Third Letter

Letters from a Liar

A's last letter was a bit shocking to us. We never thought anyone actually did these things. Of course growing up we would hear stories about people who lie about everything that their whole life would be a lie. But we never thought there were people out there who would really do that. I always thought these stories were told to teach us not to lie. 

"Hyung, we got another letter from her," Changmin said as we walked to our van. "Give me it" I replied as we entered and sat down. Changmin handed me the letter and I started reading to the members. 


Dear DBSK,

A lot of things happened in my freshmen year of high school. Especially starting around the middle of the school year. I got into writing fan-fictions and reading them around the same year. I would write stories on a blog site called "LiveJournal" the most. There I met a girl from Canada and we added each other on messenger and talked. I made three friends on there actually. Two of them I've talked to the most. The one that was in the states I was pretty close with. Although I was most honest with her I did tell her lies and make up stories as well. They were never anything too big either- I think. It was just simple lies using ullzzang faces saying "this is a new guy at my school" and "we're dating now" and say this and that happened. But the Canadian girl- well it was really crazy the lies were endless, not just from me though. But let me just add in I used to be slow and quite gullible, and I think I still kind of am a bit slow and just a tad bit gullible. The lies she told me, I was actually somewhat convinced they were true to a certain extent. Some things I could tell were lies but at the same just in case I tried not to think of them as lies because they were things that are pretty traumatic and not easy to tell people about, so I would give her the benefit of the doubt for those things. 

I won't go into too much detail because honestly some of the lies were so just so damn stupid that I forgot half of the things I said. 

My lie involved 3 or 4 guys, saying they were my friends. Of course again I lied saying one of them became my boyfriend. I looked up a random pic of a group of teenage boys, I didn't know they were from 1TYM though- which she happened to be a fan of, but the pic was old and wasn't everywhere but she did comment that he looked like Teddy so I said "Yea he does" I don't know if she believed me or not, it might have been half half.

She also lied about these guys she knew and gave me a picture of a guy she was like "my friend looks like this Japanese guy" and saying that he's camera shy so he she doesn't have any pictures of him. We had a video call one time and she tried to make it seem real that he was there. 

She was pulling on a tie "trying" to get the guy in front of the camera but I could tell she had tied the tie to something. But that's not important. Our conversations were mostly made up stories and a series of lies. We said "this friend of mine is from a gang" and all that bull. We created dramatic scenes. And even pretended to be our friends and talked to each other pretending to be them.

Though of course in the series of lie I guess I somewhat believed some of her stories. I'm not sure if she had made this story up or not, I kind of had a feeling she was lying, but again I can't really say it's a lie. She said when she was younger, if I remember correctly, that was forced to give her uncle a or something of the sort of ual harassment and molestation.

I also made up lies saying when I was in middle school I got beat up by people who hated my friend and he later helped me. I don't remember. It was a bunch of bull-

Though I learned the tough way, that lying can really hurt someone.

One day she announces to me that her friend died in a car accident. I thought it was real. I honestly did start crying. I was shocked. 

If you're going to lie...NEVER lie about death or illness, never. But again I didn't really learn from that situation. Because I myself at one point made a fake account as a guy to convince people of my "friends" and took I too far.

 But that's a separate story from this one.

Basically at one point I knew she lied about her friend who died in an accident when she out of no where talked about how someone put white roses (i think it was roses) in her locker and only one person knew that she liked white roses and then later on she's like "I think he's still alive-" and I was like, are you ing serious? You made me cry over an imaginary friend. 

I wanted to end these series of lies, for two reasons, one I didn't really want to talk to her anymore and two because I was tired of making things up. So I spoke to her as one of my fake friends saying I tried to kill myself (I don't remember what I said) and that I didn't die but I damaged my head so bad I lost some of my memories and then slowly cut contact with her and I don't remember what happened later. Only because it does not matter. 

Ugh I went on too long. I don't feel like writing anymore, I'll end this here. If you're reading this, thank you for reading...listening? And I hope you don't think I'm too messed up. Also sorry for cursing, heh. 


                                                                                    Sincerely, A


I shook my head. Damn. Why would anyone lie like that? Especially about death. That's very messed up. And the fact that there were other people who lied like this, I guess it must be pretty common that people lied so much.

Lies are never okay. White lies may be "okay" depending on the situation, like saying "I'm fine" when you're not.

But taking lies this far is too much.  









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Chapter 6: Can you please translate the last part for us?
AmyDick #2
Chapter 5: I'm glad you updated!
joros_ #3
Thank you for writing this :)
Chapter 5: Ohhh she's coming to Korea!!!!!


And welcome back buddy :)
Chapter 4: You are back!!!!

AmyDick #6
Chapter 3: Is the A girl is a normal person? She maybe has psychological disorder.. You should explain more her character later..
orangepies #7
Such an interesting concept! <3
Chapter 3: Wow.... Do these happen for real?
Chapter 2: A perfect story for a perfect timing. I can relate to that. A while ago I was thinking about not having many friends in real life and that. And while looking for a story to make up my mood, I found this one. Nice story, author-nim. Waiting for the next update. :)
Situmeng18 #10
Chapter 2: Omg this was soo me in high school. *sigh*