Dear new family

Caught In Between

"I know you have a lot of questions right now but I'm equally as confused as you, probably more, but I think you should get in, the weather is not looking pretty" Junmyeon nods along to Yifan's words and goes inside as instructed. The air is thick between them and the baby still won't stop crying. Junmyeon is pacing back and forth, the baby still in his arms and starts to caress the baby's back. "Look, I know you saw me carrying the baby but let me tell you right now, this baby is not mine. I found him at your doorstep while I was walking back home from the park." Junmyeon abruptly tells him. "On the other hand though, why is there a baby by your front door? Did you knocked up anyone in your free time?" Junmyeon accusingly asks him. "Hey hey don't look at me all I know is that we didn't talk for weeks and somehow you're here in my house right now carrying a child from God-knows-where!" Yifan shouts back. And the awkwardness continues. 

12 pm

After going around the house for 30 minutes, the baby has finally calmed down and is now asleep. Junmyeon hasn't looked at the baby properly since he first found it but  since Yifan left the room, he starts to notice how the baby has thick, soft black hair and how its cheeks are chubby and has a button nose. He can't help but smile despite the chaos. But then he remembers that this child was abandoned in a stranger's home, with no identity and nowhere to go.

Yifan was wattching the whole time. He saw how Junmyeon caressed the baby's cheeks and ran his fingers through the baby's hair. He notices the way Junmyeon smiles lovingly at the tiny bundle and he can't help the smile creeping up his lips. He cleared his throat as to signal his presence. "What did you parents say? When are they coming home?" Junmyeon asks impatiently. "Well, my parents aren't coming back till the end of this month and they said to keep checking on the baby. I guess we're responsible for it now. Great." groaned Yifan. 

"The carrier! We left it outside Yifan, go get it." Junmyeon shouted in realization.

Yifan picks up the carrier easily and spots an envelope hidden beneath the carrier and grabs the baby bag next to it. "Uhh Junmyeon, I think I might know where the baby came from" Yifan closes the door and bring the envelope over. Upon hearing what Yifan said, Junmyeon put the sleeping baby in the guest room and told Yifan to bring it there. "Here let me look at it" Junmyeon snatches it out of Yifan's hand quickly. He opens the envelope and starts to read the letter inside.


"Dear new family,

I'm so sorry for leaving him like this but I can't give my child the support he needs. I hope he finds a loving family that will take care of him. I can't barely support myself let alone a baby. His name is Jongin and he's just a little over 10 months. He was born this year on the 14th of January. He has no birth certificate and there's no data about him. Please take good care of him. Don't come looking for me. Thank you and I'm sorry."


Junmyeon finished the letter with a heavy sigh. Things are getting more complicated for him and he doesn't know if he can handle it. "What I don't get is why leave him at my doorstep? Out of all the goddamn houses in this area why choose mine?!" Yifan shouted angrily. Junmyeon flinched at the sound of Yifan's voice and the baby started to wail again. "You know what, screw you Yifan. I came in trying to help-" "I didn't ask for your help Junmyeon" Yifan replied curtly. Junmyeon looked at him like he just said the dumbest thing ever. "Okay. Fine. You clearly have commitment issues so I'm taking the baby with me." Without another word, he picks up the baby and moved to the living room to get Jongin's stuff. 

"Hey baby" Junmyeon cooed at a wide awake Jongin." I'm sorry hyung over there surprised you huh, he's a big meanie I know." Junmyeon smiled at baby Jongin who just gurgled in response. He placed Jongin back in his carrier and made sure he got his baby bag too.

 Yifan left the guest room to see Junmyeon getting ready to leave. Before Junmyeon could even reach the door, Yifan had taken the baby carrier away from him. "I'm s-sorry Junmyeon. Stay. Please. I need you here." Junmyeon stopped but didn't turn to look at Yifan. "Plus the snow is getting heavier, and you're just going to walk home like that with the baby?" This time, Junmyeon turned to look at Jongin looking very tiny and lost in the baby carrier. His heart just breaks at the sight. 

"Yifan look, right now, what's important is not about you or me." He bites his lips as the words come out. With a deep breath, he starts again. "This is a baby we are talking about. This child is innocent so please don't get angry at him. I know you're stressed out, I am too, but we have to be there for this baby now. He only has us. So if you want to back out then do it now because I can't let this baby go through even half of the pain I'm  feeling right now."  Junmyeon's words feels like daggers and Yifan knows he deserves it. "Okay, Junmyeon, okay. "  Yifan doesn't know what to do so he places Jongin's carrier back to the living room and soon after Junmyeon follows him.

"What are our options?" 


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2438 streak #1
Chapter 9: wow, it'll be almost 3 years since this was last updated... too bad since this was such an amazing story

whatever happened to you authornim, i hope you're doing fine!
cyfome #2
Chapter 9: Still no update?...=(...
2438 streak #3
Chapter 9: parents!!! such parents to Jongin already...
so this is what youth with access to technology can do... they sure are skilled and the connections are wowing me tbh

so what's the deal with baby Jongin???
and what's his mother's role in this? is she hunted down by mafia groups?

Yifan and the gang, I hope they find Jongin asap and come back safely, I don't know how anxious those waiting for them at home would be during this process...

thank you so much for this update!!! :)
siabruh #4
Chapter 9: Omg I'm so happy you updated bc this story is getting rlly good lol
HunieMineNahLuluis #5
Chapter 9: Seriously I love this!!!! And am gonna wait for Ur update again
2438 streak #6
Chapter 8: reading this again and im saddened with just how hurt the "parents" are over Jongin's disappearance... they treat him as family already, and for him to be taken away is tragic... I really hope they find Jongin asap

I hope you update soon too! :)
sesuxoshimo #7
New follower here.
The story is good authornim. Hope they can find Baby Jongin soon and back with them safe and sound.
Thumbs up for you.
Can't wait for your next update.
MochiUp #8
Chapter 8: Hello! New follower, OMG this story is amazing!
Owww my heart breaks a little seeing Kris and Junnie like this, hope the can find baby Jong In and get him back safety.
Waiting for the next chapter!
poppyyy #9
found krisho in the chanbaek tag and i'm krisho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont actually read other otps (other than chanbaek) stories but i'm so weak for krisho :(((( my parents sobsss. subscribing!!!!