It's not like we're gonna do anything weird

Caught In Between

The ride home was pretty quick despite the heavy snow fall. Yifan parked his car back in the garage and proceeded to grab Jongin's baby necessities on the back seat. The sky is looking darker each passing second as Yifan makes his way up the front door. Junmyeon's singing could be heard on the outside and Yifan knows that the moment he gets in, the younger male will stop right away and things will get awkward again, and so Yifan stops to listen to him finish the song. 

About 10 seconds after Junmyeon's song ended, Yifan entered his house to see the living room empty. He went straight to his room to find Jongin securely strapped back to his carrier. "Hey little guy," Yifan approached Jongin with a smile.  "Did you just wake up from your nap? You sure sleep a lot huh?" Yifan asked him in a very soft tone. Jongin's little hands reached out for Yifan. Seeing this made Yifan laugh and decided to take Jongin from his carrier. "Let's go find Junmyeon." Yifan left his room with Jongin in his arms.

7 pm

"We should give him a bath after dinner" Junmyeon stated while looking at the takeaway menu. Turns out the Chinese restaurant just around the corner was opened and is still providing deliveries. "I've washed a couple of Jongin's clothes, so he'll get to wear them tomorrow." Junmyeon adds again, after a few seconds. Jongin's currently his pacifier furiously, making squeaking noises. Yifan can't help but think it's cute. 

 "I made porridge for Jongin!" Junmyeon shouts from the kitchen. "Can you please bring him over so we can feed him" Junmyeon asked, more like ordered. Yifan brought him over in a dash and Junmyeon made Yifan seat at the kitchen table with Jongin on his lap. Junmyeon brought the spoon to Jongin's mouth and the baby ate without a fuss. Of course plane rides were involved but it made it easier for Junmyeon to feed the baby. 

Jongin was almost done with his baby food when the delivery guy came. Yifan went to get their food and thank the man before he leaves. Junmyeon placed Jongin's bowl in the sink with Jongin in his arms while Yifan laid out their orders on the table. The baby carrier, with Jongin inside, is set at the empt seat in between Yifan and Junmyeon. Jongin is reunited with his pacifier while the two adults tackle their food. The silence was comfortable. They were still tired but no longer stressed out. Both of them stealing glances at each other once in a while.

8 pm

Jongin wouldn't stop crying throughout his bath. Junmyeon has no choice but to get inside the bathtub to hold the baby while Yifan tries his best to keep cranky Jongin entertained. "Jonginah, look here, look what hyung made" Yifan says excitedly while showing Jongin his poor attempt at making bubbles. Jongin's cries still wouldn't stop and Junmyeon finishes his bath in a hurry. Junmyeon passed Jongin to a waiting Yifan, with towels ready to envelope the baby. Crying made the baby tired and as soon as he was pressed to Yifan's chest, Jongin's head was back on Yifan's shoulder.

Yifan brought over a spare change of clothes for Junmyeon to change into after the bath battle with Jongin. Baby Jongin is now dressed in his little sheep onsie, and looking very sleepy. They placed him in the middle of Yifan's bed with pillows surrounding him, making him look smaller than he already is. Junmyeon walked out of the bathroom wearing Yifan's shirt that's too big for him followed by a laughing Yifan. "Not bad, Jun, not bad," commented Yifan while nodding his head in approval. Junmyeon simply responded with a 'shut up', but the smile didn't leave his face. Junmyeon settles himsef next to Jongin and started to pat the baby to sleep. Yifan soon came with Jongin's bottle.

The 10 month old finished his bottle easily and Yifan placed it at his bedside table. "You can sleep here with Jongin, I'll sleep in the guest room." Yifan says quietly, never taking his eyes of the baby. "No, you stay, I'll sleep at the guest room, it's your room after all." Junmyeon quickly says as he plays with Jongin's fingers, ready to get up. Before Junmyeon could even leave the bed, Jongin started to cry, sensing that Junmyeon was about to leave. "Just stay, Jun." This time, Yifan said it sternly. "My bed is big enough for the three of us and it's not like we're gonna do anything" Yifan teased. "Don't say weird stuff in front of the baby!" Junmyeon reached out to playfully hit Yifan. Yifan's 'ouch!' startled the sleepy Jongin and the baby started to wail. 

10 pm

It took Junmyeon nearly an hour to get Jongin to calm down. The baby now starting to doze off in Junmyeon's arms and he slowly puts Jongin in the middle, careful not to wake him. Once Jongin was back on the bed, he pulled the baby blanket up to Jongin's chest and gently pats him on his tummy. "Jun.." Yifan whispers after a while. "Are you still up?" his voice was soft. "Hmm.." Junmyeon replies to let him know he's still awake. "I'm sorry.." Yifan starts again, and this time he's looking at Junmyeon. 





GUYSSS!! IM SO SORRY FOR THIS SHORT AND BAD UPDATE D: I've literally been so busy and I'm trying to write as much as I can but I just want to say thank you to you guys who subscribed to this story even though i can't write but I honestly didn't think anyone would read it cause I just wrote it for fun so thank you again for taking your time out to read this! Hopefully I'll update again soon!

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2449 streak #1
Chapter 9: wow, it'll be almost 3 years since this was last updated... too bad since this was such an amazing story

whatever happened to you authornim, i hope you're doing fine!
cyfome #2
Chapter 9: Still no update?...=(...
2449 streak #3
Chapter 9: parents!!! such parents to Jongin already...
so this is what youth with access to technology can do... they sure are skilled and the connections are wowing me tbh

so what's the deal with baby Jongin???
and what's his mother's role in this? is she hunted down by mafia groups?

Yifan and the gang, I hope they find Jongin asap and come back safely, I don't know how anxious those waiting for them at home would be during this process...

thank you so much for this update!!! :)
siabruh #4
Chapter 9: Omg I'm so happy you updated bc this story is getting rlly good lol
HunieMineNahLuluis #5
Chapter 9: Seriously I love this!!!! And am gonna wait for Ur update again
2449 streak #6
Chapter 8: reading this again and im saddened with just how hurt the "parents" are over Jongin's disappearance... they treat him as family already, and for him to be taken away is tragic... I really hope they find Jongin asap

I hope you update soon too! :)
sesuxoshimo #7
New follower here.
The story is good authornim. Hope they can find Baby Jongin soon and back with them safe and sound.
Thumbs up for you.
Can't wait for your next update.
MochiUp #8
Chapter 8: Hello! New follower, OMG this story is amazing!
Owww my heart breaks a little seeing Kris and Junnie like this, hope the can find baby Jong In and get him back safety.
Waiting for the next chapter!
poppyyy #9
found krisho in the chanbaek tag and i'm krisho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont actually read other otps (other than chanbaek) stories but i'm so weak for krisho :(((( my parents sobsss. subscribing!!!!