One less thing to worry about, while adding six more.

Welcoming Winter


I blinked a few times and rubbed my eyes to make sure I hadn’t imagined the whole thing. When the figures in front of me didn’t change position when I opened my eyes I again, I spun around so fast I made myself dizzy.

Leaning against the wall on the inside of the kitchen, I took a deep breath, and let it out slowly replaying what just happened over and over in my mind.

When I stepped out over the archway threshold I looked up to see an about-to-cry Taemin gripping the front of Jinki’s shirt speaking really fast until Jinki had cut him off by  saying what looked like one word, he then leaned down and kissed the tip of Taemin’s nose. That wasn’t the weird part though. The weird part is what happened next: In response to Jinki kissing his nose, Taemin looked up at him pressed himself to Jinki, kissing him on the lips, and instead of backing away from it, Jinki put his hand on the small of Taemin’s back, pushing them closer together.

I blinked again and I realized I was being watched.

“Hyung, are you okay? You like you saw a ghost.” Taemin said in a completely innocent voice. Oh like you don’t know what I just saw!

“Omo! No I’m fine! Yuppers, just fine… I- I was just going to ask if you guys wanted some cake-in-a-mug… I feel like baking… even though that’s not really baking… aha.” I started to ramble but shut my mouth by walking away from their stares.

“A-are you sure hyung?” Taemin said from behind me.

“Mmh.” I replied, pulling out ingredients from the fridge.

I felt some one step up beside me.

“Kibum, what happened?” Jinki said in a concerned voice – concerned for me, or for what I might’ve seen I didn’t know.

“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” I said without looking at him. I bent down and reached to the back of the fridge for some eggs. When I stood up and turned around I saw a look of realization on his face. He knew that I knew. When I raised my eyebrows, he then knew that I knew he knew I knew.

“K-Kibum, listen, i-it’s not what it looked like… well, okay maybe it is, but you can’t tell the others especially Minho-” I cut him off with a snappy reply.

“Why didn’t you tell us?! Or me at least? I thought we were close enough for that! Besides by the looks of it, Minho and Jjong won’t even have the chance to find out…” I mumbled my last sentence under my breath.

“Hyung?” I looked over Jinki’s shoulder to see Taemin restlessly stand in the archway, shifting on his feet and fumbling with his hands, I focused on his face; he looked like he was about to cry.

“Hyung! I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you! I wanted too, but I thought you’d be mad at me!” he said latching on to me and pushing he face into my shoulder.

“Shh, shh, its okay, it’s fine. Why would I be angry?” I asked, pulling him off me to look at him.

“I-I don’t know?” he sniffed. Then looked up over at Jinki and hissed “see I told you.” I stepped back a bit.

“Guys, you should know that we wouldn’t care a bit about this. We’d be happy.” I sighed and turned away from them to pick up the ingredients I’d dropped. When I turned back around Jinki was whispering into Taemin’s ear, his arm around his waist. “Plus at least I don’t have to worry about girls trying to steal my Taeminnie away from me.” I said in a sarcastic tone, “instead I have to worry about y hyungs.” I said smacking Jinki in the gut as I past them to the island, placing my ingredients down.

“Oh, I almost forgot, Taemin, who were you talking to on the phone?” I said in a cast of tone, not even turning to see if he was listening.

“Minho-hyung…” he whispered, I almost didn’t hear it, but once the words clicked in my head, I spun around at the speed of light to look him in the eyes.

“Minho?! You talked to Minho!?” I practically yelled. I lurched forward, gripping Taemin’s shoulder and shaking them. “What do you mean? What did he say? Is he with Jjong?!” my questions tumbled from my mouth so fast, I wasn’t even sure if he’d understood them.

“Hyung! Let go!” I did, and stepped back holding my arms down my crossing them. “I couldn’t hear him well, I was trying to ask him where he was, but all he said was ‘we miss you guys, and we hope we’ll see you soon’ that’s the best I could make out anyway. Everything else was cut up, so I only got every fourth word. Maybe.” I took a breath, and he looked at me “And no, I didn’t hear from Jjong.” He looked down as he said this. My breath caught in my throat, but I tried to cover it up by grabbing the mugs out of the cupboard. I really needed comfort food.

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susumiya08 #1
Chapter 12: the most annoying was that jjong didnt get to thehotel 'till ch.9 o 10 but was so sweet and beautiful!!! how they got together, even minho!!! ^_^
Another wonderful story!!! Key cannot survive without his jjong.
<3 I love this ^^
SHINee4ever5 #4
You make me ship jongkey! All your stories is awesome!
jongkeyforlife #6
Oh good God. That was glorious. SO.CUTE. I just died. You're stories are always sooo cute. Kepp it up!
SherlocKey #7
Awwww. You had me WAITING for the moment Jjong would walk in the door.<br />
I hated every moment of my WAITING for Jongkey to happen.<br />
But I loved it when Jjong walked in the door.<br />
The wait was worth it.<br />
It was an essential part of this story (:<br />
I loved this story :D
OnlyHope #8
<3 once they got home and key snapped out of his depression, I smiled throughout the story. I actually laughed out loud at times. <3<3<3<3<3 oh how I love the winter :D
JongKey545 #9
i loved reading this story!!! it made me smile :)
monteymonkey #10
I love this story!