Chapter 40

Memories Last Forever


..`Happy Ending~

“So what do you guys want to do after lunch?” Guigui asked.

“Well, wait until our food is digested and maybe a walk around the neighbourhood?” Xiao Yu answered.

“Cool! I can’t wait” Mei exclaimed.

2 hours later, the 5 went and walked around, while Aaron and Xiao Yu acted very strange. They walked together
behind the girls and smiled making Guigui, Mei, and Xiao Xun confused. They knew that these 2 were up to something. But what?

“OOOH! My stomach hurts!” Aaron shouted.

Everyone ran to Aaron asking:
“Are you okay?”

“Hun, you want to go back to the house?” Guigui asked.

“Uhm… No! I’ll go with him” Xiao Yu called.

“No, but I’m his girlfriend, I should go with him” Guigui added.

“I’m a guy. I know what wrong with him… So let the man handle this” Xiao Yu boasted.

“Yeah Gui, I’ll just go with Xiao Yu. It’s okay. Really” Aaron remarked.

“I-if you say so Ah Bu…” Gui smiled

Then, Xiao Yu and Aaron disappeared.

“They really are acting weird… Too weird.” Xiao Xun examined.

“Ha-ha… Well ladies, shall we?” Mei asked.

“Shall we what?” Xiao Xun asked.

Then Mei sprayed water in Guigui and Xiao Xun’s faces.

“Wei!” Gui and Xiao Xun shouted.


For about 2 hours, the girls gossiped and laughed while playing with water… Until, they decided to head for the beach house.

“Guigui, go first. I need to tell Mei something okay?” Xiao Xun demanded.

“Okay?” Gui answered.

***GUI’S POV***
They’re acting weird too. First the guys, now them?
What’s happening here?
Just before I could ask myself, I saw Aaron there. Standing.
I was going to call for his name, but he stood there with a bouquet of flowers.
What’s he doing?
He approached me. I stood still. He came closer and closer then looked at me.
He handed me the flowers and bent down.
Oh my gosh!

“Gui, I love you with all my heart.” He said.

“& I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?” He continued.

I remained speechless.

“Guigui…” He stammered.

“Ah Bu… I-I…YES!” I shouted…

I jumped up and hugged him. He twirled me around and looked me in the eyes.

“I love you.” He said.

“I love you too…” I replied…

Months later~ @ the wedding~

Priest: Guigui, will you take Aaron as your lawfully wedded husband? To cherish and to hold? Till death do you part?

Guigui: I do –smiles-

Priest: Aaron, will you take Guigui as your lawfully wedded wife? To cherish and to hold? Till death do you part?

Aaron: I do.

P: I pronounce you husband and wife…


-The two, kisses-

I myself don't believe that this was really an awesome ending...
But I hope you liked it :D


-Read my last post a bit soon :D

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