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Nom De Plume.
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Look down.


Look up.


That's the pattern he has taken notice of.

As if on que. His partner passes his fingers through his hair. Pink-too-daring hair.

He wonders if he has a pattern too. But then he remembers that the main thing he's trying to hide are blushes, which are probably the main reason of the smirks.

It was awkward. Super uncomfortable and awkward. The kind of uncomfortable that one never wants to speak of.

"Why red?" After a minute, those are the first words.

"Why pink?" He looks him in the eyes, hoping to come off as someone witty and fast. Your doing good kyungsoo, don't let him intimidate you. The other shrugs with a chuckle.

"I was bored" he looks up.


"So was I" Kyungsoo often forgets that having red hair is not something usual on his community. It probably comes off just like the pink hair comes off to him. Stimulating, intresting, different.

"What do you for living?"


"So it's something you do at home" He looks outside the window as he nods.

"You're a writer" He speaks up, a little too loud on the quiet café and his interest almost fulfilled.

"It's predictable" He shrugs after the silence affirmed the statement.


"But predictable is not bad- it's just a safe way, I guess. Sometimes the known is needed as comfort".                           

"It's boring" Kyungsoo clears his throat and fixes his position, elbows on the armchair fingers intertwined, as he observes the man sitting across from him.

"Really" He states this with sadness and tiredness.

"Well, if it wasn't for words I wouldn't have a job" The latter tries to be optimist for a change. Taking a sip of the iced tea he orders. A clear antonym to the black and strong coffee his partner drinks.

"What's your job?"

"How about I tell you my name" Kyungsoo’s eyebrows go up. Cocky.

"Kim Kai"


Kyungsoo may not be the most outgoing person and he isn't up to date with everything that happens in the contemporary world outside his bubble. But this man, he knows.

Kim Kai is currently a tycoon in the writing world. Not only is he blessed with the eloquence of storytelling, but he has accepted some modeling jobs, a bit of cameos on popular dramas and has even showed interest in dancing. He’s a “full package” if you will.

“I’m assuming you know me” Kyungsoo scoffs as he moves his gaze from his companion to the table next to them. A girl sits lonely on a table for two, a laptop entertains her she sips occasionally on large coffee.  

He looks back at Kim Kai and ponders between satisfying his ego or acting ignorant.

“Kim Kai” he tastes the words on his mouth.


“hmmm….Oh!” he’s sure that his eyes are probably bigger than a bubba pearl as he tries to express epiphany through them, he look how the latter just bits a smiles and tries to act casual about it.

“I know now!”

“Kim Kai, since you said your job depends on words that mean you’re a teacher!” To say that the other was absolutely baffled stays short. The emotions that passed at the s

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Chapter 8: Finally read the whole thing in like 45 minutes! (Yeah, took me over a month but things happened.)

Also, wow, it's been so long! Hope you're doing well!
To answer your over-a-month-old authors note: I never feel like any of your chapters are fillers. Maybe they have that kind of vibe but it never feels like its stuck on something or not developing. There's either something happening or something informing. So yeah.
Still love this story regardless of how slowly it updates. Priorities are priorities and It brings value to the plot because you're not putting up some half-thought update nor rushing it. :)
Hope to hear from you soon and take care!
Chapter 8: I shall now proceed to stare at my screen before going back and reading everything from the start.

Hahaha! It's been so long I can't even remember the story right. I'll leave a proper comment once I situate myself again. :)
Chapter 6: ( • • )
somethingk #4
This is good and I actually didn't see kyungsoo coming. Keep writing the story is starting to get interesting !
Chapter 5: I honestly didn't expect it. It started so light, Jongin just walking in to the hotel, I thought he would have some conversation with his father ans so on. His thoughts while alone in the elevator just gave it away for me.
Come on! Who wouldn't think something's going to happen when you compare an elevator to a bathroom stall? Odd but interesting.

Update was simple, creates a nice build up. I like it. :)
Chapter 3: Also, the order at the end. I'm still giggling!
Chapter 3: I just have to say that I love this story so far and that even though I get confused at times and have to re-read something I love the way its written. :)
Chapter 3: Is this top soo?