Chapter three

You, I love [Hiatus]

So here is another chapter! :D After this one, I will have to save my 'Finding him through memories' story, since it is dying at the moment.. And also, I am killing my 'We Were There' fanfic, so I will have to fix that too... Really, how do I always end up like this ghehe.. Before all my subscribers leave me, I will have to make it good again XD BUT about this chapter, more about Taemin and Jinyoung. A lot of secrets surrounding them ghehe XD I am still thinking hard about the whole plot, but I will make sure to make it enjoyable! Also, I edited the description :) (If I remember correctly, I revealed some information in the description so if you are curious, check it out! :)) Also, I have this announcement thing in the foreword, so if I have something to say or if I am away for some days, I will do it there. Just so you all know ;) I made it because I hate to make a chapter just to say I am away, and disappointing everyone because it is not a update.


I woke up from my sleep from the loud noises in the house. My curiosity grew as I silently opened the door of my room, trying to look where the sound was coming from. My eyes widened as I saw father roughly throwing a bottle of alcohol on the ground, frightening his wife who stood just inches away from the place that was hit by the bottle.

“Calm down, Chunhei-”

“Sh-ut u-up!”

My father stuttered, obviously drunk. A concerned sigh left my mother’s mouth as she tried to calm him down, but he just pushed her away. Guilt hit me as I realized I was the cause of all this. I was the one who was ruining this family. Once again, I took a glance from my bandaged hand, the evidence of my wrong doing. I had to break this family apart.

“We w-will not b-be ha-ve a p-place to li-ve in soon… Mo-ney… A-all a-bout money!”

Tears blurred my view as I listened to his words. Cho Chunhei, look what you have done… Look what you have done… Father would never act like this in the past

“I told h-her! I t-told C-Chunhei not to h-help me! Look w-what happened! L-look!”

His voice was full with anger as he spoke, and every word hit my heart painfully.

“For a pianist, an injured hand is a useless hand, right?”

His words once again echoed in my head, remembering me of the condition I was in. I was thinking about what I could do, what I should do. A futile attempt, though, since I really had no options. Whatever I could think of, it would not do. Then I made my biggest decision ever. I knew I had no other options left. It was that, or living my life in agony. I…

Was going to accept his offer.

How is this going to turn out? I asked myself this question endlessly as I changed into my clothes. Even after I had made up my mind to go, I could not stop myself from thinking about how things will turn out once I left this door and searched for them. What will I become? I had to momentarily stop my actions to let this thought sink into my mind, but then I quickly shove it away. It was this, or nothing.

I took a deep breath before running out of my room, and then out of my house. I could vaguely hear my mother’s voice, but I did not look back. If I looked back, I may not have the courage to run further. If I looked back, my determination would have surely wavered. I ran endlessly, until this one thought stopped me. Who said he would still want me to join?

“Cho Chunhei, stupid…”

I muttered quietly as I shook my head. I was the one who ran away back then, so they probably already gave up on me. How foolish of me to think they would still want me to be their companion or whatsoever. However, there was still this little hope lingering inside of me, urging me to go back. And indeed, his offer was already my one and only hope. Without it, I may never be able to play the piano again, and everything may have gone to waste just like that. So I determinedly went back to the building, eagerly hoping they would somehow still be there.

When I opened the door to the roof, disappointment filled me as emptiness welcomed me. I should have realized before how stupid I was for thinking they may still be here. A sigh escaped my lips as I took place on the ground, trying to organize my thoughts. It was already hours past midnight, and I had the nerves to go here on my own. A pathetic action, I thought as a smile crept on my lips. They were not here, and the only thing I could do is wait and hope he will come for me again. A silly grin replaced my smile as I realized how eager I was to see one of them again, compared to how scared I was just hours ago when I knew they could easily find me again. I slowly stood up and walked to the side of the building, wanting to take another glimpse of the view. However, my attention quickly went to red poker card that was lying on top of the edge. It was secured with some tape, and I smiled hopefully as I grabbed it. I quickly turned the card around, but this time it was not a code, it was an address.


I frowned as I glanced at the person sitting next to me wearing a confident smirk. Just what was he thinking, wearing such an expression.  A sigh left my mouth as I recalled the previous evening. I have nothing against that girl, or maybe just a little, but she really was not the person we were looking for. She does not have what we need, really. On top of that, as much as I do not like to say discriminative things like these aloud, she was just an ordinary person. She does not know how our world is like. She lives in a world with only small, irrelevant problems. She would not understand how our world is like. 

“You really think she will come, hyung?”

I asked once more, a frown slowly appearing on my face.

“Stop asking me that question, Taemin, it is irritating.”

He said with a sigh, but I was not going to give up just like that. Really, leaving a poker card with the address on it when she already ran away, what was the use of it? Did he really think she would go back and find it?

“I know what you think, Taemin,” He said, waking Taemin up from his thoughts, “but believe me, she is the one we need.”

“At least tell me the reason, hyung.”

I was getting frustrated again about the same matter. We have been looking for a third companion for some time already, to perfect our group. However, it was hard to find one, and eventually, the task was given to Jinyoung. He would do research and find her, but I could not believe he would choose someone like Cho Chunhei. She can never accomplish our mission, that I know for sure.

“Finding someone who has the beauty and the brains is impossible, Taemin. And even if there was someone who had it both, she would not have a reason to help us. However, Cho Chunhei is a different story. She does have a reason to help us, because she needs money. On top of that, she has some intelligence in her. The only thing is her looks, but we can fix that if necessary. If there is one thing money can buy, then that would be beauty.”

My eyes widened as I realized what he was implying. If necessary… He would want her to go under the knife? I was at a loss of words. This was insane, no matter how you looked at it.

“Hyung, you must be joking me. Are you saying that you would change her whole body and face, if necessary? Are you thinking about creating your own pawn to put her next to him? Like really, a plastic doll? You think a doll will get Cho Kyuhyun to open up to her?!”

I could not believe it. As much as I wanted Cho Kyuhyun down, I cannot accept such a sinful way to achieve it. Jung Jinyoung, are you out of your mind? I know you hate him, I know you hate him a lot, but there is no way you can do something like this. This just… Is not right.

“Calm down, Lee Taemin,” He said with a stern look on his face, “before you regret it. I am the one who make the decisions, you know that.”

“Just because you always make the final decisions, does not mean I cannot disagree, Jung Jinyoung.” I only said his full name when I was serious, and indeed, I was more than serious at the moment. “Just because you are the leader here, does not mean you can just do as you please. If I were to leave this so called flawless group, you would be anything but perfect. Remember the only reason why you were chosen to be the leader, Jung Jinyoung, before abusing your power.”

An unwavering smirk still carelessly lingered on his lips, leaving me speechless. He knew the sole reason why he could become the leader, and yet he thinks he has all the right to act the way he wants. Back then, if only things had been a little bit different, Jung Jinyoung would not be smirking carelessly right now.

“Lee Taemin, I know what you want to imply,” He dangerously approached me as he spoke, “but you forgot one important point. And that is that I am indeed the leader right now. Whether you are pleased or not, you will still have to deal with me. You can never disobey me, you know that.”

This was not the first time we had these futile arguments. Whenever I was not pleased with the way Jinyoung does things, we would always end up like this. Honestly, we were not the best of friends, but even like this, we do feel a bond with each other. You could not describe it as love or pure friendship, but there was something that held us two together. However, whether this feeling was something mutual, or simply because we had to bear each other, neither of us knew.  

“You selfish-”

I hissed, but he once again did not let me speak.

“Taemin, whatever you say, it will not change my decision. Do not pity anyone, Taemin, because you cannot afford to do so. Not in the world we are living in.”

Before I could even respond, my eyes went to the window. I was sure I saw something moving, and my eyes widened upon realizing what, or rather who it was. I was left speechless as I saw the girl who should have just forgotten about everything that had happened yesterday. My eyes wandered to the older one, who was wearing a satisfied smirk.

“If she only thought about it carefully in the first place, she would not have to come all the way here. Well, let’s go greet her, shall we?”

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ahhhh I just read everything. Your characterization is brilliant!! I love the way you portrayed Taemin (FINALLY! a Taemin who doesn't act like a whiny 6 year old. You probably know what I mean. XD), and though I don't know a thing about the real Jinyoung, he sounds like a cool guy, too. Most importantly, your OC/ main character is someone who can stand as a character of her own, and that's what draws me in the most. As an author who personally invests a ton of time into forming 3D OCs with real, distinct personalities, I appreciate how Chunhei is a person with a past, someone who experiences in-depth emotions with reasons behind them, and not just your typical Mary-Sue or some tragic orphan (there really are just too many cliched stories out there like that; what's worse is that they take away from the stories of that genre that are actually really well-written >.<). Normally, I don't read stories that don't feature my favorite all-time bias as the main character, but I like this story enough to make an exception xD. Great job, and update soon, please~~
Poor Chunhei...almost pushed to her limits :(<br />
Good thing that Jinyoung was there... he's still human after all or the reason he understand Chunhei is that because he might had gone through the same before.<br />
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Thanks for the update.
Eliano #3
Pls update soon.
Eliano #4
Don't worry, good luck for your test.
Everything regarding Jinyoung and Taemin is still vague for me at the've succeeded in making their character so mysterious. I feel sorry for Chunhei, i supposed she'll go through a lot of hardship and a lot of pain. But I admire her determination and and her being firm in something that she chose :) Fighting!!!<br />
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Thanks for the update. I'll be waiting for the next. <br />
Eliano #6
Please update soon. <br />
Owwww...something to do with the dark world huh?<br />
And Kyu is a genius casino owner? Hmmmmmmmnnn...nice rolefor him, i think it'll suit him well...hehe. <br />
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Nice update :)