Chapter 38

Memories Last Forever


..`Jie & Ah Bu

“Are you ready to hear your results?” he asked

“u-uh, yes doctor.” I replied.

“It’s positive.” He smiled.

With that, Gui rushed out and cheered her way out! Xiao Xun, Mei Mei! It’s positive! I am pregnant! I proudly shouted. I can’t believe that this is actually happening to me! Yay! I can’t wait to tell Ah Bu!


By this, the three headed home, excited with the results that they had received. To tell the truth, Xiao Xun and Mei Mei look more overjoyed than Guigui. Guigui just looked at them surprised with their reactions.

When they got home, before Guigui could exit the car, Mei Mei and Xiao Xun had already run inside the room and capture Aaron in their hands. They dragged him across the room to the living room and pushed him into the couch. Aaron was speechless. He did not know what was happening. He just sat there and remained quiet. Xiao Yu just watched carefully and did not dare say a word, because from his perspective, there was something exciting about to happen. He sat at the dinner table and observed the girls as they pulled Guigui inside the house. Xiao Xun grabbed Aaron’s attention and said:

“Aaron, look at Guigui”

“Okay…” He answered

“Well, what do you notice from Guigui? Did she change by any chance?” Mei asked.

“She did get a little fatter” He replied.

“AH BU!” Guigui responded.

“What? I still love you!” Aaron calmed her.

“Truth is Gui, you’re SUPPOSED to get fatter!” Xiao Xun explained

“Well DUH! I’m…” Gui softened.

“You’re what? Hun?” Aaron curiously asked.

“I’m…” Guigui stammered.

“Tell him Gui!” The two encouraged.

“Hao… I-I’m pregnant Aaron.” Gui continued.

Aaron’s eyes widened. He was shocked, yet happy to hear such news. He stood from his seat and hugged her.

“Guigui! I love you!” He exclaimed

“I love you too.” Guigui smiled.

Xiao Yu, Xiao Xun, and Mei cheered and wooed them. Mei Mei’s eyes became watery. She was very happy to see Jie and Ah Bu together again after so long. Xiao Yu comforted Mei Mei while Xiao Xun smiled while eating the food they bought from the mall. The smile on each one’s face was a true sign of love and joy whereby we can announce it irreplaceable.

It was soon 6:30, 30 more minutes till the time they would leave. They took everything they needed to the car and all the food they could get for the hour drive. They shoved their wallets into their pockets, as well as some candies for the trip. The 5 sat down in the living room and talked about pointless things with countless laughter. They were overjoyed with all the luck they have been receiving.

“Okay everyone, let’s roll. Its 7:00 pm, time to head out!” Xiao Yu exclaimed.

“Wow, you sound like a guide honey!” Mei amazed.

The 5 headed towards the car and drove off.

Thanks for word of encouragement. & my parents are getting better :D HAHAH!


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