
I Think I Love You


Son Hee's pov

I looked at the window waiting Min Hwan home.

I'm still thinking about how to stop that girl about utilizing Min Hwan?

 I looked at a guy was holding a woman who looks asleep on his back. 

Very sweet couple, if Min Hwan and I like it ...

I see more clearly, it looks like that guy's face is familiar ... Min Hwan??!! 

He picked Hye Rin? I feel upset.The girl really use him until Min Hwan want carry her. 

I immediately walked to my room.

"Anyeong Son Hee ah ..." I looked at Jay in disgust and walked toward my room.

 I should really plan something.



Next day


I'm drinking orange juice when he heard the conversation Jay and Seung oppa.

"It seems Min hwan really love with Hye Rin."

"It's fair, because Hye Rin is sweet and nice with everyone."

" Yes she is,but did you saw yesterday?

 I never look Min Hwan really worried like that before. Whereas Hye Rin just got a fever?”

That girl gotfever? It must just excuse it.

"Where Min Hwan??" Hyun Min oppa look for Min Hwan.

"Yesterday he said he woke up a bit late because his class start at 10 am."

"Araso ..." I was just silent. I feel Karam looked at me with puzzled. 

Why lately he looked at me like that?

"Is there anything weird on my face??" Karam surprised and shook his head quickly.

"Anya .. Anya ... " he smiled nervously. I feel very annoyed with that girl.

 Why she could easily get Min Hwan?

"I'm going now ..." I immediately went without regard to wave their hands.

Karam's pov


Son Hee leave the kitchen with upset faces. She looks very dissapointed. 

Does she like Min Hwan?

"What's wrong with Son Hee?? Yesterday when I greet her,

she looked at me with furious. Am I make a mistake??" Jay looked at me quizzically.

 I just shrugged my shoulder.

I looked towards the kitchen door and looked lethargic. Does she know about my feel?



Min Hwan's pov

All boarders are gone. I was relieved to get a class at 10. Son hee can’t follow me today.

"I'm late! I'm late! Ah .. Min Hwan ah .. " I looked at Noona who is in hurry.


"Can you see Hye Rin? Looks like she still doesn’t get up for some reason.

 I want to call her but I was too late. " I nodded . She smiled and ran away.

I finish my breakfast and walked to the room of Hye Rin and Noona.

 I paused a moment before knocking. Why do I feel nervous like this?

 I drew my breath and knocked on the door.

"Hye Rin ah .. "

"Come in ..." I heard Hye Rin’s voice that sounded very weak. Is she still a fever?

Did I've told him to eat medicine, last night? I opened the door.

"I already told you to eat ... Yah! why are you sleeping on the floor like that ... "

Don’t tell me she fainted??!! Otthokhe?


Hye Rin's pov

I opened my eyes and felt my forehead felt cold.

 I held my forehead, somebody put a wet towel on my forehead.

 I sat down and feel better than before.

 I was surprised to see Min Hwan leaning against the wall next to my bed.

 I held his face gently and he awoke.

" So cold ... you're awake??" I nodded and I pulled my hand.

 He immediately got up and holding my forehead.

He smiled with relief. Min Hwan smile? It seems a miracle.

"Hufff .. thank God ... "He looked at me with delight.

"Ye .. don’t you have a class today? "He was silent.

"I didn’t go today, after all, only the economic subjects. I can still follow it. "

I felt my chest feels warm and comfort. He pulled my blanket and take a glass of water for me.

"Min-hwan ah ..."

"You better take a rest again. I went to the kitchen for a while,

 I've bought your porridge earlier. I'll warm it up. So you can take your medicine. "

I nodded. I leaned over my bed. Why is he so concern??

 I remembered Min Hwan smile. His smile make me feel comfort and safe.

 My heart was pounding again. This is the same beat that I think the sunbae and Jae Jin.

Sunbae, he was like a prince in the fairytale. He is a guy's dream for all girls. 

Clever and popular.

 Jae Jin, he was impressed mysterious but he always accompany me when I am alone. 

Then Min-hwan, he only cool guy who sometimes rough,

 but always there beside me when I needed him. Why I thinking about this things?

 So who actually that I like?

Suddenly my phone rang.

"Sunbae ..."

"Why you don’t go today?"

"I got a fever from yesterday."


"Kuenchana ..."

"Do you mind if I see you??"

"Nhé ??!!" I were alone with Min Hwan today.

 What will sunbae say when he saw Min Hwan treat me like this?

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Blueskylovers #1
I'm confused to reply ur comment.. hahahha<br />
so many ^^<br />
just see how later..<br />
I'll choose the best one ^^
rikuri #2
SUNBAE :(((((<br />
rikuri #3
GO SUNBAE-NIM! =D hohohohoho
rikuri #4
><<br />
what will happen what will happen next? >< cannot wait<br />
OMG HYE RIN! which one will u choose???? I SUPPORT SUNBAE!
rikuri #5
sunbae =)
rikuri #6
hahahahahahahaha<br />
Blueskylovers #7
Ow Ow... cant say anything.. hahahaha
rikuri #8
LOL!<br />
i want her to be with sunbae! a gentle yet very warm one! ><
Blueskylovers #9
Rikuri " Just put your heart in the refrigerator...<br />
It will cold and frozen again.. =p<br />
just kidding ^^"
rikuri #10
HAAAA my heart is melting u know LOL<br />
but it is melting becuz of the two oh no, 3 people! LOL<br />
then how? ><