Chapter 37

Memories Last Forever



“Don’t worry. I heard your condition has been very bad for a while? Throwing up a lot and always searching for sour food, etc? Is that true?” she asked again, focusing on me.

“Yes. That’s true.” I replied

“I guess it’s true. There’s an eighty percent chance of being able to be pregnant. Here, just follow my every word.” While patting my back.

After the experiment was done, the nurse talked to me again before leaving.

“Ms. Wu, come back after 3 hours, and we’ll tell you the results.” The nurse ended.

***GUI’s POV***
“So? How’d it go?” Xiao Xun and Mei Mei ask curiously

“Nothing really exciting nor boring happened. She just told me to do a bunch of things, and I followed.” I answered

“Oh I see. So… want to go shopping? We’ll just pick up a few things before leaving for the ‘surprise’ place” Mei Mei asked.

“Sure! Wait, I don’t know if I brought my credit card with me.” Xiao Xun added.

“Don’t worry! I got this. My parents sent over money from America and I’m loaded… Ha-ha!” Mei Mei bragged.

“Rich people these days.” Xiao Xun and I smiled at each other and murmured.

“Hey! Do you not want free things? Fine! Go and pay yourself.” Mei said.

“We’re just kidding! Let’s go!” I pushed Mei forward.

Three hours had passed and the 3 girls had done nothing but shop at every store they had encountered. From purses to shoes, tops to bathing suits, jackets to make up, jewellery to hand held gadgets. For almost 4 hours, they’ve been shopping. Until Guigui remembered that she still needed to retrieve her results.
“Guys! Let’s go back to the hospital! I need to get my results.” I yelled.

“Oh yea! It’s time!” Xiao Xun giggled.

Returning to the hospital, Guigui and the two waited patiently and quietly. Nervous as they were, Mei became emotional. “Gui! I’m so proud of you! You’ve become a grown woman. You even became pregnant before I did!” tears fell down Mei’s face. “Aiyo! Mei Mei, stop it. People are looking at us” I whined.

“Ms. Wu?” the front lady called.

“Yes. I’m here.” I answered

“The doctor is ready to see you now.” She said once more.

Gui nodded and headed for the room.

“Ni hao! Wo shi Guigui, err… Wu Ying Jie” I introduced.

“Welcome welcome! Come here, sit sit.” The tall doctor welcomed.

“Are you ready to hear your results?” he asked

“u-uh, yes doctor.” I replied.

“It’s positive.” He smiled.

With that, Gui rushed out and cheered her way out! Xiao Xun, Mei Mei! It’s positive! I am pregnant! I proudly shouted. I can’t believe that this is actually happening to me! Yay! I can’t wait to tell Ah Bu!


By this, the three headed home, excited with the results that they had received. To tell the truth, Xiao Xun and Mei Mei look more overjoyed than Guigui. Guigui just looked at them surprised with their reactions.

Okay, so... This is all I'm going to be updating for the rest of the day. I'm really stressed...
My parents are fighting again and I'm really... pissed. So I hope you enjoy this update :D


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