chain of lies, bond of secrets

BAD BLOOD lonely love story book 5

"i don't know i just don't think i can hold it in anymore."

"well you - we have to or you-know-who will be looking for us and have our heads." baro said

" well i can't live with this guilt so I'm sorry i have to tell everyone else what happened."

" I don't think so." baro said as he pulled out a rag placing it over jinyoung's face, jinyoung fell to the ground and the last thing he heard

" Dinner's ready." the next thing jinyoung new was something was wrong but he didn't have the power to do anything. hours later jinyoung found himself strapped to a chair with something around his face and he felt very weak as if he had been working out for hours. he heard someone walking into the room and he began to shout questions.

"Who's there? baro?" he shook "what's going on?" the foot steps only grew closer and closer jinyoung's guts were beginning to turn and he felt sock from fear and just as he was about to ask another question the cloth that covered his eyes was removed his eye sight was blurry for a second and just as he sight recovered it was once again blurred by a bright light. than a sweet familiar voice spoke to him.

"jinyoung, do you remember what happened?"

"No, well a little just that i was cooking dinner and than i talked to Baro than after that i can't remember it was if i had fallen asleep." the ma chuckled and asked another question.

 " do you know who i am?"

"y-you're the guy who-"

"yes, yes i am and i take pride in it." jinyoung felt like he was about the sh*t his pants."Baro tells me you're trying to tell."

" i know how is sounds, but i just couldn't handle all the guilt of this death." the man gave an upset face " i wasn't going to say anything about you i was just going to say it was all me! i promise." the man pasted back in forward in front of jinyoung creating a tension that was unbearable they sat in an uncomfortable silence jinyoung thought if HE didn't kill him than the suspense would. he stopped and look jinyoung directly in the eyes. it felt like everything was moving in slow motion jinyoung couldn't take it. just as he opened his mouth to make his final decision baro and gongchan entered the room and not a moment too soon they asked that he wouldn't take jinyoung's life and that he was too important to be killed. the man took mercy on jinyoung and the others, but he still had his blood lust so letting the others go he took another person.

" Oh, victoria." he said maniacally


Man another chapter finished and yet no one is really  reading maybe i should just end it for good or not, but i hope who ever reads this like it and at least tell me what i need to fixs to make it alot me worth while. well that's it for this chapter and i guess i'll see you on the next chapter.

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