
Babo Taemin

Everyday so far you were lucky enough that Taemin has been paying attention and learning something from you. Even though he was doing well now, you weren't so sure of how long he would keep this up because you were unsure if he was actually taking this seriously.

After the first day, Taemin made sure he was either early to the library or just in time. He knew he felt something for you but can do nothing about it, not just yet anyways. He knew if he were to confess now, you'd just think that he was trying to find a way out. So Taemin made a plan. It start with tutoring; coming in everyday on time, ready to learn, then after the midterm that he really hopes to pass (*now), he will then tell you. Taemin thought that if he showed you that he could be smart and that he was smart, you'd give him a chance.

Anyways back to tutoring:

It was a Friday and a half day at school. You made plans to hang out with Jinki since you haven't had time in a while. So you decided to end tutoring once school ended and then pick up on Monday.

As school was about to end:

"Okay, Taemin, it seems you are slowing getting it. Anyways since school is about to end soon, why don't we call it a day?" You said while packing your things.

"Wait. What? You're actually ending early?" Taemin was surprised you both would usually stay until the library closed, so ending early had him riled a bit and confused.

"Yeah sorry, but at least you have a break. I don't need to tutor you on the weekends so yeah. Make sure that you study what we went over this week because I'm gona give you a quiz on Monday understand?" You said.

"ah...ok...but...where are you going?" Taemin asked.

"Umm....I don't think that is any of your business Lee Taemin." You remarked.

"I'm just asking is all. You usually make us stay until the library closes but today you're ending it when school is about to end? So what's your reason ~~~~?" Taemin questioned.

Luckily before you were going to answer the bell had rung. "Oh! The bell rang, Anyways enjoy the weekend Lee Taemin but don't forget to study!" You said as you left.

With you leaving and ending tutoring early, Taemin decided to see what you were up to (*kinda stalker-ish huh?). As he packed his things into his bag, he hurried out of the library to see where you were heading. You not knowing someone is following you, kept heading to the front gate to meet Jinki. When you met Jinki at the front gate, you cought your breath since you didn't want him to wait long and then you both headed out. Without knowing, Taemin had followed you without either of you knowing and noticed you were with Onew-hyung. He didn't know you knew Onew and he was jealous because he wanted to be close how you and his hyung were.

Taemin POV

How the hell does she know Onew-hyung?!! She ended our tutoring session just so she could be with Onew-hyung? Isn't that selfish of her? I should be more important besides what's so great about hyung?


Taemin continued to speculated and follow you to. From his point of view, it looked as if you and Onew were in a relationship, so he grew more and more jealous of Onew.


Author's note: hmmm.....Taemin got feelings for you and he knows how he wants to confess o.O

But then there's Onew who you are really good friends with. What's gona happen???? o.O

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Chapter 14: Awww was very beautiful story!!!♥
Chanyeolized #2
I just read the first chapter and i already like it!! NH High has U-KISS me likes!!
aicaheartyoungmin #3
I looooooooooooooooveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this! :3 b2stjanghyun! You're a great writer :3
nice , i liked the story<br />
Update soon :):)
foreveraninspirit #5
ahhh! So exciting!<br />
update soon!
foreveraninspirit #6
Awesome start~! keep it up dongsaeng!!<br />