Is there something happened with them..

I Think I Love You


Son Hee's pov

" Chonunn Son Hee imnida. Please, take care of me. "

They smiled and nodded. Hye Rin approached me.

"The far right is Ha Ni unnie, she was my cousin." A beautiful girl waved at me.

I smiled and nodded.

"Then Hyun Min oppa, he’s unnie boyfriend." I smiled at the handsome guy next to unnie.

Then I looked at a guy who looks shy and sweet.

" He’s Karam, he was shy but he always kind”

Karam scratched his head and his face flushed.

"Kiyopta ..." all looked at me shocked.

 I keep my mouth shut shame. Karam looks embarrassed and looked down.

"Karam ah .. Kiyopta ... hahahhaha "

I saw all laughed at Seung Hyun interfere with Karam.

"Hahahaha ... next Seung Hyung oppa and Jay next to him."

 I nodded, staring at Seung Hyun oppa

and then I looked at a sweet guy with a boyish face next to him.

"Last is the Min Hwan, you already know him right???" I nodded.

Unnie approached us.

"Glad there are women here, we can go shopping together."

 Unnie and Hye Rin laughed delightedly. 

I looked at Min Hwan who stare at Hye Rin meaningfully. 

Do I have a broken heart so quickly?

"Son Hee ah, kuenchana??"

"Nhé? Ah .. ye ... " I smiled at Unnie.

"What if we call the Pizza?" Seung Hyun approached us.

"It's time to party!"


I woke up when I saw my alarm rang loudly. The first day at a new dormitory.

The atmosphere sounded a little noisy outside. I rubbed my eyes and walked into the kitchen.

"Anyeong Son Hee ah .." Jay greeted me.

"Anyeong!" I smiled.

"I think this house suddenly become fresh with a rose growing here."

Karam hit head Seung Hyun. Me and Jay laughed.

“ Yahl! Why you hit me? "

"Don’t ..” Jay embrace Karam.

“ I feel somebody got jealous.” Jay try to escape before Karam hit him. Everyone laugh.

"Anyeong!" Hye Rin entry. Her head wasn’t in bandages, but there is a sticking plaster.

 I smiled.

"Anyeong ...!" All say hello.

"How are you now? Kuenchana?? " She smiled looked at me and nodded.

" Much better. Kumawo Son Hee ah .." I nodded.

" You guys are to noisy!" I turned to see Min Hwan entrance. He was ready with his shirt.

"Yah! You should happy because we are coming of a more beautiful girl. "

I just laughed at Seung Hyun oppa words. 

“ Should I??” Min Hwan answered with a monotone.

Min hwan silent and busy tying his tie. It seems he had trouble, what should I help him?

"Min Hwan ah ..."

" still can’t??" Min Hwan just nodded.

 I just wanted to help her when Hye Rin advance forward and tying his tie.

"Well, since when Min Hwan become docile like this?"

Min Hwan just stared Seung Hyun oppa in disgust.

"Done." Min Hwan just nodded.

"Ku.. mawo .. " Everyone cheered.

Min-hwan's face reddened and Hye Rin just stared at them with confusion.

"Min-hwan hyung said thank you with a spoiled girl? Unbelieveable! "

Min Hwan immediately strangle Jay.

"Yah! Don’t speak carelessly. " Everyone laughed.

I just laughed awkwardly and felt disappointed.

"Kuenchana??" Karam looked at me and looked puzzled.

"Anya .. Ah .. Kuenchana ... I need a shower ... "

I went and still can hear their laughter.Did I really really liked Min Hwan?

I feel.. Is there something happened with them,,,

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Blueskylovers #1
I'm confused to reply ur comment.. hahahha<br />
so many ^^<br />
just see how later..<br />
I'll choose the best one ^^
rikuri #2
SUNBAE :(((((<br />
rikuri #3
GO SUNBAE-NIM! =D hohohohoho
rikuri #4
><<br />
what will happen what will happen next? >< cannot wait<br />
OMG HYE RIN! which one will u choose???? I SUPPORT SUNBAE!
rikuri #5
sunbae =)
rikuri #6
hahahahahahahaha<br />
Blueskylovers #7
Ow Ow... cant say anything.. hahahaha
rikuri #8
LOL!<br />
i want her to be with sunbae! a gentle yet very warm one! ><
Blueskylovers #9
Rikuri " Just put your heart in the refrigerator...<br />
It will cold and frozen again.. =p<br />
just kidding ^^"
rikuri #10
HAAAA my heart is melting u know LOL<br />
but it is melting becuz of the two oh no, 3 people! LOL<br />
then how? ><