2: Wake Up! Meeting time!

My 7 Husbands

               Sana’s alarm went off at 6am. She quickly got up, grabbed her towel and some clothes then headed to the bathroom down the hall. The bathroom door opened before she could even knock and Sangsoo was standing there with a towel around his waist and stared at her blankly. Her eyes opened a bit wider but she blinked a few times before nodding awkwardly. “Good morning Sangsoo.”

               He just nodded and walked past her and mumbled as he walked away. “At least this one wakes up early enough to do her job…” She ignored it as she quickly took her shower and got dressed in the bathroom to avoid any incidents. The bathroom was a mess and had dirty clothes covering most of the floor. They had a hamper but it was upside down and had a speaker to hook up phones to set on top of it. She already knew what the plans for today were.

               She headed down the stairs and almost bumped into a tall muscular man with blonde hair. He looked at her confused and sleepy. “Why are you in my house?” He asked as he looked around before leaning in close to her to whisper. “Did one of the guys sneak you in? You can tell me which one; I promise I won’t get them in trouble.” He said with a playful smirk on his face.

               Sana smiled a bit and looked up at the man. He was about half a foot taller than her. “Who do you think snuck me in?” He grinned and looked her over. “Well by appearances only, you seem to be either Jiro or Yeahoon’s type? It couldn’t be Yeahoon though.” He laughed to himself. “He never leaves enough to have a girlfriend. If I didn’t know better, I could have snuck you in.” She burst out laughing. “Well Eli, I was placed here by the company. I’m your new manager, Sana Lee, nice to meet you.”

               Eli looked at her stunned, not sure if he needed to do damage control or not. She suddenly leaned forwards and he bent down to hear what she wanted to whisper. “I can confirm that I slept in my own bed, alone, last night.” She laughed a bit, causing Eli to relax a bit. “Although, I did see Sangsoo in only a towel a little while ago.” Eli laughed and sighed. “You had me scared for a moment there!” he said as he ran his hand through his hair. She laughed and pointed up the stairs. “Go to bed, I will be waking you up at 11.” Eli sighed again and nodded as he walked up the rest of the stairs.

               As soon as she entered the kitchen she was stunned to see how clean the counters, stove and sink were. There weren’t any dishes anywhere. The garbage in the corner was overflowing though. She opened the fridge and realized why there were no dishes or anything. The fridge was full of take-out containers, bottles of water, soda, energy drinks and only one big tub of kimchi on the top shelf that had a note on it. The note was from JR’s mom. “Please make sure to eat well and share with your friends.”

               Sana closed the fridge and checked out the cupboards. The one closest to the fridge was full of bags of snacks. The one next to the sink had a single plastic cup in it. The other cupboards were empty. The drawers had a silverware holder in it, but only packages of disposable chopsticks and a pair of scissors.

               She sighed and covered her face as another tall blonde walked into the kitchen. He was thin and had black framed glasses on and his blonde hair was shaved on the sides and swept to the side on top. He grabbed three energy drinks and two bottles of water from the fridge and looked at her and squinted a bit. “Is it already the first?” he said in English with a British accent as he started mumbling about the past few days. She looked at him confused. “It’s the second.” He nodded and flashed his bright teeth at her and spoke Korean. “I’m Yeahoon. Take care of us well from now on.” He stared at the stuff in his arms and then around the kitchen before awkwardly putting the drinks down on the counter, pulling his phone out of his pajama pants pocket. “Here put your number in. It will be easier for me to keep track of things if you text them to me. I don’t keep track of time well while writing. Don’t get me wrong I won’t be late for anything, but that’s only if I realize what time it is.”

               Sana was glad that she understood English because he seemed to be switching between the two without noticing. She didn’t mind listening to him ramble with his accent though. She put her number into his phone and then helped him stack his drinks into his arms. “Why is the kitchen so empty?” she asked as she handed him the last water bottle. He just shrugged his shoulders and smiled. “Eli stopped cooking for us when he got too busy to be home all the time.”

               She sighed again. “No one else could cook?” He shrugged again. “They don’t trust me to remember to cook at proper times with my writing. Dongwoo and Daeryong can make things like Ramen. JR can’t even make a salad properly. Sangsoo and Jiro are always busy.” She nodded as he scurried back up the stairs saying something about adding a cooking battle scene to something.

               Sana piled up the garbage and shoved it in the bag and quickly took it out to the dumpster next to the porch and ran back inside before she got too cold in the snow. Sangsoo was in the entryway tying his shoes. “I am leaving for practice. I will be finished around noon. You will have to come get me. I have a friend who gets me in the mornings. Our last manager was never awake early enough.” There was a honk outside and he left without saying anything else.

               After going around the house, learning where everything was and what things the house needed, she realized that they needed to all meet up right away. Sangsoo was obviously not able to be there but she went upstairs and knocked on the first door and there was no answer. It was a little after 9 in the morning so she wasn’t actually surprised to get no responses.

               She slowly opened the door while continuing to knock on it. The room was messy and had manga and figures all over the shelves and the floor was covered in clothes and some stuffed dinosaurs. JR was spread out on the bed asleep with some stuffed orange thing. She took a deep breath and called out to him. “Hey! JR!” The younger boy jumped about three feet and made some sort of weird raspy noise. “YAH!!! WHY ARE YOU GIVING ME A HEART ATTACK!!” he yelled as he rubbed his face.

               Sana smiled at him. “Good morning. Please go down into the living room. We will be having a meeting after I wake up everyone else.” He groaned and got up and took his blanket with him as he shuffled past her with his messy hair.

               The next door over also didn’t answer when she knocked. Sana opened the door and was surprised to see the light was on. Yeahoon was sitting at a computer desk with headphones on, facing away from the door. His room had his bed in one corner that was neatly made but had clothes and towels piled on top of it. It looked like he hadn’t been in his bed recently. His walls were covered in shelves with books and he had a guitar and keyboard next to his computer as well. The floor had some empty water bottles on it and there was a pile of energy drink cans stacked next to his desk next to his keyboard.

               Sana could hear him typing nonstop and then he laughed to himself and continued writing. She smiled and walked up next to him and waved her hand in front of his face. He looked over to her stunned and took off his headphones. “Whoa, what’s up?” She pointed towards the door. “I am going to have a meeting with everyone. Go down into the living room please.” He nodded and saved his writing and headed downstairs without saying another word.

               She followed him out of his room and knocked on the door across the hall from hers and heard him laugh a bit before he turned down the stairs. There was no answer on the door. She opened the door and knocked again. The room had dark green painted walls with stuffed toys everywhere. The bed was leopard print and a pair of wings was painted above the bed like a headboard. Dongwoo was passed out on top of his blanket with his shirt halfway up his stomach.

               She took a deep breath and called to him. “Dongwoo!! Wake up!” He didn’t budge. She sighed and got closer and shook his shoulder. “Dongwoooooo!!” she said again as he crinkled his face a bit and scratched at his stomach, before rolling over.

               Now she knew why Yeahoon laughed when she knocked on Dongwoo’s door. She tried shaking him again and he didn’t move. She sighed and left his room, she would get the next guy to help her wake him.

               The door next to his also had no answer so she walked in while knocking like before. The room was pretty neat and one wall was covered in mirrors and a short ballet bar was on the closet doors. It was empty. It was obviously Sangsoo’s room. She quickly left without touching anything.

               The next door she knocked and she heard a groan and a very tired Eli opened the bedroom door. He squinted at her then back at his alarm clock. “You told me 11…” She nodded. “I am having a meeting in the living room if you want to come. It will only take a little bit and you can sleep after.” He sighed and slowly walked down the hallway. “Oh!” She called after him. “Do you know how to wake up Dongwoo?” He laughed and shrugged his shoulders. “You don’t?” he said as he headed down stairs.

               The next door was the one next to her door and she knocked and heard a loud thud and some shuffling. The door slowly opened and Daeryong stuck his head out the door. “Did something happen?” he asked while hiding his body behind the door while rubbing his head. She raised an eyebrow at him and shook her head. “What was that thud?” He sighed. “I fell out of my bed… Can I help you?” She smiled at him and told him about the meeting and he nodded and closed the door on her. She heard some more shuffling before he came back out in just a pair of shorts.

               She didn’t get a chance to ask him how to wake up Dongwoo before he was already down the stairs. The only door left was the one across from hers. From process of elimination, it belonged to Jiro. She knocked on the door and heard his voice call out. “It’s open.”

               Jiro’s room was the second cleanest room in the house after Sangsoo’s room. You could tell that he was the oldest. He had a few figures from some anime along a single shelf and the rest of his room looked very grown up. He was sitting up on the center of his bed, shirtless, scratching the top of his head. He grinned at her. “Sana, what can I do for you?”

               She avoided looking directly at his body and smiled. “I’m having a meeting and everyone is downstairs besides you and Dongwoo. Do you know how to wake him?” He laughed and stood up. “Yeah, come watch this. You will have to learn to do this too.”

               He put his arm around her shoulder and led her to Dongwoo’s room. He grinned down at her and kicked his door open. “JANG DONGWOO!! IF YOU DON’T GET UP RIGHT NOW I WILL KICK YOU OFF YOUR BED!” He yelled angrily as Dongwoo just curled up in a ball. Jiro walked right up to the bed and kicked the mattress. “Hurry up and get up!” he yelled again. Dongwoo groaned a bit. Jiro laughed and looked back at Sana. “Now pay close attention to what I am about to do.” She just nodded awkwardly.

               Jiro jumped up on the bed and started jumping up and down, bouncing Dongwoo around. Dongwoo was grumbling something so Jiro stopped jumping. “You up now?” he asked and the sleepy man just sighed and covered his face. The older man sighed too and then plopped down on the bed on his and used his feet to shove Dongwoo off the bed and onto the floor.

               Sana stared at the two of them stunned as Dongwoo finally sat up, blinking trying to register why he was on the floor. Jiro helped him up and smiled at Sana. “Let’s go have your meeting now miss manager.” He said as he led Dongwoo down the stairs by his shoulders.

               She followed them down into the living room and Dongwoo plopped over onto a half asleep JR and tried to take over his blanket, ending up with the two of them sharing it and Dongwoo using the younger boy as a pillow. Sana stood in front of the six of them. “This meeting is to talk about this house and how things will be going around here.”

               The guys all looked at her a bit worried as she continued. “First off, the bathroom needs to be cleaned, as well as the rest of the house. We are also missing a whole bunch of stuff for the kitchen. You guys can’t keep living off of take-out.” The guys groaned except for Eli who raised his hand while yawning. “I don’t know how long I will be able to cook for everyone before I get my next role.” The manager looked over at the actor. “I can cook as well.”

               All the guys perked up at hearing that. Dongwoo was finally awake and smiled at her. “Sana, can you cook as good as Eli?” He asked curiously. She shrugged her shoulders and laughed a bit. “I wouldn’t know.” Daeryong elbowed Dongwoo and shook his head with a smirk. Sana kept telling them the plan for the day. “So for today, I will be taking Daeryong and Dongwoo with me to the store. Eli, you can go back to bed until 11 like I promised when you got home.” Eli nodded and got up and went back to his room. Before Dongwoo and JR were able to complain about him getting to go back to bed, she kept explaining. “He only got home at 6:30 this morning. Jiro, you will be in charge of making sure the rest of them clean. Eli will help when he gets up too, if anything is left.” Jiro nodded and JR groaned again.

               She felt good that the guys were all listening to her even though she was new. Not all of them were completely nice to her but she could understand that since they were all still strangers to her. Dongwoo and Daeryong headed upstairs to get ready to leave as Jiro started telling JR and Yeahoon what they each had to do.

               Daeryong was the first one back down stairs and he had put on a pair of jeans and a padded winter coat with a hood and plopped back down on the couch smiling at her. “You should check to make sure that Dongwoo didn’t fall back asleep.” The manager groaned a bit as she headed back up the stairs and knocked on the TV star’s door. “Hey, are you still awake?”  

               There was some mumbling and a thud before she heard him call out. “Umm… I need some help…” She opened the door and saw his arms stuck over his head in his sweater and part of the sweater was tangled in his ear cuff. She stared at him confused for a moment before he grinned at her. “My shirt is tangled in my ear thing…” She tried to hold back her laughter as she untangled the sweaters strings from the wing attached to his ear. He laughed his unique laugh as he pulled the sweater down the rest of the way over his t-shirt and grabbed his winter coat and a pair of sunglasses. “Ok! Let’s go!” he said, not even embarrassed about what just happened.

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junnosuke1 #1
Chapter 5: somebody's jealous i see~~~
junnosuke1 #2
Chapter 4: hectic day for her lol. I wonder what they will do on their time off ;) lol
junnosuke1 #3
Chapter 3: haha Its getting more interesting hehe the ending of this chapter was really funny. the others are probably going to when they also see the video lol poor her hehe
junnosuke1 #4
Chapter 2: Im glad they are open to her hehe let the romance begin~
vitael #5
Chapter 1: Omg lol. It seems like Jiro can be the manager. He knows everyone's schedule and what's going on so well. But aww! so cute when JR tried pushing her out. And i like the concept: 7 husbands. the part about the previous manager was cute (treat them like his wives). hilarious. Update when you can!
RinaSeungMin #6
junnosuke1 #7
I'll be excitedly waiting for an update author-nim hehehe
junnosuke1 #8
OMGGG Jiro Wang is BAEEE~~!!!!!!!