I bet your son is as handsome as you

Caught In Between

3 pm

"Why does he look so small for a 10 month old baby? I mean he's so tiny is this normal?" Junmyeon wonders to himself. Over hearing what Junmyeon has said, Yifan used this opportunity to try and make things less awkward for them. "Considering the mom's decision to leave the kid behind, he's probably tiny because he's not getting enough nutrition, and besides aren't babies supposed to be tiny?"  Junmyeon decided not to say anything and just rolls his eyes as a response to Yifan's input. "The kid sure loves to sleep, it's been 3 hours." says Yifan while hovering over a sleeping Jongin. "Jesus Christ, he has a name Yifan. His name is Jongin. At least call him by his name, that's the least you could do for him." snapped Junmyeon. All that anger and heartbreak for the past 2 weeks are starting to spew out. "You know I don't mean it like that Jun.." Yifan tries to reason with him. Something tugs at Junmyeon's heart when he heard Yifan called him Jun. He hasn't heard that in a while, well apart form the fact that they cut off all communication since two weeks ago. But, no one calls him that except for Yifan. Junmyeon doesn't feel like arguing anymore and gets up to get himself a glass of water. "I'm gonna go get a drink," declares Junmyeon, "Watch the baby will you? I don't want to him to fall of the bed." "I will.." Yifan's reply was soft. He knows Junmyeon's still hurt and he could hear the tiredness in his voice. Getting up from his seat, he walks over to lay beside Jongin on the bed. Jongin looks so tiny on his huge bed, he thoughts.

Growing up as an only child, and moving from one country to another, Yifan never had the chance to interact with little kids, especially a baby. His parents are always so busy with work and Yifan had no one to play with but himself. It's not that he doesn't like kids, he doesn't know how to deal with them. Looking at Jongin right now, Yifan can't help but bring his hands over to pat Jongin's little tummy in a very gentle way. He's pretty cute, Yifan admits. Amid the chaos, somehow laying with Jongin next to him makes him feel very relax and peaceful. Yifan's eyes are starting to drop as Jongin's breathing is the only thing he can focus on. Sleep taking over him right away.

Junmyeon downs his glass of water in a swift as he makes his way out of the kitchen area. Wanting a bit of space, Junmyeon settles on the living room couch while ocassionaly looking outside at the falling snow. He's tired. Really tired. And it's affecting his actions towards Yifan. As much as he wants to scream for 10 hours straight at the blond male, he knows that he's as tired as he is and it's not his fault. Placing his glass on the table, he spots Jongin's baby bag that's been forgotten on the other couch. The bag is considerably small and Junmyeon hopes that the mom has left another piece of letter to let them know more about Jongin. Unfortunately, the bag only consists of a baby bottle, pacifier, diapers and baby formula that won't even last them for the night. After emptying out the contents of the bag, Junmyeon heads back to the kitchen to prepare Jongin's bottle. It's about time he feeds him. He washes Jongin's baby bottle and placed it in hot water to sterilize it. It'll take about 10 minutes so Junmyeon decides to quickly check up on the baby and Yifan.

Junmyeon entered Yifan's room to find both Jongin and Yifan sleeping soundly, with Yifan's protective hands over Jongin's tummy. Junmyeon smilingly stood by the door a little longer to enjoy the view. He took out his phone and quickly snaped a picture of the duo. Satisfied with the result, he places his phone back in his pocket. Yifan's snores could be easily heard but Jongin didn't even stir. Looking at the sleeping Yifan made Junmyeon's heart softer and he had to resist the urge of running his fingers through Yifan's hair. Hearing the timer go off, he went back to continue making Jongin's bottle.

A few minutes after Junmyeon left the room, Yifan woke up to the sound of his phone ringing and found Jongin wide awake and staring at him. Trying to reach his phone, Yifan realizes that Jongin has Yifan's finger wrapped around his hands and wouldn't let go. Yifan, not knowing what to do, let the phone continue to ring and Jongin continues to stare at the older male, never letting go of his fingers. Something inside off him melted and he's one hundred percent sure he never felt this way before. No one's ever looked or held on to him like that. Junmyeon is an exception. But this child, so innocent and pure, has his hands wrapped around Yifans finger, holding on to it like a lifeline. Feeling extremely mushy, Yifan got up with Jongin in his arms and exited the room to find Junmyeon.

"This is it? There's almost nothing here" Yifan asked incredulously as he checked out Jongin's stuff. "I know, that's why I need you to go out and get more stuff for Jongin."  Junmyeon states while trying to get Jongin to burp. "I already changed him earlier so we only have 2 diapers left and the baby formula is running out pretty quick too. He's gonna need more for the night " "Does that mean you're staying the night?" Yifan teased. Junmyeon's cheeks are starting to get red and he can feel the heat spreading to his ears. Seeing that Junmyeon is unable to answer, Yifan chuckles and grabs his coat and car keys on the way out. "Text me what I need to buy!" shouted Yifan before leaving the house. "You jerk!" Junmyeon screamed as the door closes and Yifan's laugh could still be heard outside and it irritates Junmyeon even more. 

5 pm

Money is far from being a problem for Yifan. He comes from a wealthy family with exceptional background and does pretty well in school despite being the school's resident bad boy. How he ended up with Junmyeon, the school's head boy, is another story. Right now, he's stuck in the baby section of the supermarket, trying to find diapers for Jongin. "Excuse me, but are you buying diapers for your baby?" The middle-aged woman beside him just had to start up a conversation. "Uhh no, I mean yes, it's for my son and I don't know which one to buy." Yifan admits shyly. "Don't worry dear I'll help you. How many months is he?" "He's just a lttle over 10 months" The woman's expression was so happy but Yifan doesn't know why. "10 months is when they're the cutest! Here," The woman placed 2 bags of diapers in Yifan's trolley. "Thank you very much for your help! I should get going" Yifan politely tells her. "It was my pleasure! I bet your son is as handsome as you!" The woman giggles as she left. A smirk appeared on Yifan's face soon after. 

He check's Junmyeon's text again as he waits in line to pay. The cashier starts to scan his items and Yifan is too engrossed on his phone. "Umm excuse Sir" still oblivious to his name being called, Yifan finally looked up to the worker calling him. "I'm sorry but I'm just checking to make sure this is right. This milk is for feeding.." Realizing what the the guy just said, Yifan quickly tells him that it's wrong and that he was actually looking for baby formula and the couple behind him is starting to laugh and Yifan is about cry from the embarrasment. "Yes, I understand sir, many fathers have it wrong the first time don't worry about it" Yifan has his head down and is trying to hide his red face. He abrubtly signs for his card and said a thank you before leaving the supermarket at the speed of light. On his way out to the car park, Yifan saw a small baby store and decided to stop by considering Jongin has no spare clothes to change into. 

He was greeted by a male worker and offered to help him pick stuff for Jongin. Yifan spotted a blue onsie with poodles and thought it'll look cute on Jongin. He also bought baby coats, beanies and shoes for the little boy. The plan was to only buy a few clothes, but he ended up with 2 other workers helping him with his shopping. All belonging to Jongin. He even got a baby shirt that said 'If you think I'm cute you should see my dad'. After loading all of his stuff to his Mercedes, Yifan gave the two male a tip. With the snow still falling, and music playing in the car, Yifan finally heads home.

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2449 streak #1
Chapter 9: wow, it'll be almost 3 years since this was last updated... too bad since this was such an amazing story

whatever happened to you authornim, i hope you're doing fine!
cyfome #2
Chapter 9: Still no update?...=(...
2449 streak #3
Chapter 9: parents!!! such parents to Jongin already...
so this is what youth with access to technology can do... they sure are skilled and the connections are wowing me tbh

so what's the deal with baby Jongin???
and what's his mother's role in this? is she hunted down by mafia groups?

Yifan and the gang, I hope they find Jongin asap and come back safely, I don't know how anxious those waiting for them at home would be during this process...

thank you so much for this update!!! :)
siabruh #4
Chapter 9: Omg I'm so happy you updated bc this story is getting rlly good lol
HunieMineNahLuluis #5
Chapter 9: Seriously I love this!!!! And am gonna wait for Ur update again
2449 streak #6
Chapter 8: reading this again and im saddened with just how hurt the "parents" are over Jongin's disappearance... they treat him as family already, and for him to be taken away is tragic... I really hope they find Jongin asap

I hope you update soon too! :)
sesuxoshimo #7
New follower here.
The story is good authornim. Hope they can find Baby Jongin soon and back with them safe and sound.
Thumbs up for you.
Can't wait for your next update.
MochiUp #8
Chapter 8: Hello! New follower, OMG this story is amazing!
Owww my heart breaks a little seeing Kris and Junnie like this, hope the can find baby Jong In and get him back safety.
Waiting for the next chapter!
poppyyy #9
found krisho in the chanbaek tag and i'm krisho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont actually read other otps (other than chanbaek) stories but i'm so weak for krisho :(((( my parents sobsss. subscribing!!!!