don't i know you

BAD BLOOD lonely love story book 5

The next morning baro had pulled jinyoung aside to ask a few questions about what when down the other day.

" Hyung, what happened with you and gongchan, why did he make it sound like you two... you know."

"Because we did. it was just that one time and no one else knew no one but us and now you. just promise me you won't say anything to anyone."

" Wait do you love gongchan?"

" i don't know, it's just that one time i had needs and we did it. you won't tell right?"

"i won't, please trust me that's just the most awkward thing to talk about i wouldn't even if i had a choice." baro giggled and jinyoung frowned than walked off so he could fix breakfast,he last breakfast or what seemed to be. time was running fast and on'y gongchan and baro knew how close it was to his end. -tomarrow i'll have to go back to his place and...- jinyoung couldn't think what would happen to him and with that he sat down to enjoy what he had prepared.

" um, jinyoung don't you think you over did it on breakfast?" Shinwoo asked although they all knew one person who wouldn't have a problem( yes we're talking bout sandule lol)

"No, i just thought eat like it's your last day to live, i mean sandule does it." he chuckled nervously than started to eat barring his whole head into the plate in fear someone might see his tears. gongchan out his hand on jinyoung's letting his know he would allways be there.

"Hyung your the best." jinyoung looked up with red tained eyes and and smile at what couldn've been his love story.

later on that day jinyoung got a text massage 

- your time is running out so you must answer this question and if you get it right i might give you more time, but if you get it wrong than tick tok you'll have untill sundown-

jinyoung sighed and asked what the question was. after reading it about 10000 times he relized whi he was really dealing with. clicking on his phone he texted back

- i know who you really are-


Hey sup guys i just wanted to say i got just what i needed for my ending and i'm so happy. the only problem is making sure i don't cut the story short so any ideas other than whatch another k-drama ( my main insperation), but i need something bloody and heart felt and hey who knows the next time i write a fanfic i just might have a co-writers; that is if you're any good, but i'm sure you are. signing of harvasha harris and i'll see you on the next chapter. *kisses*


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