Chapter 4

Memories Last Forever


~Too much...

Guigui: YOU!

I never saw it coming! My day couldn't have gotten worse...
I finally got out of his sight from class and Mei Mei's telling
me that this guy is Xiao Yu's close friend? Oh My...
"Do you know eachother?" Xiao Yu asks.
"NO!" aaron and I both reply at the same time.
I know it showed disrespect to Xiao Yu but I just couldn't hold it.
He got on my nerves the moment I saw his arrogant face.-_-
"So, are we going to eat?" Mei Mei asks.
"didn't you already eat?" Xiao Xun continues.
"Yeah, but Aaron hasn't eaten yet..."
"Who cares about Aaron? it's a cruel world, go feed yourself!"
I murmur...
Xiao Xun nudges me "don't be so rude!"
"I can't not be rude! He's the arrogant boy who pissed me off
this morning." I whisper.
"It's for Xiao yu. For Xiao Yu..." she replies...
"Hao Hao Hao!" I said...

Aaron's POV:
I can't believe I have to see this annoying girl again.
How is she the cutest and funniest girl of the school?
Maybe the cutest and the most annoying at the school...
WAIT! Did I just call her cute?
UGGH, whatever... I came to see and have fun with my friend
Xiao Yu. Not to make a huge fuss about this girl...
"Come Aaron! Let's eat" Xiao Yu calls.
"Okay!" I reply...

Xiao Yu's POV:
Something's wrong here...
Guigui and Aaron seem to be acting different...
I wonder what happening between them...


Soon, the 5 went out to go to a welcome back party for Aaron
handled and planned by Xiao Yu. There, many of Aaron's friends
showed up.
"I don't even know what I'm doing here Mei Mei" Guigui mentions.
"I'm not his friend and I will never welcome him back if ever he leaves..." Guigui tells Mei Mei..
"Just please do this for Xiao Yu. He worked hard in arranging
this party." Mei Mei begs.
"Hao La. But just this once... okay?"
"DEAL" mei mei answers...


The welcome back party comes to an end. Everyone is exhausted
and Aaron and Xiao yu became drunk...
"Wei! Guigui and Mei Mei... My dad called me and there's a
family emergency.. I have to head home." Xiao Xun says.
"I'll drive you." Mei Mei confines.
"No, you just take care of your drunk BF.."
"It's late now though"
"I'll Be fine. Don't Worry."

Mei Mei: Guigui!
Guigui: Hmmm?
MM: Can you take Aaron to his room?
GG: Aren't you scared that I might poison him?
MM: Guigui!
Okay... I hope you liked this update ^^
& uhm, if ever anything, just comment! :D
I might write chapter 5 tomorrow or tonight.. so just watch out for it :P

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