Chapter 36

Memories Last Forever



XX: And as for results, I believe it only takes 3 hours for results here in TAIWAN NATIONAL HOSPITAL.
M: Yes. They are very quick. So by then, we would know if you are pregnant or not.
G: Okay. But don't tell Aaron yet okay?
XX: Why not?
G: I want it to be a surprise. Hao la?
M: Okay. Okay. Let's take you to the hospital now.
The three exit the washroom and head for aaron and xiao yu.
"Xiao Yu, we're just going to go shopping before we leave." - Mei
"can we come?" - Aaron
"Nope. It's just us girls :D" - Gui
"Okay then..." - Xiao Yu
Aaron kissed Gui before they left...
On their way to the hospital, Guigui felt the urge of needing to puke, yet she did not make such a huge fuss because they were already near the hospital. Xiao Xun and Mei Mei looked delighted in the fact that they were soon going to be Aunts and God Parents.
“Wei!” Gui shouted from the back seat.
“Shenme? Is anything wrong Gui?” Xiao Xun looked at her.

“You guys seem very… happy. Mind telling me why?” GUI asked furiously.

“Well, why do you think? Isn’t it obvious?” Mei Mei answered in such a high pitched tone, as if she wanted Guigui to give them assurance of being Aunts and God Parents.

“NOPE!” Gui sarcastically said.

“Gui, you know what? It’s okay if you don’t know now; it’ll soon hit you like lightning!” Xiao Xun expressed.

“Well then, I guess I’ll wait till’ that day does arrive.” Gui wisely said.

“I don’t think you’ll be able to know afterwards that happening. Either you’ll be dead or very injured.” Mei Mei replied.

“Who knows?” Gui ends the conversation.

Guigui, Mei Mei, and Xiao Xun had surely been together for a long time. There was never a time they had separated nor moved away. The bond they had was unbreakable and indeed, remarkable. Moving on, as soon as the three arrived at the hospital, they headed to the front desk and waited for assistance. Taiwan National Hospital is very busy, yet had very good service. Though they had to wait awhile, they were entertained by the magazines, televisions, and computers organized at a waiting room.

***GUI’S POV***

“Wu Ying Jie?” the nurse called from the desk.

“Yeah, she’s here!” Xiao Xun replied.

“Please follow us. –enters a room where tests are done- Well, Ms. Wu are you excited to know if you’re pregnant?” the nurse turned to me.

“Uh… I’m excited but at the same time nervous.” I answered.

“Don’t worry. I heard your condition has been very bad for a while? Throwing up a lot and always searching for sour food, etc? Is that true?” she asked again, focusing on me.

“Yes. That’s true.” I replied

“I guess it’s true. There’s an eighty percent chance of being able to be pregnant. Here, just follow my every word.” While patting my back.

After the experiment was done, the nurse talked to me again before leaving.

“Ms. Wu, come back after 3 hours, and we’ll tell you the results.” The nurse ended.
This time, I actually read it over before posting it up. Hope you enjoy!

& Guilunfan, I'm so sorry! :D


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