come back! I'm hurting! It's too cruel!..."
I suddenly feel my anger dissapear. What is he saying?
Whose Rainie? IS THAT A GIRL? It must be a girl! Aaron's not gay...
Or Is he?...* Maybe I'm treating him too harshly...

Mei Mei's POV:
What's taking Guigui so long?
What is she doing?
"Guigui!" I called...
"Where are you?"
"Oh uhm, I'm here..." Guigui answers.
Guigui comes down looking like something hit her.. She turned
pale and looked as if she's done something wrong.
"Guigui, are you okay?" I ask...
No reply...
"Oh huh?" She replies.
"What's wrong?" I ask her worriedly...
She does nothing but walks to the dinner table. I soon follow
her as a concerned friend would.
"What's wrong? Is everything wrong? Did Aaron do anything?"
I impatiently ask her.
"Oh No...I've just been thinking..." She sadly says...
*She has never been so serious and sad at the same time...
since that day...*

Guigui's POV:
I know Mei Mei is still wondering.
I know that she's thinking about the last time I've acted like this...
When we were 7 years old...

Okaay, so here is my Update as for April 17th...
Hope you like it.
& I will update more :P

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