don't trust anyone.

Nom De Plume.
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“Jongin, when can I see you?” Jongin stretches still in bed.

“Dad” Jongin tries to wake himself up enough to have a conversation with his father.

“What time is it?” Oh, may I introduce you to my father, Kim Jonghyun or as he goes by : Park John.

He hasn't seen his father in maybe three months. His father who is usually out of the country, asks Jongin once every five to three month, to come see him in whatever country he's staying in (which if he's guessing right, it might be Berlin. Again) Although he's pretty sure his father has been seeing him a lot. Probably in those pictures his dogs take of him; now that he thinks about it, not probably, it’s a fact.

Here’s a fun fact, ever since he was little, his father makes sure to put one of his men to follow Jongin as if it were his shadow so he can learn every single detail of Jongin’s life. At the beginning Jongin didn't mind, honestly he didn't give a about a single . As you might guess, Jongin wasn't a wallflower, if anything he destroyed flowers.

But after he turned into an adult citizen of the Republic of South Korea, he became more vocal about. His dad promised that he would do something about it. And he did, he doesn't know what exactly but he's sure that something has been done.

From all the movies he's watched about following people, his guess is: instead of putting someone to follow him and take pictures, there might be someone in his inner circle who works for his dad. For a while does where his beliefs, but there was no proof for his argument.

“Chen, what's the time?” he can hear his father talk to his partner probably.

“Jongin it's around 3:00pm.” His father answered.

“Dad” Jongin makes the pause again “Are you in Korea?”

“Of Course not silly” Jongin lets out a chuckle.

“I’m in Berlin." His guess was right.

"Anyways Jongin, when can I see you?” He walks into the kitchen, he needs his coffee.

"Dad. I think you're asking the wrong question. Don't you mean I already booked the ticket for what day is it?" He stops mid sentence and takes the chance to look for the creamer in his fridge.

He can hear his father ask Chen.

"It's Thursday Jongin" His father, unlike Baekhyun. Loves calling people and things by their given name.

"Booked a ticket for tomorrow, so please, Jongin" he makes a pause for dramatic effect. His dad loves drama.

"Don't miss it" he finishes mimicking his father as he finishes his coffee. Jongin whose hands are free thank to the technology his father can affored, installed in his apartment so that his voice can be heard everywhere.


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Chapter 8: Finally read the whole thing in like 45 minutes! (Yeah, took me over a month but things happened.)

Also, wow, it's been so long! Hope you're doing well!
To answer your over-a-month-old authors note: I never feel like any of your chapters are fillers. Maybe they have that kind of vibe but it never feels like its stuck on something or not developing. There's either something happening or something informing. So yeah.
Still love this story regardless of how slowly it updates. Priorities are priorities and It brings value to the plot because you're not putting up some half-thought update nor rushing it. :)
Hope to hear from you soon and take care!
Chapter 8: I shall now proceed to stare at my screen before going back and reading everything from the start.

Hahaha! It's been so long I can't even remember the story right. I'll leave a proper comment once I situate myself again. :)
Chapter 6: ( • • )
somethingk #4
This is good and I actually didn't see kyungsoo coming. Keep writing the story is starting to get interesting !
Chapter 5: I honestly didn't expect it. It started so light, Jongin just walking in to the hotel, I thought he would have some conversation with his father ans so on. His thoughts while alone in the elevator just gave it away for me.
Come on! Who wouldn't think something's going to happen when you compare an elevator to a bathroom stall? Odd but interesting.

Update was simple, creates a nice build up. I like it. :)
Chapter 3: Also, the order at the end. I'm still giggling!
Chapter 3: I just have to say that I love this story so far and that even though I get confused at times and have to re-read something I love the way its written. :)
Chapter 3: Is this top soo?