Chapter two

You, I love [Hiatus]

Hello! Second chapter!
I am quite busy this weekend, unfortunately, so I did not even had the time to update my other stories, but since I already had this chapter almost finished, I decided to quickly post it :) This is also to thank everyone who have been excitingly reading the first chapter :) Next week I hope to end one of my other stories, so I can focus only on the other two :) But for now, enjoy!
As for the storyline, two guys are going to finally make their appearance :)


What happened next was actually quite blurry to me. I vaguely remember leaving some money on the table before rushing out the restaurant, and that I dangerously crossed the street to get on the other side of the road. In the back of my head, I was contemplating with myself why I was rushing like a fool, when I could just call the police or ask someone for help. Maybe it was because I got to know it in such a mysterious way, that I decided to go there myself. Maybe it was because I wanted to know why someone would want to tell me this, that I decided to keep it a secret from the world.

Whatever the reason may be, I quickly shook of the thoughts as I ran to the elevators. I roughly pushed the button a couple of times as I tried to catch my breath. When the elevators still did not arrive after a couple of seconds, I ran to the stairs. I mentally slapped myself as I saw the number four on the wall, indicating I was only on the fourth floor. I was already so exhausted, but it looked like these stairs were everlasting. A satisfied smile crept on my lips as I finally reached the top of the building, and without hesitating I quickly opened the door to the roof. There the person was standing on the edge of the building, walking on it dangerously. I did not think about it twice and ran to him as hard as I could at the moment, knowing very well that calling for him would only make the possibility bigger that he would fall off the building. When I finally reached him, I quickly pulled his hand to me.


He gasped as he fell on the ground next to me. Relief filled me as I slowly sat up and took deep breaths, before giving him a concerned expression.

“A-are you… Are you al-alright?”

I tried to ask between my deep inhales for air. He sat up and gave me a puzzled expression.

“Who are you?”

I held a hand up, indicating that I wanted to talk, but I could not say a word at the moment. He furrowed his brows while waiting for me to talk. I was finally able to talk again, when a soothing voice suddenly spoke.

“She will be our new companion.”

Our attention quickly went to the door to the stairway, where the owner of the voice was standing. Everything was happening so fast and unexpected; my mind could not keep up with it anymore. It was like I had to repeat his words continuously in order to understand what he just said, and when I finally realized what he just said, my eyes widened in unbelief. What did he just say?

“Are you kidding me?”

The boy next to me said with a frown, obviously not contented with what the other was saying. The dark haired boy slowly walked to us while giving me a contended grin. The way he was looking at me made me uneasy, but I quickly shrug it off, turning my attention back to the other one. His blonde hair was extraordinary, capturing attention even miles away. I tried to find any evidence of alcohol or drug use, but he was way too calm for that. I was confused to realize he did not have anything, but yet he was insane enough to risk his life just now. His cold eyes suddenly locked with mine, as if he noticed I was staring at him.


“I- Are you alright?”

He frustratingly clicked his tongue as he stood up, and gave me a cold smirk.

“Why would you care?”


I wanted to say that I was just worried, but before I could, the other boy cut me off again.

“Taemin,” He gave the boy named Taemin a stern look, “please behave.”


“Let’s,” He said without letting the other speak and quickly turned to look at me, “have a nice time together, Cho Chunhei-sshi.”

He… He knew my name? By any chance, is he the one who left the poker card on my table?

“Who- Who are you?”

A playful smirk appeared on his lips as he stood in front of me, his hands casually in his pockets.

“Who you would want me to be.”

It seemed like my confused face amused him, because a chuckle left his mouth as he looked at me. The blond-haired boy stood coolly next to him, not making any eye contact with me.

“What does that mean?”

“Cho Chunhei-sshi, take a look of the beautiful view in front of you, and tell me what you see.”

I did not know what he wanted, but I carefully walked to the side of the building and looked down, instantly feeling fright filling me as I saw how incredibly high we were. And to think I just ran up here, it was unbelievable.

“What do you see?”

He asked, and I gave him a confused expression. What did he want me to say? Houses? Buildings? People? Light? Just what did he want me to say?


I spoke quietly, and he nodded approvingly.

“From all the things you could see, you said people. Choosing human beings shows were your interest lies, and also,” His intense eyes bored into mine, “what your heart searches for first. Tell me, Cho Chunhei-sshi, from all the things in life, what frightens you the most?”

“You should care about your sister a little more, Soohyun. How selfish of you to ask such a request, even though I already said I could not let you stay. I know your family is important to you, but so is mine.”



My aunt’s words echoed in my head as I thought about what frightened me the most. I was frightened of the future, of my future, even of the world, but what scared me the most, where humans. When even your own aunt would not help you in difficult times, then who could be trusted? Just who could you rely on?


I muttered under me breath, my head hanging down.

“Words from a business man who went bankrupt more than twice,” He said approvingly, “and just the words I needed to hear. Cho Chunhei-sshi, how about being our companion? I tell you, you will not regret it.”

“Companion? What are you talking about?”

Taemin clicked his tongue in annoyance, clearly not happy with my speed of taking it all in. The other boy noticed this, and gave Taemin a strict look. I assumed he is the leader-like figure within the two, seeing the way the dark haired boy seemed to have some authority on the other.

“We need you to get close to someone, just so we can get some secrets from him. Do not worry, since we are not some kind of dangerous, violent gang who is out to murder people. We just want to get some information from this one person, and you are the perfect person to help us. You just have to get close to him, befriend him, and make him open up to you. But of course, this has to stay a win-win situation. How about,” Jinyoung said as he softly grabbed my bandaged hand, “money?”

“Just how do you know-”

“I am capable of the things you never thought would happen in your life, Cho Chunhei-sshi. Join us, and believe me,” He moved his head just inches from mine, “you will not regret it.”

I did not know what to do, or what to say. It was if I never learned how to cope with such situations, as if I was being challenged to make a life decision. He knew my name, my condition; he knew too much about me already. Running away was not an option right now, since he would know where to find me. I did not know what he wanted me to do; I just did not understand what he needed me to do. He wanted me to befriend someone? Why would he choose me from all the people in the world?

“You look at me like you do not trust me, but that is understandable. However, before you run through that door and never come back again, let me remind you of the condition you are in right now. For a pianist, an injured hand is a useless hand, right?”

“But why me?”

I asked almost soundlessly, since my voice was already too scared to come out. A playful smirk appeared on his lips.

“I want an intelligent companion, someone who does not need to be told things twice. I looked around in all the top universities in the country, searching for that one perfect person I was looking for. It just so happened, Cho Chunhei-sshi,” His intense eyes looked into mine, “that I chose you.”

“I-I…” I stuttered, fright taking over me, “I- W-whatever-r y-you w-want me t-to do, I w-will not.”

I am scared to death right now, not knowing what he wanted from me. Just the fact that he was capable of getting to know so much about me, it frightened me. A frown appeared on his face as he heard my words.

“You have no choice, Cho Chunhei-sshi, you-”

I quickly pushed him away with all the power I had and ran to the door. Without looking behind, I sprinted down the stairs. Whoever he is, whoever they were, it got nothing to do with me.

 “For a pianist, an injured hand is a useless hand, right?”

Tears filled my eyes as this one sentence echoed in my head endlessly. At that moment, I was at the point of giving in, but I stopped myself before doing so. If I were to accept his offer… If… If I were to do what he wanted me to, I would not be able to back out, never.

“Jinyoung hyung,” I looked at Taemin as he spoke, “why? Why would you choose someone like her?”

A smirk appeared on my lips as I saw his disapproving expression.

“Taemin-ah, we need a girl, you know that. In order to perfect our flawless group, we need a female companion.”

“I know, I know, I know! But hyung, we need someone who is intelligent, elegant, fast, and most importantly, beautiful. Cho Chunhei will not work, hyung. She did not even understand what you meant when you offered her the place of our third companion.”

I casually shook my head with a grin. As if I would choose the wrong person.

“Taemin, she was able to solve the code on the poker card in just minutes. Without a doubt, she will be our third companion.”

“Hyung, that was such an easy code-” He put his hand up to stop me from telling him the opposite. “Fine, do as you please. However, she just ran away, hyung. You think she will come back again?”

A confident smirk crept on my lips.

“She will. Without a doubt, she will.”


“Chunhei-ah, you are finally home.”

My mother gladly said as I walked inside the living room. A sudden feel of safety filled me as I felt warmth surrounding me, together with the gentle face of my mother.

“Yes, mother.”

I said before taking place on the couch next to her. The first few minutes after I left, I literally ran for my life. The amount of fright I felt at that moment, it was as if I lost all support. It was only until I was sure they would not find me that I could slowly calm down. But even though I was save right now, I should not be too sure about the future. That boy… He knew so much about me, there was no way he would not know I lived. Fear once again consumed me as I realized he would most certainly find me again, and I could not do anything about it. I did not understand why he would want me to help them. I did not understand it has to be me from all the people. But a little, just a little, I felt this indescribable feeling inside of me. I felt hopeful.


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ahhhh I just read everything. Your characterization is brilliant!! I love the way you portrayed Taemin (FINALLY! a Taemin who doesn't act like a whiny 6 year old. You probably know what I mean. XD), and though I don't know a thing about the real Jinyoung, he sounds like a cool guy, too. Most importantly, your OC/ main character is someone who can stand as a character of her own, and that's what draws me in the most. As an author who personally invests a ton of time into forming 3D OCs with real, distinct personalities, I appreciate how Chunhei is a person with a past, someone who experiences in-depth emotions with reasons behind them, and not just your typical Mary-Sue or some tragic orphan (there really are just too many cliched stories out there like that; what's worse is that they take away from the stories of that genre that are actually really well-written >.<). Normally, I don't read stories that don't feature my favorite all-time bias as the main character, but I like this story enough to make an exception xD. Great job, and update soon, please~~
Poor Chunhei...almost pushed to her limits :(<br />
Good thing that Jinyoung was there... he's still human after all or the reason he understand Chunhei is that because he might had gone through the same before.<br />
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Thanks for the update.
Eliano #3
Pls update soon.
Eliano #4
Don't worry, good luck for your test.
Everything regarding Jinyoung and Taemin is still vague for me at the've succeeded in making their character so mysterious. I feel sorry for Chunhei, i supposed she'll go through a lot of hardship and a lot of pain. But I admire her determination and and her being firm in something that she chose :) Fighting!!!<br />
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Thanks for the update. I'll be waiting for the next. <br />
Eliano #6
Please update soon. <br />
Owwww...something to do with the dark world huh?<br />
And Kyu is a genius casino owner? Hmmmmmmmnnn...nice rolefor him, i think it'll suit him well...hehe. <br />
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Nice update :)