Chapter 35

Memories Last Forever


..`All those symptoms...

"Gui, are you okay?" -Aaron

"I'm fine." -Gui said drowsily

"Well, Mei asked if we're gonna go, but since your not feeling well,
I'll tell her we can't go." -Aaron

"No! I want to go, just let me take a nap, okay?" -gui

"Okay. -takes out phone to call mei, to inform her to delay it another hour.-" -Aaron

Ah Bu, once again, wrapped his hands around Guigui and watch her as
she breathed in an out.

Aaron's POV:
2 Hours had past and though I was aware of it, I just let Guigui continue sleeping. I know
that there is something that is happening. Either she is sick, or just tired...


Guigui openned her eyes, and said:

"Oh No! Mei Mei! Let's go Yan Ya Lun!"

"Well, answer the telephone first!" - Aaron


G: Wei?
M: Wei? Where are you?
G: We're coming now.
M: I thought you were going to ditch... Hao Hao.
G: Kay. bye
M: Bye

A: Are you feeling okay Ghost?

G: Yea. Now I am. Maybe I was just tired.

A: Okay. That's good. Do you know where we're going?

G: Nope. She just said go to her house.

A: I see.


Once they arrived at Mei Mei's house, the two rang the bell.

"Gui, Ya Lun, Come in!" - Mei

"Wei, I thought we were going out?" - Gui

"We are. Just come in first." - Mei


G: What's happening here? -sees luggages-

M: Well, we're going to... -get's cut off-

Xiao Yu: we're going to a place I own.

A: You own a property?

XY: Yeah. Just recently.

A: Well, you are rich.

G: So where is this? & we don't have OUR clothes. & Is Xiao Xun coming?

Xiao Xun: Did I hear my name?

G: XIAO XUN -runs and hugs her-

A: You've been here the whole time?

XX: Yea. I was upstairs. Anyways, are you guys coming?

G: I'm SOOOOO confused! Where ARE we going?

XY: It's a surprise... & don't worry about your clothes, we bought you new ones.

G: Okay... -loses balance-

M: WHOA. Gui, are you okay?

G: Yeah I'm fine... I just haven't felt good for the past few weeks.

M: Have you been puking?

G: Yes... Very much.

XX/M: OMG! -pulls gui into the washroom-

A: What's wrong with them?

XY: Brother, your slow...


In the washroom~

M: WU YING JIE! Do you know what's happening?

G: No.

XX: All the symptoms that you have are leading to only ONE conclusion!

G: WHAT??!?! Tell me already!

M: You might be pregnant...


M: No.. We're not kidding okay?

XX: Now, we're going to bring you to the doctor.

G: What about our outing?

M: We're leaving later at like 7 pm. We have a lot of time for check ups.

XX: And as for results, I believe it only takes 3 hours for results here in TAIWAN NATIONAL HOSPITAL.

M: Yes. They are very quick. So by then, we would know if you are pregnant or not.

G: Okay. But don't tell Aaron yet okay?

XX: Why not?

G: I want it to be a surprise. Hao la?

M: Okay. Okay. Let's take you to the hospital now.

The three exit the washroom and head for aaron and xiao yu.

"Xiao Yu, we're just going to go shopping before we leave." - Mei

"can we come?" - Aaron

"Nope. It's just us girls :D" - Gui

"Okay then..." - Xiao Yu

Aaron kissed Gui before they left...


Hello! I know I haven't been able to update for the past few days... but here it is!


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