Chapter 1: The Mysterious Someone

Four Seasons (EXO Fanfiction)
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*Someone’s POV*

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

I said as I read the quote written in front of that shop. I curiously look at the name of it and realized that it was a bubble tea shop. It was Cofioca bubble tea shop.


It’s been a long time since that incident happened. And because of that quote, I found myself entering the shop. It has a deck but I didn’t bother to go there because it’s so cold. So I’ve decided to stay at the first floor.

When I enter the shop, I saw a girl irritably looking at her wrist watch. Maybe she’s waiting for someone. She is wearing a school uniform which is familiar to me. I think she’s  a high school student. She has a long hair and pale skin but her cheeks are rosy red maybe because of the weather.

I checked my phone and saw that it’s already six in the evening. I tried to look at her again because she reminds me of someone but  she suddenly looked at my way so I looked away. After awhile I walked towards the counter to order a drink.

“Good day sir, what’s your order?” the cashier asked me.

I looked at the menu posted on the top of the counter.

“Uhm what’s your best seller here?” I asked the cashier because I’m not really familiar with the flavors and foods served in here.

“Choco Ajusshi,”

(A/N: Ahjussi is a Korean term for an adult man around 20's and up. Basically, it's sort of a way to say "Sir, man" in Korean.)

“Okay. I’ll take that.”

Then he gave me a number card. He told me to wait for a few minutes so I decided to sit in the table near the staircase at the left side of the shop. The table is for two persons only.  Different colors are painted in the wall of the shop. There are lots of notes posted in the wall.  The counter is in the middle front of the shop. The comfort room is in the left side of the counter and the stock room is in the right side of it. There are two staircases going to the second deck, the one behind my table and the other on the right side corner of the shop.

“Here’s your order Ahjussi. Enjoy your bubble tea.” He said as he smiled at me.

“Kamsahamnida(Thank you).” Then he bowed and go back to the stock room.

(A/N: Kamsahamnida is a formal way of saying "Thank you" in korean)


I started drinking the “so called bubble tea” and yes it taste good.

“Mashta(Delicous).” I said.

I looked at the door when two short guys entered the shop, one who is so white and one who had a rectangular shaped smile.

“My treat, since it’s your first time and a you are a newbie.” said the white one.

“Kamsahamnida hyung(Thanks hyung).”

(A/N: Hyung means older brother. Males call their older brother hyung.)

Then they walked towards the counter, the white one goes to the stock room and the other stays at the table in front of the counter.

After a few minutes, the white one went out from the stock room with two bubble tea cup on his hands. He gave it to the other guy and sit beside him. I wonder why he went inside of the stock room, maybe the white one is related to the owner of this shop. The shop became so noisy because of them.

I looked at my bubble tea and realized that it is already empty. So I immediately go to the counter and ordered a slice of cake and another bubble tea. When I go back to my seat, someone entered the shop again.

A simple girl who really looks happy.  She has a long hair. She also had a book on her arms. She looks young but doesn’t wear school uniform. As she walks towards the counter, I heard the other guy talk to the white man.

“Hey hyung, what’s the problem?”    

That causes me to look at them and I saw the white one looking at the girl I said earlier, or should I say glaring at her.

“A-ah nothing.” Said the white man.

The girl ordered bubble tea and a slice of cake. Then she sit on the table next to the table of the two guys, in front of the stock room. She opened her book and started reading it. But there’s one thing caught my attention again, the title of her book. It’s “Peter Pan”. It reminds me of someone I know long ago. And I have this feeling that I know the girl who is happily reading her book, but… never mind.

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