Jealousy? O.o

Babo Taemin

The week went by pretty fast and you were able to go over alot. So, you thought since tomorrow started the weekend, you figured that Taemin gets a well deserved break. He's worked real hard and he's actually getting what you are going over so you thought that Taemin and yourself could use the weekends off. Then Taemin suggested, "Hey ~~~~, why don't we hang out tomorrow, maybe get to know each other better?"

"Umm...No thanks Taemin. I'm sorry but I think we should just stick to a tutor-student basis" You replied. You realized how dumb it must have sounded but that was how you felt.

"Oh...a-alright then, bye ~~~~ see you Monday then." Taemin said sadly. It hurt when you declined the offer and said that the only realtionship you two have is a student-tutor relationship so he left.

You then packed your things and left the library to the front gate. When you got to the front gate, to your surprise, Jinki was there. It was like 4pm and school had ended at 1 since it was a Friday.

"Hey Jink! how come your still here?" you asked.

"Waiting for you of course. I don't want you walking home by yourself. You know it's dangerous for a girl to go anywhere alone." Jinki smiled but was serious. He truely cares for you as a friend and you were grateful to have him as a friend.

"*sigh* Alright then Jinki, let's go home!" You said excitedly and started walking. Jinki then followed closely behind. It was just small talk on the way home like How was your day and what not. You got to your doorstep and Jinki said goodbye and you went inside, took a shower and went to bed.

The next day: [Saturday]

You woke up in the morning and got dressed for the day. After you got dressed, you went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

As you opened the refrigerator door, it was empty so you decided to go out to eat and then go to the grocery store so that you have food in your refrigerator. So you grabbed your wallet and your keys to the house and left.

Luckily there was a small cafe nearby so you went there. When you got in, you ordered and found a place to sit.

Once you sat down, you were looking around the cafe minding your own business when you swear you saw Taemin. Doing a doule-take, you realized you were right and that it was Taemin sitting down at one of the tables with someone, a girl to be exact.

He was smiling and laughing and it looked like he was having fun in your point of view. And for some reason, seeing Taemin with a girl, you were saddened and wished it was you instead.......Wait what? Why the hell would you even care to begin with? O.o At the pit of your stomach, there was this feeling that you just wanted to go away and you felt the best way was to just get your food and get out.

You wanted to get out without Taemin noticing you so once you heard your number called, you quickly got up and left. You'll eat somewhere else. As you were walking to find a place to eat, you were thinking about just a moment ago. You then found a bench and sat down to eat and still think about it. As you were eating and thinking, again you saw Taemin and that girl. Like What the hell?? You were pretty sure it was just coincidencal but it looked as if he was on a date and again you were jealous. Not wanting to have that feeling, you finished eating and went to the grocery store.

Still thinking of what you saw and what you were feeling, you were getting groceries for your house. Once you paid for everything, you went home still thinking of what happened earlier today.

Your thoughts

Taemin was with another person, a girl, why the hell do I feel so angry that I want to hurt that dumb bimbo so that she is not around him? haha Maybe it's because I don't want him to get dumba again and have to start all over. YEAH that's it! I'm afraid that when Taemin hangs around dumb people, he'll get dumber and it'll be harder for me to tutor him! MAybe not though. Ugh. >< Do I possible LIKE LEE TAEMIN? O.o

Oh no no no, I couldn't possibly like him, he's just a dumb dude I gotta tuor. But he's not dumb. He past the quiz and he understands it when I explain it to him so he can't he that dumb. In fact, I think he's just lazy. He's a pretty smart guy when you give him the chance. Ugh what the hell am I thinking. NO! NO! I cannot like Lee Taemin. A KINGKA!!! An originally dumb Kingka for that matter >< Ugh I'm soooooo confused.

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Chapter 14: Awww was very beautiful story!!!♥
Chanyeolized #2
I just read the first chapter and i already like it!! NH High has U-KISS me likes!!
aicaheartyoungmin #3
I looooooooooooooooveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this! :3 b2stjanghyun! You're a great writer :3
nice , i liked the story<br />
Update soon :):)
foreveraninspirit #5
ahhh! So exciting!<br />
update soon!
foreveraninspirit #6
Awesome start~! keep it up dongsaeng!!<br />