Chapter four

You, I love [Hiatus]

Another (short) chapter! :D Aish... I cannot update so frequently, even though I try, and sometimes I really do not know what to write... The disadvantage of not knowing what I want to write precisely... :(
As for Cho Kyuhyun, you will know more about him through this chapter. I am still holding Jinyoung's and Taemin's characters secret, but you will get to know it soon. And also, there will be coming more characters (female and male), but I am still thinking about who it will be. If I sometimes give a little clue, you can always guess ghehe :D Well, enjoy and I will try to update soon again! :D

“Cho Chunhei-sshi, you came.”

The amusement in his voice did not escape me, but I still nodded politely. I could not afford to make any mistakes anymore. If I make one more mistake, my own and only hope may just disappear immediately. I was not going to risk that. Not when I was so desperately sure right now that I was going to do precisely what they wanted me to do. 

“So, have you decided to help us?”


Luckily it came out confidently, because I knew I had to show him that I have decided, and that I stood by it. Only then, would he know that I was sincere.

“Good,” He said with a slight nod, “then I will tell you what you need to know.”

I held my breath in as I listened carefully. I would not forgive myself if I were to forget even one word of what he was about to say. However, my eyes wandered to the blonde boy next to him for just a second, and it felt like his expression was telling me a thousand words. Even when my eyes already turned back to the other one, my mind still remembered clearly his expression, triggering lots of questions inside of me. Just this one moment, this one second, my mind wavered. However, when the leader-like boy began to speak, all these thoughts were quickly suppressed.

“I want you, Cho Chunhei-sshi, to get into Cho Kyuhyun’s life.”

“Cho… Kyuhyun?”

“Indeed, Cho Kyuhyun. Befriend him, make him open up to you, nothing more. Like I told you before, we only want you to find his secrets. Of course, it will not be an easy task.”

I did not dare to ask him who Cho Kyuhyun was, and obediently listened. However, something inside of me was screaming to know more. Why would these two want to know his secrets? And more importantly, in such a difficult way? Who are they?

“Cho Kyuhyun,” Taemin suddenly said, his face still wearing the same unreadable expression, “is the infamous genius who owns casinos in several countries. Starting from his eighteenth year, he has been a legend in the field of gambling. He always is a step further from everyone, always coming with something new and fresh. He is most certainly the most influential person in this dark side of the world.”

My eyes widened in shock as I listened to his explanation. My mission was to get close to… A genius casino owner? My heart sank as I realized things were going to be very, very complicated from now on. There was this slight bit inside of me that whispered me to walk away, telling me to not mingle myself in such a complicated and dangerous world, but I purposely muted it. I had made the decision to do what they wanted me to do, and I was going to stand by my decision. My shocked face gradually turned into a determined one, satisfying the dark-haired boy.

“So, Cho Chunhei, I give you one more chance to decide. Are you going to do it, or not?”


The moment I said it, I could see two different expressions; the satisfaction on the one’s face, and the struggling in the other’s face. However, I already agreed to it; there was no way back anymore. Cho Chunhei was not someone to agree to something, and then back off. Not when something as important as my future was involved.

“However,” The dark-haired boy approached me, “we do have some things to change about you, dear.”


“Indeed, change. For example,” He suddenly grabbed hold of my face with his hand, “the plain face. And while we are at it, might as well get rid of the fat on your body.”

“Jung Jinyoung-”

The blonde guy said in a threatening tone, but he was ignored. My heart began to beat immensely fast as I realized what he was implying. I knew things were never going to be the same anymore, and I should have realized the moment I heard who I was going to get close to, that everything about me would have to change. This plain me, will have to vanish.

“I will give you a chance, though. I give you six weeks. Six weeks wherein you will have to follow a training schedule. It is to get your body in shape. On top of that, you will have to get rid of the plain face, but I am willing to let you try makeup. If in the end it still does not work out,” He smirked while letting go of my face, “then do not say I never gave you a chance, and we will go over to plastic surgery.”

I did feel hopeful as he said those words to me, but in the back of my head, I knew the chance was small I would be able to satisfy him. Even when I hid my face with layers of makeup, and trained intensely to get rid of all the fat my body had, there was only a small chance I would look different, beautiful. But I was willing to try it, when he had given me the opportunity.

“On top of that, you will have to learn some other things as well. Taemin,” He said while eyeing the blonde boy, “will help you.”


Taemin was obviously shocked, his eyes showing a tinge of anger.

“Why me?”

“Should I be the one to do it, then? Are you sure you can trust me?”

Taemin’s eyes turned into tiny slits, glaring at the other boy dangerously. The other one smirked victoriously before giving me one last glance.

“Six weeks, starting now.”

He casually walked away, leaving me behind with Taemin. I was about to walk to him, when he stopped me.

“I will see you tomorrow at 9 AM, here.”

Before I could say anything, he already turned away to walk inside again. However, I stopped him before he could open the door.



His voice showed irritation, but I was eager to ask him this one question.

“Who… Who are you two?”

His eyes showed the same struggling expression as before. Certainly they were something more than mere people, much more. But his expression slowly turned into a blank face, not showing any emotion.


He said coldly before opening the door and stepping inside. And that was when reality hit me.

There was no way back anymore.

I have gotten myself into something dangerous, but I could not go back anymore.

But… I never had another option.

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ahhhh I just read everything. Your characterization is brilliant!! I love the way you portrayed Taemin (FINALLY! a Taemin who doesn't act like a whiny 6 year old. You probably know what I mean. XD), and though I don't know a thing about the real Jinyoung, he sounds like a cool guy, too. Most importantly, your OC/ main character is someone who can stand as a character of her own, and that's what draws me in the most. As an author who personally invests a ton of time into forming 3D OCs with real, distinct personalities, I appreciate how Chunhei is a person with a past, someone who experiences in-depth emotions with reasons behind them, and not just your typical Mary-Sue or some tragic orphan (there really are just too many cliched stories out there like that; what's worse is that they take away from the stories of that genre that are actually really well-written >.<). Normally, I don't read stories that don't feature my favorite all-time bias as the main character, but I like this story enough to make an exception xD. Great job, and update soon, please~~
Poor Chunhei...almost pushed to her limits :(<br />
Good thing that Jinyoung was there... he's still human after all or the reason he understand Chunhei is that because he might had gone through the same before.<br />
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Thanks for the update.
Eliano #3
Pls update soon.
Eliano #4
Don't worry, good luck for your test.
Everything regarding Jinyoung and Taemin is still vague for me at the've succeeded in making their character so mysterious. I feel sorry for Chunhei, i supposed she'll go through a lot of hardship and a lot of pain. But I admire her determination and and her being firm in something that she chose :) Fighting!!!<br />
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Thanks for the update. I'll be waiting for the next. <br />
Eliano #6
Please update soon. <br />
Owwww...something to do with the dark world huh?<br />
And Kyu is a genius casino owner? Hmmmmmmmnnn...nice rolefor him, i think it'll suit him well...hehe. <br />
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Nice update :)