Chapter 32

Memories Last Forever


..`Sunset :$

Okay, since someone emailed me and asked if we can fasten the MEIYU section,
I will most likely 'fastforward' it...ahah

Guigui knew that Aaron was going to pull her hand. Instead, she ran away
as fast as she could.

"GUIGUI! Don't worry, you can't hide from me!" -Aaron chuckles.

"Blah blah blah" -Gui imitates.

The whole afternoon, GUILUN spent their time together. Laughing and having
the time of their lives.

Later that day:
"Gui! What time is it?" Aaron asked getting ready.

"It's 7:00 pm now. & Why are you getting ready?" Gui replied wondering
what occasion it was.

"Oh, just get ready. I want to show you my favorite place :D" Aaron said applying cologne on himself.

"Oh Okay." Gui said with no questions.


@ aaron's favorite place:

"Here we are!" Aaron exclaimed.

"Wow. Where are we? " Gui asked softly.

"I call it the rolling hill because when I was younger, my ball would always roll
down this hill." Aaron joked.

"hmm.. Well, I've never been here." Gui replied calmly.

"Gui, are you okay? You don't seem like yourself this evening." aaron asked.

"Oh... uhm... I don't feel good." Gui answered.

"Well, then should we go home?" Aaron asked worriedly.

"No no... I'm fine. I want to stay here." Gui stuttered

"o--oh if you insist." Aaron looked at her.

He took her hand and held it while hugging her. They looked at the sun
as it was setting. It was a beautiful scene.


Okay, so I know it's not a good update but please don't mind me! :S


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