Chapter 13

Memories Last Forever


..`All wrong!

Hello Everyone!
Chapter 13 for you! <3
Update Update Update!
Aaron's POV:
What's happening?
Why do I feel so angry at myself for making her misunderstand!
"Hey, Ah Bu!" Hebe calls.
"Don't Call Me THAT!" I yell and walk away.
Such a pain in the .
"I'm sorry aaron, did I do anything wrong?" she asks.
In a matter of fact, she didn't! Why am I getting angry at her for?
"oh nothing hebe, I'm sorry for yelling, I'm just frutriated." I ensure her.
"Talk to me, You can trust me." she says...

Aaron's POV cont'd:
Should I tell her?
She is Jie, and I have known her for a LOOONG TIME!
"Hao, well are you sure you want to hear?"
"Yep. What are friends for?" She asks.

"The story is, I know that I have promised to marry you when we were young, but you know, things change, and I think
that I don't like you anymore. I think
that I like Guigui..." I tell her.

"What?!?!" She shockingly says.

"I though you wanted to know?!" I respond.

"Oh uum, continue continue... " she says stuttering.

"Well, I tried to make my first move by asking her to eat with me, but then earlier
she started saying how it's ok, I shouldn't have pity on her.
Also, how I shouldn't shove it in her face that SHE'S much better than her. I'm confused and angry cuz I know someone set me up! Now she
thinks that I am only pitying her!" I tell hebe.

"To tell you the truth, Guigui isn't really that kind of person that you thought she was.
She's actually a backstabber, but I continue to be her friend
because I feel sorry that she doesn't have much friends.
She used me many times to get to guys. So I should've warned you." She says.

"Hebe, why do I feel like your lying? Why do I feel that your the one who backstabs?" I ask.

"Aiyo! You've known me for a long time already! You know better that I don't do those things!" she said.

Being around hebe, I felt like I could tell her many things, but at the same time,
I feel like she's hiding something. That she's trying to be someone she's not.
That she's backstabbing.
She's not the "JIE" that I used to know anymore...


Guigui's POV:
"Xiao Xun! Will you be walking with me to go home?" I ask.
"Uhm Yea! I just need to clean my locker." She replies.
"Wow, it's only been a few weeks since summer break and your locker's already messy?"
"Shush! HAHA.. Just wait for me outside, Gui"
"Okay Okay Xiao Xun" I reply.

15 minutes later, I see a figure coming to me. I thought it was Xiao Xun so I told her to hurry,
Only to find out that it was Hebe.

"GUIGUI" she yells!

"uhm, ye-yeaah?"

She started to talk to me like she was disgusted. Ugh, how I wanted to beat her up!

"Aaron said sorry if he pitied you. He also said that he never wanted to see you anyways. So stay away" she
said then walks away.

Tears started to fall from my eyes. I then realized that I loved this Arrongant Boy!

"Guigui! Are you okay?" Xiao Xun asked.

"I'm fine," I said.

"I saw and heard everything... that aaron!" Xiao xun exclaimes!

"Xiao xun! Please don't talk about this anymore!" I beg her.

"If you insist... But if he over does it, I'm gonna go straight to Xiao Yu! Or even confront Aaron!"
She angrily says.

"Ok Ok Ok..." I tell her...

The two soon walk home...


Ring Ring

"hello?" Aaron picks up

"Hello! Hey it's me Hebe!"

"oh hi Hebe. What's up?"

"Hey, uhm I tried to clear things up with Guigui... But she told me that you and her will never
be friends again. Also, she said that your so arrogant..."

"She's overdoing it! Why would she say that?!?! I haven't even said anything to her that
would make her think like that...You know what?
I'll confront her!"

"Wait no! you can't!"

"Why not...?"

"Cu-cuz, it's not nice to say that to girls!"

"Okay, bye hebe."


Hebe is turning everyone against eachother!
Especially GUILUN!


In Guigui's thoughts: I really really like Aaron... & after hearing what he had to say, it broke my heart!

In Aaron's thoughts: Guigui couldn't have said that! I love her too much to believe it! Wait... I love her?


Very... dramatic huh?
*I am sorry for all the Hebe fans! I'm sorry for making her look mean and rude!
Please don't take it seriously! It's just a character played:P

-ツLatienzaa <3

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