Chapter 19

Memories Last Forever


..`You and I <3

I know that I haven't updated much. It's 'cuz I have a lot on my schedule.
ALSO, Wish me and my team luck because we're going PLAYOFF's tomorrow! <3
Neways, here's the Update :P
Mom walked to me.
"Gui, Your Ah Bu seems to be a gentleman." she told me as she walked away.


Aaron: You looked surprised.~

Guigui: In fact I am.

Aaron: Why?

Guigui: Cuz I didn't think you would pick me up... and...

Aaron: And...?

Guigui: Nothing.

Aaron: ...Was it cuz your mom said "Your Ah bu?..."

Guigui: How'd you know!?!

Aaron: I told her.

Guigui: Told her what? -Freaking out-

Aaron: That we're going out!

Guigui: WHAT?!?

Aaron: Don't worry. It's all gonna work out. -Takes Guigui's hand and pulls
it out the door.-

Guigui's POV:
Aaron continued to hold my hand. :D
I loved the way it felt. His soft hands on mines.
"Gui" He called

"Yes?" I replied.

"Uhm... Can I..." He said stuttering

"Hmmm...?" I wondered

"Can I kiss you?" He asked.

WHAT?! Did he ask if he can kiss me...?
I'm too nervous. He turned me around and faced me.
He crept closer and because I became nervous, I immediately changed the subject.

"Uhh Ah Bu..." - Me

He pauses and looks at me "Yea?"

"My dad wants to meet you after school... To make sure that I'm in good hands when they leave."-I said

"Oh, Ok..."-He said... Forgetting about kissing me.

I figured that it was too early... I'll wait til I'm at his house... So it can be better...
WAIT! Guigui... -Pinches self- Stop thinking dirty!

"Are you okay, Gui?"- He asked

"Oh I'm fine... Why'd you ask"-Me

"Cuz you just pinched yourself"-ah bu

"Oh... I..."-Me

"You thought you were dreaming about dating such a handsome guy like me,... huh?"-Ah bu.

"You.. Brag to much.-Punches him on his arm-" -Me

"Haha. It's true though.. Haha!" -ah bu

"I admit. I am lucky.-BLUSHES-" - Me

"Awweee, is my lil ghost blushing?"-Ah bu

"Shut up... -smiles."-Me

"Hey uhm, why have I always called you Jie? I'm older than you..."-He asked.

"I don't know... Probably cuz my name is Wu Ying JIE..."-Me

"Why not Xiao Jie?" He continued.

"I don't know! Your the one who started calling me Jie."-Gui

(A/N True reason is, I didn't want to use XIAO JIE cuz you might get confused if I'm talking bout
the other Xiao Jie)


"Well that's the school bell... - runs away-"-I yelled.

"HEY! Wait for me!" - aaron

In class:

T.Lee: Okay, so no one's absent?

Students: NO Teacher Lee. -_-

T.Lee: So today, I have good news for you! My wife gave birth to a baby boy
and I will give you this period off as a thanks for all the gifts. :D

Students: YAYY! Congrats Teacher.!

Aaron's POV:
Good! Now I have more time to spend with my ghost :D
"Aaron... You look like your planning something bad..:S" Gui mentioned.

I looked at her, then she started running...

"GUIGUI! Come back"-Me

Haa... Finally caught up.!

"Why were you running?!"- Aaron said as he panted.

All of a sudden, Guigui hugged me and said,
"I just wanted you and I to be alone"

Yaawn! I'm so tired!
Hey, so... if you want to chat with me, here's my msn:
[email protected]
I usually don't give it randomly & I only like to add people I know, but since you guys
have been so kind, I decided to give it :D
~~ ^ aDD mE nOW! <3

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