At The Same Time As Rain


In which Baekhyun meets a violinist who shows him the only kindness he's seen in the last seven years of his life. At the ange of twenty, he's finally making friends, and learning to live, all because of a certain musician he met in the rain.


"Wait!" Suddenly there was another set of feet pounding through the hallways and Baekhyun turned around to see someone running at him.

Baekhyun's eyes widened and he wanted nothing more than to run away and get back to his class already, but he was frozen on the stop, his heart stopped beating and he could feel his breath being right out of his lungs. He stared at the tall man running his way in a plaid shirt and black skinny jeans. His hair was tied back, a few loose strands hanging around his perfectly sculpted face as he ran towards Baekhyun with one hand beckoning him to wait up. The sound of skidding shoes came from his dark blue converse, one shoe untied, so it was a surprise he didn't trip or even stumble once. This time he didn't have his violin at hand in its black case thumping against his side like it had when the two walked the city streets together in the storm.

Please tell me I'm dreaming.

He seemed more attractive than he had the other day, or perhaps that was just because Baekhyun didn't want to admit that he had found the annoying stranger attractive if even in the slightest. This time he couldn't stop staring; for some reason he wished he hadn't run away when the man had turned his back for just a second to make a call on that pay phone. He felt guilt at that moment, but one step closer and he felt wonder, another and he felt like his heart was going to burst. When they were just a few steps apart Baekhyun was sure that this was just some silly dream, but then the stranger reached him, panting as he attempted to catch his breath.

What are you doing here? Baekhyun asked him through his mind. He shouldn't be curious, he should've just forgotten about the man that had offered his umbrella on such a stormy day, but he didn't, and there had to be a reason for that right?

"Hey," the stranger mumbled. Baekhyun tried to say something back in return but ended up just standing there with his mouth agape as he observed the man's face. Was it just Baekhyun or were they way too close to each other? "Do you remember me?"

Baekhyun didn't think he would be able to forget now, the man was too close to him, his voice was perfectly deep, and his smile was addictive. A part of him wondered how he could not remember him, but he couldn't deny the fact that for the past three days he had at the least been trying to forget him. Trying to forget that he owed the man for what he had done for him, that he had met someone who could actually spot the black cat. He had tried these past few days and just when he was beginning to forget, here they were again, the black cat and the violinist.

After a second of silence Baekhyun nodded warily. As much as he wanted to forget the man, he felt like there was something special about him. No. He knew there was something special about him. It wasn't every day that somebody noticed the black cat. "I remember," he whispered.



a/n: This is my first oneshot so sorry if it >ㅅ< 


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