
Nom De Plume.
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Kyungsoo wondered what is it? What is it that makes him feel like this every once in awhile.


And as he sips on his coffee he looks at his options:

He's life is a routine

He wakes up once he's body says he's had enough sleep (which surprisingly is not that late) drinks coffee, gets into the shower, puts on clothes, sits down in front a computer and hopes for a change.

He doesn't try meeting new people(oh what a shock)


His mother is a model. AH Mo Ne, she was the Japanese epitome of Asian. Well at least that's a great description of what the population thinks of her. For him, her mother was beautiful, there was no doubt she was. He once had prayed in order to thank god for having such great genes, he prayed to thank God for the great chromosomes he was blessed with. But that was an old Kyungsoo that pursuited his mother's choice of lifestyle.


His father is no less interesting than his mother. The story is actually funny. He was an accident. She didn't a model, which explains the somehow prominent features he displayed. But a makeup artist, one that later she finds out was her boyfriend best friend. And my mom has always told me she doesn't and will never condone me for doing something as unfaithful as she did. But she doesn't regret it. I don't care too look much more deeper into my mother's thoughts because honesty knowing everything; all at once leaves me unsatisfied. I like puzzles, something that slowly will help him into knowing more about myself.


He often wonders if there will come a time in his life when something so insignificant as a one night stand will be something that will lead up to such a big thing. He also wonders if he'll ever talk about things like that with his mom, will he have that look of absolute love on his face when he says the memories about his lover.


He's a writer (that's the excuse he gives himself for not meeting people, I need to write -or more like stare at the screen with a whole character organization in mind and no plot whatsoever-)


He need salvation. He concludes once he's out of his flat and into the warmth of the sun, on the middle of a summer day. He goes out just like he does when it's intended. With no aim in mind. He wears a very thin shirt. Black, everything black. As if it were a religious dogma.


"" he groans in pain as he collides with someone else. "Would you keep quiet" he looks up, not because the owner of the voice is clearly taller than him, but because he had kneeled down to pick his now broken phone.

He looks up and the latter stands there like a lost child. He discreetly looks to the left and then to the right before giving his full attention to Kyungsoo.


"There" someone screams.


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Chapter 8: Finally read the whole thing in like 45 minutes! (Yeah, took me over a month but things happened.)

Also, wow, it's been so long! Hope you're doing well!
To answer your over-a-month-old authors note: I never feel like any of your chapters are fillers. Maybe they have that kind of vibe but it never feels like its stuck on something or not developing. There's either something happening or something informing. So yeah.
Still love this story regardless of how slowly it updates. Priorities are priorities and It brings value to the plot because you're not putting up some half-thought update nor rushing it. :)
Hope to hear from you soon and take care!
Chapter 8: I shall now proceed to stare at my screen before going back and reading everything from the start.

Hahaha! It's been so long I can't even remember the story right. I'll leave a proper comment once I situate myself again. :)
Chapter 6: ( • • )
somethingk #4
This is good and I actually didn't see kyungsoo coming. Keep writing the story is starting to get interesting !
Chapter 5: I honestly didn't expect it. It started so light, Jongin just walking in to the hotel, I thought he would have some conversation with his father ans so on. His thoughts while alone in the elevator just gave it away for me.
Come on! Who wouldn't think something's going to happen when you compare an elevator to a bathroom stall? Odd but interesting.

Update was simple, creates a nice build up. I like it. :)
Chapter 3: Also, the order at the end. I'm still giggling!
Chapter 3: I just have to say that I love this story so far and that even though I get confused at times and have to re-read something I love the way its written. :)
Chapter 3: Is this top soo?