Chapter 2


‘ Kim Myungsoo. Prodigy of Woolim High School. Obtained grade 8 certificate when 8 years old, awarded the gold medal for Seoul International Competition. Passed away due to heart attack in Woolim High when he was practicing his self-composed masterpiece, Paradise. OMFG, that Myungsoo guy was for real? ‘ Sungyeol yawned as he scrolled down the website as he thought hard to himself. Then why was Myungsoo’s spirit still in the room, lingering? Curious, Sungyeol hugged his penguin toy tightly. He wanted to help Myungsoo. Maybe that was why he felt that the room was summoning him. Sungyeol was destined to help Myungsoo.

The next day, Sungyeol left to the music room during lunch, earning horrified stares from Howon and Sungjong. ‘ Whaddya doing? ‘

‘ I just feel that it’s quiet and there’s no one to disturb me there. Wanna join me? ‘ Sungyeol offered as the duo shook their heads. ‘ I have to meet DongWoo. Seeya later. ‘

Sungyeol held his lunchbox in his hand, gripped tightly as he opened the door to the music room. Like the day before, Myungsoo was poised on the piano bench, playing the already familiar tune.

‘ You’re here. ‘ Myungsoo didn’t even bother looking up. Sungyeol’s scent was a soothing peach scent. It didn’t irk Myungsoo; he found it kinda appealing, but he wasn’t gonna admit that.  Sungyeol took his spot beside Myungsoo as he took out a piece of egg.

‘ Want some? ‘ Sungyeol offered as Myungsoo nodded. But Myungsoo couldn’t even hold the piece of egg. It went through him, making him sigh.

‘ It seems like I’m not destined to have it. ‘

‘ Why so depressed? But are you hungry? ‘ Myungsoo shook his head. ‘ I just wanted to…taste food. I haven’t eaten for ages, since I was here. ‘

That brought Sungyeol back to his main topic of the day.

‘ Hey, how long have you been here? ‘

‘ Like I can remember. Ages. Really. ‘

‘ Since… you died when you were playing this piano, right? It’s your spirit that I’m seeing now, that is keeping this grand piano alive. Without your spirit, the grand piano should be ruins already. Why are you still here, not wanting to go over? I want to help you, Myungsoo. Maybe I can’t do much, but I hope that you will be able to go over eventually. ‘  Sungyeol finished his mini-speech as he looked expectantly at Myungsoo, thinking that the latter would praise him or thank him for being such a friendly and helpful person. Instead, Myungsoo stared at him seriously, with a crazed expression on his beautiful face.

‘ Yah.. Myungsoo ah are you all right? ‘ Sungyeol inched away from Myungsoo, afraid that he would do anything out of order to him. Sungyeol's fears obviously didn’t come true—Myungsoo just asked him a fairly simple question.

‘ Do you know how to play the piano? ‘

‘ I guess. A little. But I’ve never been properly trained, and am not a genius like you—‘ Myungsoo cut him off impatiently.

‘ See, if you want to help me, there’s only one way. Help me finish playing Paradise on the piano. ‘ Myungsoo stated bluntly as he took out the yellowed sheet music, the only thing that he was able to touch other than the piano since it had stayed with him in the room for so many years.

‘ Then I should call Sungjong in! He plays the piano! ‘ Excited, Sungyeol stood up but Myungsoo shook his head. ‘ It has to be you. You’re the first person who talked to me this year. Only you can play this song to perfection. I have faith in you. ‘

‘ That must have been the longest speech you ever said. ‘ Sungyeol mocked. ‘ I’ll do it, but it will take me ages, Myungsoo? You sure you wanna do this? ‘

‘ Yes. Thank you, Sungyeol. ‘ Myungsoo let out a small smile as Sungyeol took the piano sheets from him, scrutinizing the fragile papers carefully.

‘ God, how many sharps and flats are there?! Couldn’t you have composed a simpler song? ‘

‘ It’s not my fault that your piano skills and can’t play my masterpiece. I was about to start playing my fully composed piece, but I… ’ Myungsoo trailed off, a hint of despair in his eyes.

‘ Myungsoo, I’ll help you. Trust me, alright? I will be able to help you finish playing this song, so don’t be sad anymore! Can I copy the scores? I have a keyboard at home, so maybe I will be able to practice at home too. ‘ Fumbling for blank scores in his file, Sungyeol quickly grabbed a pencil as he started to copy the little black notes.

‘ The melody is quite nice. Have you ever thought of adding lyrics to it at all? ‘ Sungyeol commented as Myungsoo glanced his way lazily. ‘ You can do it if you’re so interested. ‘

‘ I was just suggesting. ‘ Sungyeol sneaked a look at Myungsoo who was looking at him intently, and both blushed simultaneously. ‘ Well, when you have mastered the song, maybe we can think about it together. ‘

‘ After you finish playing the song, I’ll have to leave. ‘ Myungsoo thought in his heart as he couldn’t bear to leave Sungyeol, the guy he only knew for probably a few hours, but liked a lot.

But this was a forbidden romance, right?  A spirit couldn’t fall in love with a human. 

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 8: Wowwww
Chapter 9: And I almost thought it would end sadly! And yay it didn't!^^ good story~~~♡
khasabat #3
Chapter 9: Oh im happy! Myung comeback!
Chapter 9: cryinggggg i thought it will be a sad ending
Chapter 9: THANK YOU!! myungyeol will always find each other no mater what
I truly love story it's awsome <3
Chapter 9: I love you author-nim. I love you for not breaking my precious MyungYeol.
totorochu #7
subscribed!! :DD
krystal2010 #8
Thank you for the nice comments guys! I'm so touched by them even after such a long while :) Although I doubt anyone's going to see this comment, but I just want to say taht appreciate every single subbie and comment. Thanks!
keygakeun #9
Aww so cute :D
omg!!! this is such a nice story!!!! the song PARADISE really suits on this story, it even made me cry!! and I WANT A SEQUEL!!!!!!! pretty please!!!!!!! T_T