
My Immortal



Jimin’s POV:


I opened my eyes, only to shut them close again when I was painfully greeted by the very bright ray of sunlight that entered my room through the glass window. I turned in bed to face the other way, and sat up while reading the time that was displayed on the LED clock on top of my bedside table.

“Too early.” I mumbled, rubbing the sleep off my eyes to take a better and clearer look on the time. And indeed, 7:00 AM is too early to be up during weekends.

About a week ago, I would gladly jump out of the bed feeling refreshed and ready to face a long day of rest. But that was before I got promoted.

I should’ve known that getting promoted to a higher position in the company also means more paper work and more mentally-exhausting assignments. It’s a good thing that the errands of getting coffee for other people and delivering reports to offices several floors above disappeared. But even so, my job in my own office is very tiring. The whole week that I had in my own office is very exhausting.

That’s why I couldn’t help but hate my biological clock for getting used to waking up this early without an alarm. I need more rest.

I tried closing my eyes again and waiting for sleep to take me, but my effort was useless. I really couldn’t go back to sleep. So after stretching my limbs and letting a couple of yawns, I finally got into the mood to stand up from my bed and start the day.

The day starts with cooking good breakfast. During the whole week, I didn’t get to eat nutritious morning meals because I’m always waking up a bit later than usual, so I have to hurry through the preparations. Weekend is the right time to prepare heavy and delicious breakfast.

“What the …” I muttered under my breath when I groggily opened the cupboard that was SUPPOSED to contain ingredients that I can use to make a meal. But it was empty. My lack of time to go to but some groceries for the household is currently very evident. Even the refrigerator contained nothing but the pitchers of cold water, and some soda cans.

What a bad way to start my day… I thought inside my half-awake brain. In an attempt to make things a little bit better, I went over to my sink and splashed cold water onto my face.

And oh did it work.

The moment the nearly ice-cold water made contact with my face, it sent electrifying signals to my brain, effectively waking my entire existence up. It made my morning a whole lot better – good enough to make me want to go out and visit the wet market to buy fresh ingredients.

After brushing my teeth and changing into casual clothes that would be decent enough to walk in outside, I took the house keys and started the long walk to the place of seafood smell and loud calls to customers.

It’s been some time since the last time I went buying in the wet market, always opting to go to the supermarket where it doesn’t smell funny and it’s not too hot and humid. I was surprised to realize that I actually missed doing this.

I bought fresh vegetables and fruits from the stalls in there, and also bought herbs and spices that I think I can use to make more complicated dishes. Eggs are also much cheaper in the wet market. The vendors were intimidating at first, but I quickly found out that yes, they are loud and noisy, but they are really, really nice.

Of course, there are some things that I couldn’t buy here, but I can do the shopping some other time.

When I finished buying everything that I could, it was already late into the morning. That means that making breakfast is no longer applicable. So along the way back to my house, I stopped by a small bakery and bought steaming hot muffins that I can eat while drinking hot chocolate.

While I was munching on the baked goods that I bought for breakfast, I pulled my phone out from my pocket and shuffled through the contact list, stopping when I finally found the name I was looking for. I hit the “call” button on the screen and held it close to my ear, waiting for the person on the other end of the line to pick his phone up.

What better way to spend a free weekend than with your special someone, right? I thought to myself, smiling as I already thought about the things that we can do today.

“Hello?” Said Jungkook. “Good morning, hyung.”

“Good morning, Kookie.” I answered him. “How are you doing?”

“I’m fine.” He answered with a lively voice, and I can tell that he’s been awake for some time now. “Again, better, now that I already heard your voice.”

“Wow…” I managed to say, despite the heat that I can already feel crawling from my neck up my face. I did not expect him to say that, so it took me by surprise.

When I was sure my brain was functioning normally again, I asked him the question I actually wanted to ask when I called him.

“Uhm, Jungkook, do you want to hang out today? Just the two of us.” I said through the phone, stirring my cup of hot chocolate with the teaspoon.

“I’d love to, hyung.” He answered. “But I can’t.”

“Why?” I whined as cutely as I can, pouting even though I know he can’t see me.

“I’m sorry, hyung, but I have to finish a research paper that is due on Monday.” Jungkook explained. “I’m really sorry.”

“But you can always do that tomorrow.” I tried to convince him. He let out a musical laugh on the other end of the line.

“You’re a bad hyung.” He chuckled. “Bad influence, Jiminie-hyung. Tsk tsk tsk.”

“I was just kidding, okay?”

“Even so, if I actually agreed, would you stop me?”

“N-No… but – “

“See?” He laughed. “Eomma! Jiminie-hyung is telling me to leave my paper and cram it tomorrow so I can hang out with him!” I heard him shout. This kid… if eommoni gets mad at me I’m punishing him!

“Y-YAH!” I screamed at the phone in my hand. “JEON JUNGKOOK!!!”

“You’re dead meat, hyung.” He giggled darkly.


“Oh really?” He said. “How will you punish me, hyung? Will you tie me?”

What the – this kid… why does he sound so…

I was stunned by his words. He sounds incredibly suggestive, and his voice… his voice is just…

“Just kidding, hyung.” Jungkook laughed loudly from the other side, and all I wanted to do is rip his beautiful face apart. “Eomma’s not home, she went out with her girl friends.”

“JEON JUNGKOOK…” I tried to calm myself down, taking deep breathes and taking sips from the chocolate drink that’s supposed to make me feel better. I wasn’t really mad at him – I’m just so embarrassed with his words.

When my heart was beating back in its normal pace, his words started to sink in. I smiled to myself before speaking again.

“So… you’re alone in your house?” I asked him, walking the kitchen to deposit my empty cup to the sink.

“Well… yeah.”

“Then I can go there and hang out with you in your house instead!” I exclaimed excitedly, already climbing up the stairs to my room to prepare to leave.

“No! Don’t!” He protested. “I won’t be able to concentrate! I need to focus in my paper, and I can’t do that with you anywhere around me!”

“Not my fault, Kookie, not my fault.” I chukled. “And besides, I can help you with that paper.”

“I neither need nor want any help, hyung.” He chided. “I want to do this by myself.”

“Okay, I won’t help you. But I’m coming to your house.”

“Just go and try, hyung. I won’t let you in. I’ll lock all doors and windows, and you’ll suffer outside.” He answered. He’s really determined to get away from me and focus on his work. I felt like a proud parent because Jungkook is very persevering and serious with his studies now.

I just let out a sigh of defeat and smiled. “Okay. I won’t bother you.” I said to him. “Good luck with your work, Kookie. I know you’ll kill that paper!”

“Thanks, hyung.” I can almost hear the smile in his voice. “And sorry again, if I don’t have time for you right now. Don’t worry, hyung. After I graduate, I’ll spend all waking hours, and if possible, even sleeping hours with you.”

“I’ll wait for that.” I answered him.

“After school, we’ll have all the time in the world.” He said, and I felt something unpleasant surge in me. “Bye hyung!”

“B-Bye.” I answered, hitting the button that will end the call immediately before I tossed the phone to the bed. Unpleasant, and certainly unwelcome, memories came crashing into my mind, emerging from the deepest and darkest corners of my mind.




“Jimin, let’s end this here.”


“W-What? What do you mean?”


“I’m sorry Jimin, we have to break up.”


 “W-Why? We l-love each o-other, right?”


“Jimin, I LOVED you, I swear. But… after four years, and two years of being disconnected from you… it just… it doesn’t feel the same anymore.”


“But Taehyung! If this is a-about school, Taehyung it’s over! We can now spend more time with each other!”


“I would’ve gladly agreed, Jimin. But like what I said, I LOVED you. Past tense. But now… I just don’t feel it anymore.”


Jungkook’s words sounded painfully familiar. This was almost like a replay of what happened to my relationship with Taehyung – we drifted apart due to lack of time for each other, and eventually, he fell out of love for me. I will not let it happen this time.  I don’t want to get hurt again. And I don’t want Jungkook to feel the same hurt that I felt when I was his age.

I will not let us all out of love.

I eventually recovered from the shock that Jungkook’s words caused. I was about to go to the bathroom to take a long, relaxing bath when the phone rang again. I picked it up from the bed, and my heart constricted when I read the name of the person that texted me.


From: Taehyung

Jiminie!!! Good morning!!!

Do you have any plans for today? Can we hang out? Just the two of us.


Even though I just had one of my episodes of hurt and sadness a while ago, it didn’t take me a long time in deciding whether I’ll go with him or not. I knew that staying inside the house alone will just give me time to overthink about the things in life, so I agreed anyway.

After replying to Taehyung’s invitation, I continued my trip to the bathroom to begin preparing to leave to meet the cause of my emotional problems. But maybe, just maybe, if I get things right and straight with him, I’ll be able to finally break free from the clutches of the past my first heartbreak, and have the best relationship with Jungkook.

When I finished cleaning myself, I walked out of the bathroom to find a new message from Taehyung.


From: Taehyung

Let’s meet at the town center, yeah? At around… 10:00 AM?


I typed in a reply before plugging in the phone on its charger and leaving it to get dressed for today.


To: Taehyung

Okay! See you later!


Again, I’m conscious about my appearance because I’m meeting Taehyung. He’ll surely look good, and I will look ugly beside him if I don’t dress up well. I thought, pulling out one of my numerous sleeveless shirts from the closet, knowing that they look good on me. Of course, skinny black jeans will always look good, especially if you have a nice, round, firm .

After stylishly messing my hair up a bit, I took the phone from its charger and grabbed the house and car keys before heading outside the house to leave.

The drive to the town center was a long one, thanks to the wonderful existence of traffic jams. Of course there are lots of people out on the streets today. It’s weekend. I thought. And… if it’s a weekend, that also means there will be lots of people in the town center.

The place where Taehyung and I will meet is famous for the very bright and relaxing aura in it. The fountain the middle is very calm and relaxing to watch and the cherry trees that provide shade for the wooden benches add to the overall peacefulness of the town center. It’s a very ideal place to hang out and spend the free weekend, indeed.

When I got to the place, the first thing that I did was walk around to find Taehyung. After scanning the whole area, I became certain that Taehyung isn’t around yet. So I picked a wooden bench under a cherry tree that was also near the fountain in the middle of the square, and waited.

Just like what I expected, there were lots of people in the town center. Most of them were couples, though, and I can say that much, if their intertwined fingers was anything to judge by. It made me feel like an outcast, because I was one of the very few people there that didn’t have company.

While waiting for my friend to come, I remembered something that has left my mind for a long time.

This is the perfect timing to tell him. I said to myself. I have to tell him what my relationship with Jungkook is. Why didn’t I even tell him a long time ago? I should’ve done it the first time that I agreed to meet him alone.

But in order to not ruin the rest of the day, I decided to just tell him right before the two of us part ways. At least I wouldn’t have to put up with his crazy and weird questions that way.

After a while of wording and rewording what I’m going to tell Taehyung later when the time comes, I spotted him walking into the town center, looking around for any sign of me. My lips automatically curved up to a smile, and I decided to play a prank on him.  I stood up from the comfortable wooden bench and ran around to the back of the cherry tree, the part where I know he cannot see me. I occasionally steal glances to see where he was already. When he started walking around the area, I also moved to other trees, making sure that he won’t catch me. He started pouting cutely and pulled his phone out, maybe to text me and ask for my location.

I was shocked when my phone started blaring furiously, making other people direct creeped-out faces towards me.

The phone was obnoxiously loud, and I struggle with getting it out from my pocket, thanks to my big, muscular thighs and hatefully-tight skinny jeans. After squirming for a few moments, I finally fished the device out, and ended the call. I let out a sigh of relief before glancing at the direction where I remember Taehyung was, but unfortunately, he wasn’t there anymore.

“I hate you.” Taehyung’s big, deep voice shocked me out of my stealth mode, making me turn around to face him, only to see his handsome face centimeters away from mine.

I was speechless. What can I say to him?

How can I talk with his face this close?

“H-Hi.” My mouth managed to squeak out as Taehyung leaned back and hit me on my shoulder hard. “Ouch!”

“How dare you play a prank on me like that?” Taehyung asked, rolling his eyes back into their sockets. “Thank god I was shrewd enough to remember that you usually have your phone’s ringing volume up its maximum level during weekends.”

“W-What?” I asked stupidly. I’m not even aware that I do that!

“That was like… three or four years ago! And you’re still like that?” Said Taehyung. “It’s a good thing this time though.” He laughed.

“Yeah, it was good for you, because you weren’t the one that received weird stares from everyone.” I retorted, to which he just let out a horrible laugh.

“It’s isn’t my fault!” He raised his hands in defense. “You’re the one that played a prank on me! I was just trying to look for you!”

I just rolled his eyes at him, deciding against continuing to argue, because I knew he was right.

“Okay, fine, whatever.” I said. “Can we like, take a seat now?”


I led him to the spot where I was seated a while ago, and luckily, it was still unoccupied. The two of us sat down on it, and then there was silence between the two of, both trying to find a good way to start a conversation and keep it going. At least that’s the case for me, I don’t know about Taehyung.

“So… how are you doing?” He asked, probably just asking for the sake of striking a conversation.

“Good… pretty fine, actually.”

“Me, too.” Said Taehyung. “How are Yoongi-hyung and Hoseok-hyung doing? You know… as a couple?”

I knew my face somehow lit up with his question. “You won’t believe if I tell you.” I chuckled.

“Oh come on, Jiminie…” He rolled his eyes at me. “You know I will. And besides, you’re the only person that I can ask right now.”

“Oh really?” I asked. “Well… it turned out very, very well, if you’d ask.”

“How’d you say that?”

“Hmm… Yoongi-hyung moved in with Hoseok-hyung.”

“WHAT?!” Taehyung exclaimed, abruptly rising up from his seat and staring at me with wide eyes. “ARE YOU SERIOUS?!”

I subtly looked around the area, and saw people directing weird expressions at my friend. The thought of calming him down and telling him to keep it down for the other people in the area actually passed my mind, but I ignored it. Revenge oh so sweet…

“Yup!” I answered him with a smile. “That’s how great our plan is.”

“Success!!!” Taehyung shouted, punching the air with his closed fist. The other people in the area are still looking at him with those “what-the-hell” expressions on their faces, but I couldn’t care less.

“Do Jungkook and Jin-hyung already know about this?” He asked.

“Jin-hyung does, yes. But I haven’t told Jungkook yet.”

“I’ve been texting him since yesterday.” Taehyung said. “But the kid won’t even reply. I think I Jungkook made a mistake when he was putting his number on my phone.” He pouted. I pulled my phone out from my pocket and borrowed his phone to compare the number that I have with his.

“It’s the right number.” I said, handing his phone back. “What did you tell him?”

Taehyung tapped on his chin for a while as he thought about it. Then, he turned his attention to the phone in his hands and tapped on it a few times, stopping as he read something.

“Hmm… let me see.” Said Taehyung. “Here, here. Listen.”

“Hello! How are you? Do you wanna hangout some time?”

“Seriously, Tae?” I asked him, baffled, because I thought Taehyung is better than this. I thought wrong.

“What’s wrong with it?” He asked, tilting his head to the side in confusion, and then staring at his phone’s screen like how a lost puppy would stare at a plastic toy.

I laughed at his naivety for a good ten second or so, before I gave him an answer. “You didn’t even introduce yourself! How is he supposed to know it was you and not some creep?” I asked him. “Oh, ‘you’ and ‘creep’ are the same, right?” I cackled, laughing hard at my own joke.

“Well…” He mumbled, seemingly debating in his mind about what he should say. “… wasn’t he supposed to ask about something like ‘who are you’ or ‘sorry, you got the wrong number’ or something like that?”

“Yeah, he’s supposed to do that.” I said as I rode down my high. “That is, if he isn’t busy with school work. But he is. He really, really is busy.”

“Oooohh… I see.” He said. “Such a great student.”

“I know.” I answered, staring off to the distance, watching the birds fly above the city’s skyscrapers. “In fact,” I continued. “Jungkook’s going to graduate as part of the top three of his batch!”

“REALLY?!” Taehyung, his eyes widening in shock for around the second time today. I gave him a nod and a large grin emerged. “Oh my god! I’m so happy for him!”

“Me, too.” I said. “Jungkook’s graduating this month, and he invited me. You should come, too!”

“Of course, I will!” He answered. “That night when I met him? I knew almost immediately that we’re going to be friends. He’s really, really fun to be with, you know? Even though he was shy at first, the social caterpillar in him eventually shone.”

“Social caterpillar? Really? What the hell is that even?”

“A younger, smaller version of a social butterfly.” Taehyung smiled. “He still has a long way to go before he reaches the level of social butterfly.” He said, nodding wisely on his own words. “By the way, how did you and Jungkook meet each other?”

I found myself smiling at his question as I remembered our meeting in Jin’s café.

“Oh, it’s a long story.”


I was sitting on inside Jin-hyung’s café alone; taking sips from the coffee that I ordered, when a student in his school uniform approached my table. Moments after he stopped right beside my table, he cleared his throat, making me look up from the beverage and look at him.

After inspecting him for a few moments and seeing the ID that was still hanging from his neck, I smiled at him and spoke.

“Is there something you need, Jungkook-ssi?”

“C-can I sit opposite you? T-there’s no other vacant table and – “He stuttered out, apparently shocked by the fact that I called him by his name.

“It’s ok. I’m alone anyway.” I cut in the middle of his speech, pointing to the spot across the table. I didn’t pay that much attention anymore, so I just continued sipping the hot liquid in my hands. It was relatively hotter that day. The table was silent, as if Jungkook never came, so I decided to take a glance at him, and saw him staring at the cake on his saucer.

“ Uhm… sir? How did you know my name?” He finally asked. I really, really wanted to laugh at him that time.

“You’re still wearing your ID, Jungkook-ssi.” I answered. He looked down to his chest and spotted the object hanging, and removed it and stuffed it in his bag within three seconds. He then proceeded to eating his cake, as I continued to drink my order. He was so into the cake that he was eating that he shamelessly let out a moan of satisfaction.

“Is it really that good you had to moan?”


“Y-yeah… It was perfect. Wanna try it? Don’t worry, I got that one for free.” He answered. I took the spoon that was in his hands and tried the cake, and it was really good. When I finished savoring the taste of the cake, I saw Jungkook staring at me, and I realized that I used his spoon.

“O-Oh… Sorry! I didn’t mean to use your spoon!” I apologized for my mistake, and wiped the spoon clean with a tissue before returning it to him. He just continued eating the cake, and judging from the way he’s already sweating a bit and fanning himself with his handkerchief, I knew he was also feeling a little bit too warm. It was worse for me, because I was drinking a cup of hot coffee and was wearing a leather jacket. I was also wiping the beads of sweat that trickled down from my forehead.

“It’s hot, right? I am feeling a bit warm too.” I said to him. He didn’t reply. I just couldn’t take it anymore, so I removed the jacket, and immediately felt way more comfortable when air hit my skin that was exposed by the tank top that I was wearing.

I was already about to continue drinking when I heard Jungkook cough in front of me. I snapped my head up, and he was clutching his chest, his face red from the lack of air. I immediately stood up and help him, patting his back until he was stable again to breathe on his own.

“Jungkook-ssi, are you alright?” I asked him.

“Y-yeah… I-I’m fine…” Jungkook answered. I was relieved to know that he’s safe, and continued finishing my drink.

Then, a few more moments later, Hoseok-hyung’s message came, telling me to get ready for the event later in the evening.

“It’s been nice meeting you. I have to go now.” I muttered while standing up to leave the café.

“The next few times that I went to the same café, he was also coincidentally there, and eventually, we became friends.” I finished my story to Taehyung, deliberately omitting some details that he doesn’t need to know, such as the staring that Jungkook did after I removed my jacket.

“Wow…” Taehyung clapped his hands together. “It almost sounds like destiny or something of that sort!”

“I think so, too.” I chuckled. Yeah… Jungkook is like my destiny of some sort… I smiled at the thought of it. Now that I think about my past, I can say that maybe, just maybe, Jungkook is really the one.

“How about you?” I asked Taehyung. “How did you and Jin-hyung get to know each other? You guys seem… pretty close.” I said.

“Oh, oh! Let me tell you!” Taehyung shifted in his seat and fully faced me. “Once upon a time… in a land where fairies and unicorns dance on bridges on the sky made of rainbows and – “

“Taehyung.” I said with a serious tone, knowing that he won’t stop describing that wonderland that exists in his most normal dreams. He looked at me and cleared his throat before continuing.

“Okay, fine.” He said. “I was just walking around the mall that day, scanning the stores that I know I’ll be visiting often now that I’m back in Korea.” He narrated. “I got tired from too much walking, so I entered the nearest café that I saw, and that café was Jin-hyung’s. He was the one that took my order, and also the one that served my food. We had a little… banter about him being the boss of the café and stuff like that. We also talked about how I got into his café, and about work, which is something that I didn’t have around that time. Since then, I became a regular customer in his café.”

“Hmmm…” I nodded.

“And! Remember the time when I got sick and was sent in the hospital?” Taehyung asked, to which I just gave a hum of approval. “I was eating in his café back then. I didn’t know I was allergic to seafood combined with chocolate, and that’s the food that I ordered. Luckily, Jin-hyung was right there by my side to catch me before I hit the floor when I lost consciousness. He was also the one that brought me to the hospital.”

“I see…” I answered. I was looking into his eyes the whole time he was telling the story of how Jin and him met before, and I saw something I remember seeing about three or four years ago. The twinkly in his eyes while talking about Jin. It made something bubble inside me.

Jimin… you are not jealous. I thought to myself. This is not jealousy. And if it is, it is not right to feel this way. Firstly, you have Jungkook now, and you love him. Secondly, it’s not as if Taehyung and Jin-hyung are together, right? Jimin… snap out of it. You’re overthi –

“Uhm… Jimin?” I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Taehyung call my name.


“Are you alright? You look like you’ve seen a ghost or something.”

“Yeah… I guess… I’m just a hungry already.” I answered rather awkwardly, shaking off all the unwanted emotions that I all of a sudden began feeling.

“Oh, now that you’ve said it,” Teahyung stood up from his seat. “I’m hungry, too! Let’s go eat!”

I stood up from the bench and walked alongside my tall friend as we looked around the vicinity to find a restaurant that we would try today. We eventually found an Asian restaurant that features various kinds of food from everywhere around the continent.

After having our orders known by the waiter, the two of us settled into our seats and waited, carrying on a light conversation about the happenings just outside the transparent glass walls of the restaurant.  When the food finally arrived, we started eating.

I took notice of the food that Taehyung ordered for himself. His food preference hasn’t changed after two years…

“What?” Taehyung asked around a slice of beef that he has stuffed in his mouth before noticing my lingering gaze on him.

“Nothing…” I chuckled. “It’s just that your food doesn’t have any vegetable in it. You haven’t changed on bit.” I said. “Nothing about you changed.”

“If you’d like to put it that way.” He answered, taking a sip of the red tea that he has on the side. I know he said it in a good-natured, friendly way, but I can’t help but notice something else in the way he muttered the words. It’s almost like there’s a hint of sarcasm. But maybe I’m just imagining things.

After we had our fill, we continued talking about anything that crossed our mind that is not related to our relationship before. It was just free-flowing – I was talking about something, and he would answer, and would open up a new topic with his answer. I cannot even remember how we got to our topic when we sat down on a wooden bench, having been tired out by our tour of the whole square.

“Hey, Tae.” I called his attention after we stopped talking for a while to look around the place for something else to talk about. “Do you want ice cream?” I know you want ice cream…

“Ice cream? Where?” Taehyung asked, looking around. I pointed to an ice cream shop about fifty meters from where we were seated. He stood up from the bench and pulled me up, dragging me to the place.

“Ice cream!” Taehyung sang as he continued dragging me around like a cat.

“My treat, okay?” I said to Taehyung, having remembered that I still have a remainder of the promotion bonus in my pocket.

Just as I expected – and just like how I remember him – he didn’t object when I said that I’ll be paying for the food. We quickly bought our ice cream from the store, and since I said that I was paying, Taehyung didn’t bother to hide his huge, uncontainable appetite.

Walking outside with the cool dusk breeze in the only place in the city where fresh air still exists is very fun and peaceful. Taehyung and I are still walking around, with our cups of ice cream still in our hands, already melted about an hour ago. Deciding it was already late and getting dark, the two of us started walking to where we parked our cars.

Okay… this is it. I thought to myself, having remembered the task at hand. I need to inform Taehyung now. I took deep breathes to calm myself down and get it all together, before clearing my throat and trying to speak. It would’ve been successful if Taehyung did not beat me to it.

“Jimin?” He asked just before I opened my mouth to call his name.


“Can I ask you a question?” He asked.

“You’re doing it right now, Tae.” I joked, trying to make myself more comfortable despite the erratic beating of my heart.

“Seriously, though.” He said. My smile dropped a bit, and nodded for him to continue. “You and Jungkook… is there something going on between the two of you?”


I thought even my heart stopped beating for a while when he asked that question, because I WAS NOT PREPARED. And also, Taehyung is a very dense, oblivious person. And dense, oblivious people should not be able to know this much.

“Actually…” I mumbled. “I was about to tell you.”

“Tell me what?”

I took another deep breath and swallowed hard, wishing my nerves would follow the lump in my throat down to the pit of my stomach. “Jungkook… and I… are… dating.”


More silence.

No one spoke a word as soon as the last word left my mouth. I was waiting for something negative of bad to happen. I was expecting Taehyung to leave with an awkward excuse of an emergency, or something of that sort. I TOTALLY did not expect him to jump around in joy and he clapped his hands.

“I KNEW IT!!!” He chanted on and on, his stupid grin getting wider and wider by the second. “I KNEW THERE WAS SOMETHING!”

“B-But…” I stuttered, already feeling the blush creeping up my features. “How?”

“Seriously?” Taehyung asked. “Even a blind person will be able to see it!”

“You’re not making any sense, Kim Taehyung.” I said to him, crossing my arms across my chest.

“The night when Jungkook and I met, I referred to him as your ‘friend’, and I saw something in him tense up a little bit. That’s when I knew that ‘hmmm… there’s something fishy going on in here’.” He narrated. “And the twinkle in your eye when you were talking about him earlier? Man, that’s not the eye of a person talking about just a friend!” Taehyung continued. I really, really wanted to say to him that his eyes had a different kind of twinkle, too, when he was talking about Jin, but I just let the thought flow away.

For now, I’m just so relieved that a heavy burden is gone – lifted from my shoulders. Taehyung’s reaction is very positive, and I realized, I was so stupid to have hidden it for some time. I don’t even remember why I was afraid of telling him before.

“You guys look good together.” Taehyung added in. I just thanked him before the two of us continued walking to our cars, with those fairies and unicorns dancing on bridges made of rainbows filling my insides with lightness and joy.

Now, there’s only one thing that remains. And I think telling Jungkook about my bitter past with Taehyung would be an easy task.

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Yara-chan #1
Chapter 60: I THINK it nearly took tooo me 3 days to finish this but I won’t mind if it’s more bc srsly ...and to be honest ...I wish if it more...”I so s o so so lllooovveeeddd thisssss...thogh it did break my heart at some point but ya know I tend to love these heartbreaking stories as long as I have a lovely endingggggg....
ANd again I must say I love this slap thank u to your hard work :)
Chapter 17: My stomach is turning into a tornado... How to tell what I am feeling now , it's so painful from Jiminieee's pov, it's so sweet from kookiee's side and it's so creepy from Tae's hankey's side..
Nayira #3
Chapter 59: I really like the plot in this story, i'm glad that they end up together
Chapter 60: *cryhard*
Finally i found a long chapter fanfic with a good slow ending. Thank you for your hard work!
Chapter 59: I kinda want motor chapter. Like maybe Jungkook finally getaran married with Jimin. But Well, this story it's really goooodddd
Chapter 39: OMG jungkookieeeeeeeee T.T
He is such kindly and grown up man. Is that love can do with this situation ?
I love the way how jungkook handle this matter. And poor jimin, I cannot blame him though for did such thing.
You cannot chooce who will be your lover. Your heart choose their way.
Chapter 20: I don't know why but I'm so sad that read how jungkook just happy as long as jimin safe without knowing with who and why jimin ditching him.
Chapter 7: I just thought the new customer will be namjoon. But, it's turn out to be taehyung after I read the line 'no, I just comeback from japan'..
Chapter 2: Before I continue read this story till the end, I just want to tell you something author-nim...
When I know that you're the one who write 'Turning Table' story, I don't need to wait to read this story. Because I loveeeeee so much 'Turning Table' story. So so so much. And I have high expectation for this one story to tho.

Hope that in the future you can write another story about jikook or BTS more :)) I would love to read that ~
Pikapandalien #10
Chapter 59: I am cryiiinnng Its so freaking amazing but I don't want this fic to end T___T thanks so much for this fic unnie it was one of the most awesome fic that I have ever read love you ♡♡♡