Chapter 39

Memories Last Forever



It was soon 6:30, 30 more minutes till the time they would leave. They took everything they needed to the car and all the food they could get for the hour drive. They shoved their wallets into their pockets, as well as some candies for the trip. The 5 sat down in the living room and talked about pointless things with countless laughter. They were overjoyed with all the luck they have been receiving.

“Okay everyone, let’s roll. Its 7:00 pm, time to head out!” Xiao Yu exclaimed.

“Wow, you sound like a guide honey!” Mei amazed.

The 5 headed towards the car and drove off.

After the whole hour trip, Xiao Yu slowly guided them to the huge house that could be seen from afar. They arrived at Xiao Yu’s beach house.

“Here we are!”

“Wow Xiao Yu! You actually own this?” Guigui asked

“Yeah. My mom and dad gave it to me as a gift when I finished Guitar Classes” Xiao Yu answered.

“Wow! So this is how it feels being rich!”

“Come, let’s go inside the house now!” Xiao Xun thrillingly said.

Entering the mansion-like beach house, the 4 observed the contents and features which were included in the house, while Xiao Yu managed the food preparations.


Since it was past 9:00 when they finished talking and bonding with each other, everyone headed for bed. Mei Mei and Xiao Yu, as usual, shared the same room, whereas Aaron and Guigui slept in the same room as well. Xiao Xun wasn’t feeling content at the fact that she had to sleep by herself. Mei assured Xiao Xun that she will introduce her to someone tomorrow, so she will not feel lonely anymore. & by that, they slept.

The next day, Guigui, Aaron, Mei, Xiao Xun, and Xiao Yu swam and played with each other. The girls looked y in the bathing suits while the guys looked hot. Though Guigui began to become chubbier, she still had her edge into wearing her bathing suit. After a tiring morning, they sat by the beach and ate their lunch. Aaron approached Xiao Yu and talked secretly.

“Wei, Guigui, what’s Aaron talking to Xiao Yu about?” Xiao Xun asked.

“I don’t know. I was going to ask Mei.” Guigui answered curiously.

“I have no idea what they’re talking about okay?” Mei added.

“Okay, well then let’s talk secretly too.” Xiao Xun giggled.

“What’s so funny?” Aaron asked.

“Oh Nothing!” Mei sarcastically replied.

“Yeah okay Mei” Xiao Yu said also sarcastically.

“So what do you guys want to do after lunch?” Guigui asked.

“Well, wait until our food is digested and maybe a walk around the neighbourhood?” Xiao Yu answered.

“Cool! I can’t wait” Mei exclaimed.

2 hours later, the 5 went and walked around, while Aaron and Xiao Yu acted very strange. They walked together behind the girls and smiled making Guigui, Mei, and Xiao Xun confused. They knew that these 2 were up to something. But what?
Enjoy! & this is almost ending! :D But don't worry! I will update my NEW FANFIC afterwards :P


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