Chapter 34

Memories Last Forever


..`Are You Okay?

"Gui, are you okay? You don't seem like yourself this evening." aaron asked.

"Oh... uhm... I don't feel good." Gui answered.

"Well, then should we go home?" Aaron asked worriedly.

"No no... I'm fine. I want to stay here." Gui stuttered

"o--oh if you insist." Aaron looked at her.

He took her hand and held it while hugging her. They looked at the sun
as it was setting. It was a beautiful scene.

The next day:

Gui: Yaaaaawn! -looks at the time- it's 7:00 am! YES!
-Runs downstairs-

Just as Guigui arrived down, the phone rang.

Gui: Wei? How was it?
Mei: How'd you know it was me?
Gui: Caller ID. Haha... SO TELL ME! How'd it go?
Mei: THANKYOU SO MUCH! The plan you gave me was very affective!
Gui: No problem! :P
Mei: Anyways... Want to celelbrate later?
Mei: Well do you?
Gui: Oh sorry. I just don't feel well. I need to go to the washroom. So call me
later and lets plan things out okay?
Mei: Hao. Are you okay? Do you need me there?
Gui: No No its fine. Must be something I ate yesterday.
Mei: Okay, well... Call you in 5 minutes. BYE!
Gui: Bye!

Guigui rushed to the washroom. She didn't know why she was feeling so nauseous.

"GUI! Where are you?" - Aaron called looking around.

Guigui wiped and gurgled quickly. Then, she ran out.

"BOO! I scared you didn't I?" Gui asked.

"Haha. Not really. Where have you been?" aaron said.

"Oh, I was talking to Mei Mei on the phone. & Guess what?" Gui asked excitedly.

"What?" Aaron wondered.

"Xiao Yu and Mei got back together! ALL BECAUSE OF MY PLAN!" Gui answered proudly.

"Wow. My little Ghostie is so smart! I'm so proud! -pats on the hear-" - Aaron

RING RING! The phone rang.

"Oh that's Mei Mei. Can you answer it? I need to go to the washroom." -Gui

"Ok." -Aaron

Aaron: Hello?
Mei: Hey!
Aaron: So what's up?
Mei: Is Gui there?
Aaron: She's in the washroom
Aaron: Yeah.
Mei: Wow... Anyway, do you want to go and celelbrate?
Aaron: What for?
Aaron: Oh. I almost forgot. Congrats!
Mei: Thanks. Well, do you?
Aaron: Sure. If Gui wants to...
Mei: She will. Don't worry.
Aaron: Okay... When and where?
Mei: Just come over okay?
Aaron: Hao. BYE!
Mei: Bye... Come in an hour! :D

After hanging up, Ya lun headed to the kitchen, he was going to prepare
cereals for Gui and himself...
But it seemed that Gui took a long time...

-Knocks on the washroom door-
A: GUI? Are you okay?
G: No reply.
-Gui started breathing heavily. I'm not anorexic! Why am I throwing up tho?- -Not hearing Aaron-
A:GUI! -Worried- ARE YOU OKAY?
G: OH. I'm fine.
A: Good. You had me worried there. Hurry up then.
G: Sorry. & okay okay.

Moments later, Aaron became crazily worried. What's taking her so long?

A: GUI! You've been in there for 20 MINUTES! What are you doing?
G: -opens the door- I'm really sorry. But I want to go to our room.
A: I prepared cereal for you.
G: I'm not hungry. Thankyou. -heads for the stairs slowly-

Aaron remained speechless. Then followed Gui upstairs.
As soon as she got in the room, she sat on the bed and laid down.
She covered herself then turned the other way. Aaron was watching her
every move. He laid down beside her and hugged her for a while, then looked
at her face to face.

"Gui, are you okay?" -Aaron

"I'm fine." -Gui said drowsily

"Well, Mei asked if we're gonna go, but since your not feeling well,
I'll tell her we can't go." -Aaron

"No! I want to go, just let me take a nap, okay?" -gui

"Okay. -takes out phone to call mei, to inform her to delay it another hour.-" -Aaron

Ah Bu, once again, wrapped his hands around Guigui and watch her as
she breathed in an out.
This story is almost coming to an end! :D Don't worry, I'll keep writing
new ones.



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