blue door.

Nom De Plume.
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From what Jongin remembers, the he had that night, was nothing like any of his previous encounters with men or women. It was a give-and-take kind of . Until his partner decided to restrict, Jongin had never been restricted or not been in control, yet as his hands were tied behind him and hushed moans guy started the real thing; for once he didn't mind not being in control; but it was sure as hell something he did not want to repeat.

The anonymous man was rough, he didn't even prepare Jongin properly, the only thing letting him know what was coming was the harsh sound of lover boy spitting on his . Other than that, Jongin was thankful for what he had done the previous night or else he would for sure be ed.

He never got a name, and the fact that his eyes were covered only made the whole thing something that sometimes he wonders if it really happened; and then he remembers the aftermath the next morning as he wakes up with ache everywhere, and he knows, it was real.

That same morning he also wondered about the mysterious man with the red hair. He seemed familiar. Something tells him he has encountered him before, there's something about him, he can’t pinpoint it. Half of his face was covered by round sunglasses, and his hair covered his forehead, plus he's pretty sure that in his inner circle there's no one who: 1) wears sunglasses inside and 2) wears suit as normal attire, not to mention Lay. That’s the one thing that threw off any chance that the shorter guy was someone of his past.

“Baek” Jongin says his best friend name one day as he crosses the street.

“Do you have anything you want to read these days?” Jongin has a secret. Byun Baekhyun.

Baekhyun is the person who always gives him a prompt, and the first person to ever read anything he writes; if anything, Baekhyun is the one who speaks woman, not him. But Sehun doesn't need to know that.

“Nini” He rolls his eyes. Baekhyun and his stupid obsession with nicknames, he doesn't know why his friend just can’t commit to saying the birth given name of whichever individual he's talking to. Other than that Baekhyun is still abnormal. But he is very fond of Byun, to the point of being able to foreshadow the first rant of the week.

“The only thing I want to read about is how to ing get that stupid giant to me” Jongin looks around for a sign of his destination. He spots the Daisy graffiti and he knows he's not that far.

“Still?” Jongin is actually surprised, Baekhyun has been talking about this guy for a while now, and from what he knows; Baekhyun is usually good at getting what he wants, especially if it involves men.

“Shut up, it’s not my fault that he has morals, and twisted ones; I swear that ign piece of mosquito is driving me nuts. How can you have a rule of no ing until 3 months of friendship. More like no until three months of because that man is the biggest ing tease on this EARTH!” Jongin listen attentively.

Baekhyun is one of the few people which inspire Jongin, he remembers having this three weeks writer's block and finally surrendering and going for some candy with Baekhyun, when he finally decoded why he was stuck on that page. What trigger it? “Jonginnie which color do you think would be more sour, red or green?” EUREKA! Jongin experienced a

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Chapter 8: Finally read the whole thing in like 45 minutes! (Yeah, took me over a month but things happened.)

Also, wow, it's been so long! Hope you're doing well!
To answer your over-a-month-old authors note: I never feel like any of your chapters are fillers. Maybe they have that kind of vibe but it never feels like its stuck on something or not developing. There's either something happening or something informing. So yeah.
Still love this story regardless of how slowly it updates. Priorities are priorities and It brings value to the plot because you're not putting up some half-thought update nor rushing it. :)
Hope to hear from you soon and take care!
Chapter 8: I shall now proceed to stare at my screen before going back and reading everything from the start.

Hahaha! It's been so long I can't even remember the story right. I'll leave a proper comment once I situate myself again. :)
Chapter 6: ( • • )
somethingk #4
This is good and I actually didn't see kyungsoo coming. Keep writing the story is starting to get interesting !
Chapter 5: I honestly didn't expect it. It started so light, Jongin just walking in to the hotel, I thought he would have some conversation with his father ans so on. His thoughts while alone in the elevator just gave it away for me.
Come on! Who wouldn't think something's going to happen when you compare an elevator to a bathroom stall? Odd but interesting.

Update was simple, creates a nice build up. I like it. :)
Chapter 3: Also, the order at the end. I'm still giggling!
Chapter 3: I just have to say that I love this story so far and that even though I get confused at times and have to re-read something I love the way its written. :)
Chapter 3: Is this top soo?