Is he jealous??

I Think I Love You



No One pov

" See you tomorrow...." Hye Rin nodded and smiled. 

Sunbae and Jae Jin came out first with angry faces. 

Hye Rin only silence with confusion. 

After all gone Hye Rin sat in the living room and sighed. 

Min Hwan pass her without saying anything.

"What’s wrong with him? Why do they all look so upset? Oh never mind.

 It was the afternoon I'd better shower. "

Next day

Hye Rin's pov

I walked into the bus and saw Jae Jin waved his hand toward me. 

I smiled and sat down beside him.

"Anyeong ..."

"Anyeong ... where Dong-ho??"

"He drove Chun Hyang home." Jae Jin nodded and smiled. 

Why does my chest lately often beating fast?

 Suddenly my phone rang and I get an incoming sms.

"Have a nice day. Unfortunately today I'm busy at school.If notI'd love to meet you. "

I smiled to read a sms from sunbae.

"Why you smiled ? sms from your boyfriend? "

I was shocked and immediately shook his head.

"Anya ... just a sms from sunbae alone."

"Jong Hun? " I nodded. He paused and looked annoyed.

"Wueo ..? why did you come to know sunbae?? "

"He was captain of the basketball team from your school right?

 I often met him at a basketball game between the schools event.

 He has many fans from other schools. "I nodded.


"I see ..."

"Do you like him?" I looked at Jae Jin shocked.

"Nhé? Anya ... why you can say that?? "He shook his head.

"You look happy when you received a sms from him."

Why is his voice like a jealous person like that?

"Anneyo ... You sound like jealous ..." I shut my mouth. Omo! Omo! 

Why I could speak like that ... Jae Jin stared at me.

Please stop!! Don’tlooked at me like that, you make me lose my words ...

"What would you do if I'm jealous??" I'm shocked.

"Molha ... so??" Jae Jin looked down.

"Forget it. We're here ... " I nodded. OMG!! I don’t understand what's happening lately?



"So that's the story ..." Unnie nodded and she paced back and forth in front of me. 

She looked thoughtful.

"Aha ... it seems from your story, they really liked you."

 I was shocked and stared in surprise unnie?

"Maldhu Andwe ... Why would they like me? I didn’t do anything Unnie ... "

Unnie shrugged her shoulders,

"If we like someone, we don’t need to know the exact reason why we like him."

 I nodded. Unnie smiled and sat down beside me.

"So which one do you prefer??" I looked down and shook his head.

"I don’t know .. This is the first time I beat like this when close to the guy. 

The three of them was nice, always helps me. I'm confused ... .. " Unnie smile.

"Someday you'll understand if you are patient." I paused and unnie walked out of the room. 


Why do they all make me like this?

Aigo! Chinca ... too many question marks lately ....

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Blueskylovers #1
I'm confused to reply ur comment.. hahahha<br />
so many ^^<br />
just see how later..<br />
I'll choose the best one ^^
rikuri #2
SUNBAE :(((((<br />
rikuri #3
GO SUNBAE-NIM! =D hohohohoho
rikuri #4
><<br />
what will happen what will happen next? >< cannot wait<br />
OMG HYE RIN! which one will u choose???? I SUPPORT SUNBAE!
rikuri #5
sunbae =)
rikuri #6
hahahahahahahaha<br />
Blueskylovers #7
Ow Ow... cant say anything.. hahahaha
rikuri #8
LOL!<br />
i want her to be with sunbae! a gentle yet very warm one! ><
Blueskylovers #9
Rikuri " Just put your heart in the refrigerator...<br />
It will cold and frozen again.. =p<br />
just kidding ^^"
rikuri #10
HAAAA my heart is melting u know LOL<br />
but it is melting becuz of the two oh no, 3 people! LOL<br />
then how? ><