We Are Going On A Mysterious MT

My Love

Gong Chan’s POV

“Channie-ah, we are going to the next studio already. Wake up.” I heard a soothing voice calling me up. I wake up, yawn and rub my eyes only to see Jinyoung-hyung staring back at me. “Wah!” I almost jumped away from him. “Wow. Hyung. You scared me to death.” He blinks. “Oh. Mianhae. Better get ready now, Channie. We’re going to the next studio.” He walks away awkwardly. I blink. Trying hard to rub away the sleep from my eyes and quickly pack my things up to catch up with Jinyoung-hyung.



“Why did you look so upset?” I tilted my head curiously. “Did something happen?” He sighs.

“I got teased because of the coffee.” He pouted for a while before he continues. “It seems like I’m not destined to make coffee.”

“Don’t worry hyung. I’m sure you can make a better coffee next time.” He smiles and ruffles my hair.

“Thank you, Channie.”

“No problem, hyung. Anyways, where are the others?”

“They had already headed to the car when I’m trying to wake you up.”

“Then, should we run?”

“Yes.” And we started running before they start to complain at us.

                We arrived at the studio after a 15 minutes ride. We quickly ran into the dressing room so that we will have time to take a good look at our set. I was dumbfounded. I mean all of us were dumbfounded. The set is beautiful. We all chatted for a moment until the staffs call us to start our recording. After our first one has ended, we discussed it together with our choreographer and he gave us all sorts of advices. Suddenly, Jinyoung-hyung asked “Channie, what’s wrong?” and put his arm on my shoulders. I instantly stand up straight and ask him back, “Who said that practice was harsh?” We all broke into laughter and went to practice by our own. I had a talk with the PD before we resume our recording. We didn’t even know that by the time we ended our recording, it’s already late. Just at the moment we had dismissed, we instantly rush into the dressing room, change back to our normal clothes and our manager drive us back to our dorm. Once we arrived at our dorm, we thanked our manager, gave him a quick farewell and quickly get ready to sleep. I brushed my teeth, changed into my pajamas and went into our room that we all share together. Except Sandeul-hyung. I climbed in order to reach my bed which is above Shinwoo-hyung’s bed. At the moment my head hit the pillow, I had already drifted into my dreamland.

Jinyoung’s POV

“Gosh. I’m so tired.” I yawned.

“Yeah. Same. We better get to sleep fast. We need to get up early tomorrow. Ah. Chansik had already slept.” I look above Shinwoo-hyung’s bed and I can vaguely see Gong Chan’s back in the darkness.

“Eh? Wait. Where’s Baro? I better call him to get to bed fast and I need the bathroom. Good night, hyung.” I walk out from the bedroom after Shinwoo-hyung mumbles a “Good night.” to me. I stop in front of the bathroom and knock.

“Baro-yah. You finish?”  

“Almost, hyung. Just now they all took too long.”

“Okay.” A few seconds had passed and Baro stepped out from the bathroom.

“Thanks, hyung. For letting me in first.”

“No problem. It’s my responsibility after all. Now go to sleep already.”

“Okay, hyung. Good night.”

“Good night.” I get ready and off all the lights before going into the bedroom. I got onto my bed, shift into a comfortable position and close my eyes.

                The next morning, I instantly woke up after my phone’s alarm rang. It is our debut song “O.K.” I off the alarm and stretch my body. I look at the other members. Even though I had already set my alarm to the loudest but it still doesn’t affect them. I got out from my bed and wake Shinwoo-hyung up.

“Shinwoo-hyung, wake up already.” He slowly opens his eyes.

“Oh. Jinyoung. Huh? It’s already morning? Time sure flies. Good morning, Jinyoung.”

“Good morning, hyung. Help me to call the other kids up.”

“Hmm? Okay.” He quickly gets out from his bed and calls Gong Chan which is just above him. “Chansik-ah. Wake up.”

“Just wait for a minute, hyung.” Shinwoo-hyung sighs.

“Alright. Just a minute.” Then he went out to call Sandeul while I’m trying to shake Baro.

“Baro-yah. Wake up.”

“Huh? Hyung. Good morning.” He greets me after the slowly sit up on his bed.

“Morning. Oh yeah. Call Channie to get up. One minute had already passed.”

“Okay, hyung.” He shifts so that he is facing Gong Chan. “Channie-ah. Wake up~” After a few failed attempt to wake him up, he finally sits up and greet me and Baro.

“Channie, go wash your face and get ready. You didn’t forget that we had to go somewhere today right?”

“Huh? Where will we go?” Baro look at me and blinks hard.

“Baro…. Don’t tell me you didn’t hear what manager-hyung said yesterday…”

“M-Mianhae, hyung! I was asleep that time.” He sticks out his tongue and smiles nervously. I just sigh at him.

“Faster go get ready you two. Before the entire staffs break into our dorm again.”

“Yes, sir!” Both of them salute me and run out of the room. I just shake my head.

“Those kids…..” And I walk to the living room to wait for my turn to wash my face. I sit beside Gong Chan who is sitting next to Baro. Shinwoo-hyung had just gone back into the bedroom to change. The three of us just sit there without uttering a word and stare into the space. Sandeul came out shortly after that. “Wow! The three of you were so creepy you know?” We ask in unison.

“Why?” He just stares at us and blinks.

“That is why I said you three creep me out.”

“Oh. Okay. Baro, Channie. Which one of you goes in first?”

“I’ll let Channie in first. Go now. And fast, Channie.”

“Okay, hyung.” I stifle a yawn and raise my head just in time to see Gong Chan steps out of the bathroom. “I had finished.” Then he walks away.

“Okay, Baro. Your turn.”

“Thanks, hyung. I’ll be fast.” Just like he said, he is fast. He came out in just a minute. “It’s your turn now, hyung.”

“Wow. You sure are fast.” Then I look at him, he is clearly rushing to get ready for me. I smile and ruffle his silky hair. “You don’t really need to rush for me. I can wait.”

“No worries, hyung. This is at least what I can do since you let all of us use the bathroom first.” I laugh.

“Thank you, Baro.” I ruffle his hair once more and get into the bathroom to wash away all the sleepiness in my eyes.

Gong Chan’s POV

                I wanted to ask Jinyoung-hyung where exactly are we going after this but just at the moment I turned back to find him, I found him ruffling Baro-hyung’s hair and smiles his angelic smile. I quickly turn away. My eyes had already stung with tears. I wipe it away with my sleeves before anyone can see it. Without looking up, I just keep walking until I bang onto someone and fell down.

“Aah!” I whimpered as my hit hard onto the floor.

“Chansik! You okay?!” I looked up and found our bear-hyung look at me with obvious concern look on his face.

“I-I’m okay. No worries, hyung.” He offers me his hand and I take it while he pulls me up.

“You didn’t get hurt did you?”

“Ani, hyung. I’m okay.” I didn’t get hurt physically. Just mentally. Before I could even hide my sad looks, Shinwoo-hyung had already seen that.

“Why do you look so upset?”

“I’m not. Really.” He just stares at me.

“Don’t lie. It’s very obvious. You are not even your usual bubbly and cheerful self.” I just sigh. He really is our eldest hyung. I look around and push Shinwoo-hyung into our room. It’s really a good thing that Baro-hyung is not inside at the moment. I take a deep breath and spill out my secret.

“Maybe you find this weird but I actually…. L-Like…. Jinyoung-hyung…..” I blush deep red while looking down.

“I know that long ago.” I raised my head and stares at him disbelieving. “I’m a good observant remember? Now just tell me why you are so sad since you yourself had already admitted that you are gay long ago.” I sigh.

“It’s because…. I always got jealous whenever he gets close with the other members…. And he had just ruffled Baro-hyung’s hair and smiled at him with his usual charming smile….” He crosses his arms and sighs.

“Chansik-ah. Listen carefully. It’s only natural for us to get close with the others especially that we are in the same group. Like me and you. We are close also right? Now that explains it all. You understand?” I nod. “Good. Now go pack your things up.”

“Ah, hyung. Where exactly are we going?” He shrugs.

“No one knows. Not even Jinyoung. The staffs just won’t let us know. They didn’t even give us a hint.”

“Oh. Okay.” I quickly start packing up a few clothes and some other things that are important to me. After finishing, I run back into the bathroom which is now empty to change my attire and join the other hyungs in the living room. “Hyung~” I hug Sandeul-hyung.

“Morning, Channie~” He laughs.

“Hyung~ I’m very curious. I wonder where we are going.”

“Same. After this, I will try to ask the PD.” He looked determine.

“Oh well~” Just as I finished saying that word, the door opens. We all were like “Wow!” Then Jinyoung-hyung and Sandeul-hyung go to the PD noona and keep asking.

“Where are we going?” Jinyoung-hyung asked just once and when the PD didn’t answer him, he goes away because another staff wanted to tell him something. God knows what it is but Sandeul-hyung just keeps asking.

“Where are we going?” The PD didn’t answer him. “How many hours will it take?” Again, the PD didn’t answer him. “Which direction is it?” Finally, the PD answers him but that answer is not really… Satisfying.

“I’m not sure.” Then Sandeul-hyung went like “Uack!” and “Ouu!” The staffs call us to take our things and go to the car. We all are excited though. Just as we leave the stairs, Baro-hyung goes “Yeah~ Yeah~” and the PD says that it’s an MT. Baro-hyung asked.

“Is that our car? Oh~” Sandeul-hyung looks at the camera.

“An MT.”

“It looks so fast.” Baro-hyung exclaimed. We quickly get into the van. Baro-hyung sits with Sandeul-hyung at the front sit while I sit between Shinwoo-hyung and Jinyoung-hyung at the back. This time Sandeul-hyung asks the driver.

“Driver, where are we heading?”

“Where could we go?” Then we all were like “Ah………” Baro-hyung just suddenly changes the topic.

“The weather wasn’t nice until this morning.” Sandeul-hyung hits him lightly on the arm.

“Baro-yah, are your eyes good?”


“There’s the navigation there.”

“There’s a navigation?”

“My eyes are bad so I can’t see.”

“Wow, I’m really curious about where we’re going.” The driver starts the engine and off we go.


I've finally finished chapter 2. For my subscribers, thanks for subscribing~ I really appreciate it. As you can see, the title says it all~ I'm sorry because I haven't been able to find new gifs on JinChan couple though. If I find some new ones, I will definitely put it here. I promise :D Now, off to my chapter 3~ BaDuel couple's chapter is coming soon though. Maybe it will be on chapter 4. -Laughs- Hwaiting~

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Finally I can be able to finish up my fic 8'D


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Chapter 5: You copied from the MTV Match Up the watermelon challenge but it's okay. I love how to put it into words :)
lol Dark Jinyoung. Leader has a split personality. Loved the ending though!
The end is so cute x3
aihuni #4
Freaking adorable
@SilverSea_SpiritStar Thank you :3
cute ><
@Angel_FallenFromHell Thank you xD
LOLOLOLOLOL~ It's because you are my first subscriber, pabo :P
I'm planning to write a HunHan fic xD
If you want to xD
And you put me last? How could you? ;A;
Anywayy~ for your next story, PPALI! I WANNA READ SOMETHING FROM YOU ;D