Chapter 15

Memories Last Forever



Jade: Haha.. :P yep yep..
Megan: Thanks :D
Kodocha2007: I will :P
Aaron: Yeah... I was planning to tell you but, no time right? It's all good! All that's missing is Mei Mei and we all reunite!

Xiao Xun: You mean Jie and Mei Mei... Not only Mei Mei..

Aaron: No, Jie is already here... -points at Hebe-

Xiao Xun: WHAT?...


Xiao Xun: WHAT? She's not Jie!

Aaron: Yes she is! She knows all about the adventures and memories we 4 had!

Xiao Xun: That's cuz Guigui and her were close friends before you came and Guigui would tell her a lot about
"OUR" adventures!

Aaron: WHAT? Aren't they still close?!?!?

Hebe: Y-y-yess we are!

Xiao Xun: No they're not! After Hebe found out about all the informations and memories, she ditched!
She turned her back on Guigui and used her!

Aaron: Is that true?

Hebe: NO! ?

Xiao xun: Admit is you two faced ! You hurt Guigui greatly! You lied to her and told her false things!

Hebe: No I didn't!

Xiao Xun: Okay, Ya lun, did you ever say you never want to see and talk to Guigui anymore?
Did you ever say behind her back?

Aaron: No...

Xiao Xun: Well, I video taped something that happened recently...
Watch it here.


After watching the video:

Xiao Xun: I can't believe that you were that stupid to believe this girl.

Aaron: I.. I...

Xiao Xun: I'm out... Get your facts straight. & Hebe, Fix Yourself.. Your messed.


Hebe: Aaron, I...

Aaron: Don't talk to me...

Hebe: But.. I...

Aaron: Get out of my house.

Hebe: I can explain.



Aaron's POV:
What have I done?
Because I believed Hebe, I hurt Guigui.
It's all my fault.

The next day:

"Okay, so I'm going to be taking the attendance." T.Lee says.

"Xiao Zhu-Here!... Ah Mei-Here!...Guigui-..."

"GUIGUI?-... I guess she's absent"-T.Lee

"& also, Aaron, can you bring the attendance sheet to the office?"

"Sure T.Lee" Aaron replies...

As Aaron was making his way to the office, Aaron spots Guigui talking to the principal.
Afterwards, as soon as Guigui leaves the office, Aaron approaches her.
Aaron's POV:

"Guigui," I call.

Guigui stops from walking but remains silent.

"I'm so sorry, it was all my fault..." I told her.

"& so I heard she played you..." Guigui mentions

"She did. But you have to understand that even when I was with her, all I could think about
was you. I think she got fed up and took revenge..."
I told her.

"Gui, I-I Love you."

Guigui's POV:
As soon as I heard him say that, I was at shock!
I have always wanted to tell him that. But... something
has always stopped me.
"I Love You, Jie" He told me.
I remain where I am and don't talk at all. I'm speechless.

"Gui, Jie, I know it's hard to love me back after all the things that I let happen.
But please, let me have a chance."

... No reply...
Aaron began to walk away slowly.
I turn around and run after him.
I hug him from the back. I hugged him tightly. & I told him:
My tears began to drip down my face.

Aaron's POV:
As I began to wal back and away...
Guigui ran and hugged me from my back.
She hugged me tightly. & It felt good.
I love her so much. But I felt much better when she said:

This is probably my last update for today :D
see you tomorrow :P


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