He made me fall

I Think I Love You


Hye Rin's pov

Unnie looked at me.

 "Chongmal? Aigo .. poor Hye Rin .. " I just nodded weakly.

" I still don’t understand with my feeling but,

 Why do I have to deal with other seniors about Jong Hun sunbae? "

Unnie just stopped and stared at me in bewilderment.

"Mian .. Unnie can’t do anything to you.

Now, everything is back to you wethere you could survive or not. " I paused and nodded.

" I don’t know about how seniors can know  and think that I liked Jong Hun sunbae.

Though I myself wasn’t so sure with this feeling. " Unnie stood up and patted my shoulder.

"Just trust me everything would be fine. You must be careful with people at your school.

You can’t tell people from the inside. I looked at Unnie.

"Can I trust Unnie??" Unnie smile.

"Of course, why should I betray my own cousin. Anyway I'm not a bad person Hye Rin. "

Tok! Tok! Tok!

"Hye Rin ah!" I heard Jay.


I opened the door. Jay, Karam, Seung oppa,

 Hyun oppa and Min Hwan appeared in front of my room. I looked at them puzzled.


"Let's going cycling. " Unnie came up behind me.

"What is it? Why are all gathered here? " All smiles except Min Hwan.

"We want to invite Hye Rin and Noona to cycling." Noona looked at me and I nodded.

"Good idea!"


"Wow ... Beautiful ..." We got to the park and rented some bicycles.

Unnie and Hyun oppa look busy with themselves.

 I just stared at the bike in my hand, puzzled.

"Wueo?" I looked at Seung oppa confused.

"I'm too happy and forget that I can’t ride bicycle." Seung oppa laugh.

 I feel embarrassed.

" Yah! Palliwa ...!! "Jay and Karam was riding his bike left me with Seung oppa.

"Ok. I'll teach you. "I looked at Seung oppa with delight.

"Chinca? Kumawo oppa. "Seung oppa nodded.

 I looked at Min Hwan who stare at me in disgust.

" Spoiled girl...."

"Mehrong!" I stuck out my tongue to him. He left me with Seung oppa.


HUF ... already almost half an hour I tried to ride a bike but always failed.

" Yah! Is it hard to ride a bike? I will teach you. " I looked at Min Hwan and smiled.

"Gomawo. But don’t let go of my bike. "

Min Hwan smiling for a few seconds but then he started to mock me.

 at least he's willing to teach me.I begin to ride and ...

"Yes I can I can!"

" Yah! Don’t let her ride alone first, Do you will take a rensponsibility if she falls? " 

" Yah!! You see she was able to control the bike now. " 

 I was shocked and turned to Min Hwan who laughed with pleasure and

Seung oppa look worry. Mwo!! He let go of me??!! Min Hwan!

 I went back to look ahead and see a tree in front of me.

"Kyyyyyaaaa! " BRUUKKK!

"Hye Rin! Gwaenchana?? I’ve ttold you we still have to hold that bicycle!! "

I felt my hip pain fortunately I fell into the grass. 

My leg just scratched a little. I stared directly Min Hwan who shrugged.

" Thanks a lot Min Hwanssi "

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Blueskylovers #1
I'm confused to reply ur comment.. hahahha<br />
so many ^^<br />
just see how later..<br />
I'll choose the best one ^^
rikuri #2
SUNBAE :(((((<br />
rikuri #3
GO SUNBAE-NIM! =D hohohohoho
rikuri #4
><<br />
what will happen what will happen next? >< cannot wait<br />
OMG HYE RIN! which one will u choose???? I SUPPORT SUNBAE!
rikuri #5
sunbae =)
rikuri #6
hahahahahahahaha<br />
Blueskylovers #7
Ow Ow... cant say anything.. hahahaha
rikuri #8
LOL!<br />
i want her to be with sunbae! a gentle yet very warm one! ><
Blueskylovers #9
Rikuri " Just put your heart in the refrigerator...<br />
It will cold and frozen again.. =p<br />
just kidding ^^"
rikuri #10
HAAAA my heart is melting u know LOL<br />
but it is melting becuz of the two oh no, 3 people! LOL<br />
then how? ><