At Last Pt.2

My Immortal


At Last Pt.2

Author’s POV:


“Jungkook.” Jimin said, intent on having Jungkook’s whole attention on the tall man standing in front of them. “This is Taehyung. And Taehyung, meet Jungkook.”

Jungkook just stood there, speechless. If before, he was nervous about meeting Taehyung, now that the person is actually standing in front of him, he feels like he’s very exposed. If Taehyung-ssi is Jimin-hyung’s friend, then that means he’s a good person, right? I shouldn’t be this nervous with him. Jungkook thought as the silence between Taehyung and him stretched for seconds. On the other hand, Taehyung was in no way uncomfortable. He was always excited to meet new people and make friends.

The silence continued until Taehyung broke it with a wide grin. “I know you!” He exclaimed, pointing to Jungkook. “Weren’t you Jimin’s new friend? The one that was with him in the amusement park when I called?” He excitedly asked Jungkook. “You were humming a tune back then! I can hear you through the phone!”

Being the extra-oblivious and dense him, Taehyung didn’t notice the sudden change of mood and the way everyone stiffened. Pretty much everyone except Jungkook knew about Jimin’s and Taehyung’s past.

Did he just call me Jimin-hyung’s friend? Jungkook thought a little bit bitterly. He was about to correct Taehyung when he remembered something. I don’t think it should be me that’s telling him about this. As much as I want to claim Jimin-hyung…

Jungkook just smiled before answering. “Yeah. I was with him back then.” He admitted. “And you’re the one that called then to ask if Jimin-hyung and you could hang out the next day?”

“Yup!” The slender boy answered with an even wider grin that surprisingly had a soothing effect on Jungkook, making him feel more and more at ease with every passing moment that he’s conversing with the new person. “You know what, Jungkook? I really, really like your voice. It was so beautiful, even though I was just hearing it from the other end of the line.”

“Oh, thanks!”

As the two exchanged smiles, they both felt it deep inside that they are going to be good friends.

“Hey.” Namjoon nudged Jimin’s side as they continued watching the two youngest people in their group have an easy-flowing conversation in amazement. “Are you sure those two never knew each other until now?”

“Well… yeah.” Jimin answered. “As far as I know, tonight is the first time they’re going to meet.”

Jimin felt relieved when Jungkook and Taehyung seem to get along pretty well. He kind of already felt that they are going to like each other, but now that it’s actually happening, he can’t help but be amazed. Yet one thing remained bothering Jimin. Taehyung knows Jungkook as my friend. Why did Jungkook let Taehyung think that he’s just a friend? I think I should tell him that Jungkook isn’t just simply my friend. This is the right time to do that. Yeah, I think I should tell Taehyung now.

Jimin already made up his mind. He will tell Taehyung about Jungkook now. He will show everyone that he’s already moved on. The dancer was about to approach the two to say everything he was planning to say to Taehyung when he felt a very strong grip on his biceps, tugging, or rather dragging him away, and to the area hidden by the cars. When he turned around, he came face to face with a fuming Yoongi.

“Oh, where are the others?” Taehyung asked Jungkook as the two looked around them. They found Yoongi and Jimin talking behind the latter’s car, the former looking like almost punching the other in so much anger. Hoseok and Namjoon were doing the same thing behind the taller’s car, only a little bit less violent than the other pair. Taehyung turned his gaze to the younger.

“You do know about the real reason for this dinner, right?” He asked Jungkook, who just nodded in response. Taehyung grinned before continuing to watch the two pairs. “It’s going to be a long night for us.”

Meanwhile, Jimin is shaking in fear before Yoongi as the pale male continued firing a barrage of questions at the younger.

“Why the didn’t you tell me that Hoseok will be here with us tonight?!” Yoongi asked, trying his best to keep his voice down, not wanting anyone to hear his complaint. “Have you forgotten our current status?!”

Jimin fixed his gaze on his feet, not wanting to see look at Yoongi in the eyes. Yes, Jimin may be bigger and stronger than Yoongi, but everyone in their small circle of friends knew that an angry Yoongi is not to be messed up with.

“Y-you…” Jimin squeaked out. “You didn’t… ask?” His answer came out more of like a question. He was hoping that his answer will calm the fuming male down, but he only received a frustrated groan as a response.

“My god, Jimin!” Yoongi groaned, tugging on his own hair in irritation. He really feels like hitting Jimin square in the face right now. “Can you hear yourself?! That is like, common sense! Ugh…” Yoongi let out a heavy sigh.

Jimin lifted his gaze to see Yoongi already opening the door of his car. “Wait, where are you going?”

“Home.” Yoongi declared. “Just tell them that I feel a bit sick right now. Or that I have an emergency. Just give them any valid excuse.”

Jimin ran to Yoongi’s car and held the door, preventing the elder from closing it. “What are you doing? Let go of my car!”

“Hyung.” Jimin’s voice is steady. “Do you want to fix your relationship with Hoseok-hyung?” He asked. And just like that, Yoongi’s face softened. He looked at Jimin with his b eyes, taking in a shaky breath to stop himself from breaking down.

“I do, Jimin. God knows I do.” Yoongi answered. “But I’m not ready, Jimin. I know Hoseok hates me now. And I can’t stand seeing that before my own eyes.”

“He doesn’t hate you, hyung. I know that.” Jimin said, pulling Yoongi out from the car and pushing the door close. “You know that, too.”

Namjoon glanced at Yoongi and Jimin as Jimin continued to persuade Yoongi to just stay and give it a try. That will be easier, I think. Namjoon thought, knowing that it’s easier to get the person at fault, Yoongi, to apologize than to make Hoseok stay and listen to whatever Yoongi has to say.

“Care to explain what’s happening here?” Hoseok asked, quirking a brow at the taller man. His mood totally went downhill after seeing Yoongi’s pale skin show up with Jimin and Jungkook. “You didn’t tell me that Yoongi-hyung’s coming, too. I know I didn’t ask, but still.”

“Everyone, including you, Hoseok, knows that you and Yoongi-hyung need to fix whatever it was that came down between the two of you.” Namjoon answered rather calmly.

“There’s nothing to fix.” Hoseok answered, his tone cold, voice lacking of all care. His forehead furrowed in irritation and confusion when Hoseok heard Namjoon chuckled sarcastically.

“You can keep lying to yourself, Hoseok, but not to us. Not to your friends.” Namjoon smiled, hoping it will make enlighten Hoseok even just for a bit. “Everyone knows how much this not-so-little quarrel that you are having with Yoongi-hyung is killing the two of you.”

“I’m fine.” Hoseok answered, earning a smirk from the taller man. Hoseok scoffed. “Okay fine, I WILL BE fine.” He corrected himself. “If Yoongi-hyung cannot stand the two of us being together, then I’ll let him stay away. It’s not like my whole world revolves around him.”

“Do you know how much Yoongi-hyung cried everyday after you broke up?” Namjoon suddenly asked. “Jimin said he barely could function well in the studio. There were even nights when he would call me or Jimin, unable to take the pain all by himself.”

Hoseok was taken aback for a few moments, but quickly fixed his expression back to its stoic state a while ago. “I don’t care.” He spat out, but deep inside, he feels like crying. All that he wants to do is pull Yoongi into his arms and take him back, but no. He also lied when he said that his whole world doesn’t turn around Yoongi, because he knows that it does. It pains him to know that Yoongi is suffering even more that he is.

Namjoon let out a resigned sigh. “Okay, Hoseok, look.” He said, catching the attention of the deep-in-thought Hoseok. “If you can’t talk to him right now, maybe we can just enjoy tonight?” He asked. “Just… hangout with your friends?”

Hoseok thought about it for a while before giving Namjoon a small smile. “Yeah, I can do that.”

“GUYS! I’M STARVING!!!” Taehyung shouted beside a giggling Jungkook who was amused by Taehyung’s funny behavior.

No wonder Jimin-hyung became friends with him. He’s really fun to be with. Jungkook thought. The other four went out from their respective places, with Yoongi’s head hanging low, gaze fixed on the ground below him. Jimin took his place beside Jungkook as the six of them walked to the mall entrance.

“Taehyung-hyung is really fun to be with, hyung.” Jungkook stated as he walked beside Jimin, making the older smile thoughtfully. Taehyung led the whole gang into the establishment, hopping to the all-too-familiar place that he often visits for a good cup of sweet drink or cake. Jungkook and Jimin both noticed the familiar path, but eliminating the possibility that they are going to eat dinner in a café. That is, until Taehyung pushed the glass door open.

“Welcome, guys!” Taehyung said, skipping inside the nearly desserted place. Jimin and Jungkook scanned the place. They are quite sure that they are currently inside Jin’s café, but still not convinced that they are going to eat dinner in the café. They are not supposed to eat cakes and tarts for dinner.

Their suspicions were confirmed when a familiar, broad-shouldered man walked out from the back of the counter and smiled at the grinning Taehyung. “Oh, Taehyung, you’re here!” He said. Jin quickly scanned the faces of Taehyung’s companions, stopping when he recoginized two familiar faces. “Jungkook? Jimin?”

“Hi, hyung.” Jungkook beamed.

The person that led the whole group into the café looked at Jin and the two of his friends. “You… know each other?”

“Well…” Jin looked at the confused Taehyung. “Jungkook is my cousin. And Jimin is one of my regulars.”

‘I didn’t know you’re offering dinner here, hyung.” Jimin smirked, causing the tall man to feel a little heat crawl under his skin.

“It was…” He struggled getting his answer out from his mouth. “T-Taehyung… uhm…”

“I requested him to prepared dinner for us.” Taehyung answered for him. “He cooks REALLY good food. I can’t describe it for you, guys. You’ll have to see for yourselves.”

“Wow, I’m yet to taste dinner prepared by Jin-hyung.” Jungkook chuckled. “With just one request from Taehyung-hyung? There has to be something!”

“That’s because I’m irrisistable.” Taehyung chuckled, flipping his non-existent long hair.

“Okay guys, take a seat and make yourselves comfortable, your dinner will be ready in a few minutes.” Jin simply said with his back turned towards the customers, not wanting them to see him blush even for a bit.

“Payback’s a .” Jungkook mumbled under his breath, amused by the way his cousin reacts to the teasing. They occupied two tables moved side by side, with Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook sitting on one side, while Namjoon sat between Hoseok and Yoongi on the other side. The group started talking among each other, making the previously silent place pick up volume, and within a matter of seconds, the whole place’s mood brightened up. That is, if the fact that Yoongi and Hoseok are ignoring each other’s existence is to be taken out of the picture.

“Jungkook.” Taehyung called the maknae’s attention. “Where do you work? Are you already working or your still in school?”

“I’m still studying, hyung.” Jungkook answered.

“In fact,” Jimin cut in. “Jungkook is studying in our previous school.”

“Really?!” Taehyung exclaimed in surprise. “How come I didn’t notice you before?”

“Uhm… I’m not really a very noticeable and remarkable student.” Jungkook answered.

“You know, Jimin and I used to hangout a lot in the school garden.” Taehyung started narrating, causing Jimin to tense up just a little bit.

My god, Taehyung stop. Jimin thought, silently praying that Taehyung’s narration end immediately. He suddenly remembered that he still has to tell Taehyung about his relationship with Jungkook, but judging from Taehyung’s talkativeness tonight, that doesn’t seem like a very good idea. Jungkook still doesn’t know his past with Taehyung, and Taehyung suddenly talking about their escapades as a couple in the past is not really the best way for him to find out.

“Unfortunately, I don’t have friends to hangout with.” Jungkook shyly admitted. “I’m some sort of an introvert, actually.”

“Aww… that’s sad.” Taehyugn cutely pouted.

“Your food’s here!” Jin’s voice silenced the table for a while, only to make it break into collective gasps when they saw the sumptuous food in the platters Jin’s staff carried to the table. They put all the dishes that they’ve prepared down on the table and bowed down before leaving. Jin was also about to leave the group when Taehyung called his attention to tell him to stay and eat with them. At first, Jin really didn’t want to, but thanks to Taehyung’s constant pleads and some horrible aegyo, he finally accepted the offer and dragged an extra seat from one of the empty spots and sat on it on one end of the group’s table.

They all started eating noisily. All of them had their own comments on the food that Jin and his crew prepared for the dinner, but all of those comments were rather positive ones.

“What’s this?” Namjoon asked, lifting an egg-like piece of ingredient from his plate. It is covered in a thick, orange sauce.

“Ah, that’s called balut.” Jin answered, smiling at the way Namjoon carefully put the whole thing into his mouth, humming in delight as he chewed it down. “It’s an egg dish imported from the Philippines. It’s pretty exotic, actually. But I like it. I hope you do, too.”

“It… tastes… great.” Namjoon said between chews, swallowing it all down after a while.

The rest of the group poked their own baluts from their dishes, and prepared to take it in when Jin continued talking.

“It’s actually duck fetus.”

Everyone stared at Jin in disbelief and a bit of disgust, putting the eggs back down on the plate.

“Why? It’s really good, right, Namjoon-ssi?” Jin asked Namjoon, who was also staring at Jin with wide eyes. He just gave a slow nod, making sure he doesn’t throw up. He have to admit though, it really tastes good. It’s just the fact that he just ate a fetus that’s making his stomach fluids churn a bit.

“B-But…” Jimin mumbled, pushing the plate away.

“Guys, just give it a try!” Jin said, leaning on the table. “You’ll be surprised. It’s very, very tasty!”

“R-Really?” Taehyung asked, now starting to take interest on the food. Anything flavorful and delicious is good for him.

“Yup!” Jin answered. “And also, it’s very rich in protein. Good for the muscles!”

“I see…” Jimin muttered, poking the balut again with his fork. Very hesitantly and slowly, he lifted the food to his mouth and closed his lips around the fork, closing his eyes and waiting for any disgusting texture or something. But it never came.

“Wow… it tastes really good.” He finally said as he continued chewing it down. The other people were also encouraged to eat the exotic food, and they all agreed that it tastes really great. They finally moved on from the disgusted stage and continued eating. There were fish dishes, as well as meats and vegetables.

“Mmmm…” Yoongi moaned as he savored a bite from one of the dishes. “This chicken is well-seasoned! Its texture is also very firm!”

“That’s because first of all, it isn’t chicken.” Jin answered with a never-dying smile, happy that his customers are liking his food so far.

“What is it this time, hyung? Crocodile?” Jungkook chuckled, tearing off a part of the same dish from his plate and examining it.

“Nope, it’s duck.” The eldest of them all answered. “Duck meat tends to be a bit tougher than chicken meat, and I had to boil that for some time to extract the flavor. That’s why I chose duck.”

“I never would’ve thought that it’s chicken.” Namjoon chuckled. “Just by looking at it, I can already say that it’s duck meat.”

“Okay fine, my mistake.” Yoongi raised his hands in defeat, still chewing the duck meat he put in his mouth earlier. “I’m just a human that commits some mistakes.”

“But being a human doesn’t justify making mistakes.” Hoseok suddenly answered, making the table fall silent. He himself doesn’t know what possessed him to answer like that. But before he had the chance to stop himself, his own mouth continued. “And you can’t call something a ‘mistake’ when you clearly know what you’re doing.”

“But commiting mistakes doesn’t make a person unworthy of a second chance.” Yoongi talked back, taking the courage to look at Hoseok, only to see him nonchalantly eating.

“You’re right.” Hoseok answered, making the corners of everyone’s lips slightly turn up to a smile. “But there are some mistakes – and also some people – that are not worth giving a second chance.” He continued. “There are things in life that could only be hurt once.”

“But Hoseok,” Yoongi directly called his name this time, his voice full of unspoken apologies and hurt. “, giving a second chance does not mean getting hurt the second time around.”

“Well, I don’t think the duck minds being called a chicken for once.” Taehyung interrupted the heated conversation, effectively releasing some tension in the air. He tried a small laugh, but he only managed to let out an awkward one. The other people in the room also laughed awkwardly, except for Yoongi and Hoseok.

“I think I’ll go use the comfort room.” Hoseok excused himself, standing up from his seat and walking to the direction of the said place.

“I have to answer some call. Excuse me.” Yoongi stood up after Hoseok, walking to the same direction. When the two of them were completely out of sight, the people still sitting around the table let out a labored sigh of relief.

“Did anyone hear Yoongi-hyung’s phone ring?” Jimin asked, causing the group to laugh casually as they continued to enjoy the food.

“At least your plan worked. They actually are talking.” Jin chuckled. “And if you’re wondering why I know what’s happening, Taehyung told me already when he asked me to prepare dinner for you guys. Don’t blame him – I just bugged him to share it to me. Don’t worry, it won’t spread.”

“Nah… it’s fine.” Jimin shrugged. “You’re our friend anyway.”

“You should’ve been in my position, guys.” Namjoon shook his head. “I thought I was going to die while sitting in between those two.” He said, making the group burst into another round of laughter. The dinner went smoothly afterwards, with the group’s conversations being very light and fun. After a few minutes, Jungkook spoke.

“Aren’t we supposed to check on them? Just to make sure if they are still alive or something?” He chuckled, but they all know he’s really concerned. Hoseok and Yoongi pretty much went all out and emotional on the table a while ago, and who knows how much fighting the two can do behind the closed door of the comfort room.

“Don’t. Let’s give them more time.” Taehyung smiled before putting another piece of the balut in his mouth.

Jimin scanned his surroundings and heaved a contented sigh. He was actually more or less nervous, because no one knew if their plan was going to work, and he isn’t sure if Jungkook and Taehyung would get along well. But since both of his concerns are now taken care of, he’s already happy and comfortable. He just had to wait for the result of their plan on Yoongi and Hoseok’s relationship.

Jungkook took a look at the person beside him, and caught Jimin smiling over nothing in particular. He elbowed the elder to catch his attention and sent his own genuine smile, making Jimin’s smile widen just a little bit more.

“Look at them.” Jungkook whispered to Jimin, using his lips to point to the other direction. Jimin turned to see Taehyung and Jin talking to each other in hushed voices, giggling over something that only the two of them seem to know.

“They look pretty compatible, don’t they?” Jungkook grinned. Jimin just hummed in agreement, but inside, he can feel jealousy building up.

Jimin, this is not right. Jimin thought to himself, scolding his feelings for messing up. I shouldn’t be jealous. I love Jungkook, and Taehyung and I are over a long time ago. Stop this Jimin, stop it! He diverted his gaze back to Jungkook, who was still observing the two with a small smile on his lips.

“I think I should go and check on them. They seem pretty quiet back there.” Taehyung volunteered, the other people on the table nodding for him to proceed. He stood up from his seat and scampered off to the comfort room.

Meanwhile, Jimin took silent deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself down and get rid of the bubbling jealousy inside him. He knows that it’s wrong, so wrong to feel envious of Taehyung’s and Jin’s apparent sweetness towards each other. He’s got Jungkook, and the boy has put all of his trust and love on Jimin. The last thing that Jimin wants to happen is for Jungkook to hurt because of him.

Just when his heart rate was almost back to normal, a loud, surprisingly high-pitched, defeaning shriek filled the air, followed by Taehyung running towards the table with his hands covering his eyes.

“What happened?” Namjoon asked, worry and confusion laced in his voice. Everyone had their hands on their chests after the mini-heart attack that Taehyung’s scream induced. Taehyung’s face resembled that of a person that just got out of a horror house.


“We’re so sorry!” Hoseok apologized as he and Yoongi stepped out of the comfort room, still fixing their appearances up. “We’re just… caught up in the moment.”

“OH MY GOD MY EYES!!!” Taehyung continued to sob as everyone laughed, relieved that the plan was very successful. They were just planning on making Yoongi and Hoseok talk – they certainly did not expect it to end with a full make out session between the two.

“Just take your seats, you hormonal lovebirds, and eat.” Namjoon blurted out as he stood up from his seat to take Hoseok’s previous one, leaving two adjacent chairs empty.

The rest of the night involved whole-hearted laughter and light conversations among the members of the group. They quickly adopted Jin into the circle of friends after finding his personality very pleasing and light. It took a while before they finished the food, because majority of the time was spent talking to each other about the nothings of the world. Jin had to excuse himself from the table after the dinner was done, because he had to supervise his crew with the cleaning. Everyone agreed about waiting for Jin to finish his work, because they want to leave the place all together.

When all the work was done, Jin and the rest of the group, as well as Jin’s crew, deserted the café as it is already time to close. The halls of the mall are already nearly empty, because it’s already late into the night, and the mall itself is also about to close.

Jungkook and Jimin together went to the latter’s car, while everyone else went to their own vehicles. They bid each other goodbye and good nights.

“Jungkook.” Jin called the maknae, who was about to step into Jimin’s car. “I want to take you to your house.”

Jungkook was actually willing to accept the offer, for a change, but he remembered something that he still needs to show Jimin. “Thanks, hyung, but no.” He declined politely. “I have something to discuss with Jimin-hyung along the way.”

“Oh really?” Jin smirked knowingly, causing Jungkook to turn his face away from everyone to hide his flaming cheeks. “Okay then, have fun!” Jin teased. “And Jimin, take care of my dongsaeng, okay?”

“Of course, hyung, I will.”

“Oh Jungkookie!” Taehyung raced to Jimin’s car, approaching the only person that’s younger than him . “Can you put your number in my phone? I’ll just call you or message you later so you can have my number, too!”

“Okay.” Jungkook smiled, getting Taehyung’s phone from his hands and tapping in his number. “It was so nice meeting you, hyung.”

“Yeah, me, too. I had fun with you.” Taehyung answered. He turned around to walk to his car. “Bye!”

“Bye, hyung!” Jungkook shouted back. He took a quick glance at Taehyung’s retreating back, and thought he saw something familiar peeking out from Taehyung’s back pocket. It looked just like the handkerchief that Jungkook was keeping. But the just shrugged it off as a coincidence.

When everyone was inside their rides, they all drove off to different directions, except for Yoongi and Hoseok, who seemed to take the same route, maybe one’s house.

Jimin kept a steady pace while driving, occasionally talking to Jungkook as the younger rambled about the food and how fun Taehyung was. Then, Jimin remembered what Jungkook told Jin a while ago.

“So… what is it that you want to discuss with me?” Jimin asked, curiosity climbing up. He was expecting something sweet, or fun, or maybe y or something like that. But he was shocked when Jungkook reached for something inside his bag and pulled out a painfully familiar handkerchief.

“Here, hyung.” Jungkook narrated obliviously. “Remember when I told you I kept dreaming about a handkerchief? Well, I found this somewhere, and it is the exact same handkerchief that I’ve been dreaming about.”

Jimin felt cold sweat trickle down the back of his neck. He recognized that cloth. It was Taehyung’s. It was Taehyung’s favorite design.

It was the same design of handkerchief that Taehyung gave to Jimin when they broke up.

“Oh… y-yeah.” Jimin answered awkwardly, feeling a lump form in his throat. He hates how much a mere handkerchief easily broke him down to pieces. But… why would Jungkook dream of Taehyung’s handkerchief? Is this all a coincidence? Jimin thought. He slowed his driving down to make sure that they do not get into any accident.



“Jimin, let’s end this here.”

“W-What? What do you mean?”

 “I’m sorry Jimin, we have to break up.”

“W-Why? We l-love each o-other, right?”

“Jimin, I LOVED you, I swear. But… after four years, and two years of being disconnected from you… it just… it doesn’t feel the same anymore.”

“But Taehyung! If this is a-about school, Taehyung it’s over! We can now spend more time with each other!”

“I would’ve gladly agreed, Jimin. But like what I said, I LOVED you. Past tense. But now… I just don’t feel it anymore.”

“Tae, please… let me sort this out for the two of us… please…”


“Hyung?” Jungkook passed his hands in front Jimin’s blank face. “Hyung, hello?”

“Oh… yes?” Jimin snapped back to reality when he heard Jungkook’s voice. He abruptly stepped on the brakes. He can’t drive safely if he doesn’t calm himself down.

“Are you alright, hyung?”

“Yeah… I’m fine.” Jimin answered, not looking up, not wanting to see Jungkook’s worried face. “I guess I’m just… a bit tired.” He lied to Jungkook. The younger did not suspect anything.

“Oh… okay.” He just answered, stuffing the mysterious handkerchief back into his bag. He opted not to bother Jimin anymore, because he doesn’t want to tire him out even more by talking to him. He just watched the streets and the other vehicles on it as he waited for their car to reach his house.

A few minutes later, they arrived safely. Jungkook stepped out of the car and turned around to bid Jimin good night, and to thank him for the time. Just when he was about to close the door, he heard Jimin call his name again.


“Yes, hyung?” Jungkook asked, re-opening the door to listen intently to Jimin. The elder’s gaze was on the steering wheel, emotions unknown to Jungkook playing across his handsome features.

“I’d advise that you throw that handkerchief away.” Jimin said. Jungkook’s brows furrowed in confusion.


“So you can stop dreaming about it. The more that you see it and expose yourself to it, the more that it will appear in you dreams. So just… get rid of it or something.” Jimin answered. He hated himself more and more with every word that spills out of his mouth, but he can’t help it. If Jungkook were to find out about his past with Taehyung, he should be the one to tell him about it when the right time comes. Not Taehyung. Especially not Taehyung’s handkerchief that keeps appearing in Jungkook’s dreams.

“O-Okay.” Jungkook just answered. “Is that all?”


“Good night, hyung. Take care and rest well.”

“Good night, Kookie.”

Jungkook slammed the door of Jimin’s car shut, and watched as his hyung drove away. When he was already out of sight, Jungkook went inside his house. It was already dark and silent, so he assumed that his parents were already in their room, sleeping. The boy climbed up the stairs straight to his own room, and turned the lights on. After placing his bag down on the table, he opened it and took the cloth out, staring at it as he made his way to the windows of his room.

He wanted to throw it away, like what Jimin told his to do, but something in him was telling him not to.

Before Jungkook went to sleep, he stuffed Taehyung’s handkerchief into the drawer of his cabinet, deciding against Jimin’s words.

There’s a reason why the handkerchief kept bothering him, and that reason, Jungkook decided, he needs to find out.

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Yara-chan #1
Chapter 60: I THINK it nearly took tooo me 3 days to finish this but I won’t mind if it’s more bc srsly ...and to be honest ...I wish if it more...”I so s o so so lllooovveeeddd thisssss...thogh it did break my heart at some point but ya know I tend to love these heartbreaking stories as long as I have a lovely endingggggg....
ANd again I must say I love this slap thank u to your hard work :)
Chapter 17: My stomach is turning into a tornado... How to tell what I am feeling now , it's so painful from Jiminieee's pov, it's so sweet from kookiee's side and it's so creepy from Tae's hankey's side..
Nayira #3
Chapter 59: I really like the plot in this story, i'm glad that they end up together
Chapter 60: *cryhard*
Finally i found a long chapter fanfic with a good slow ending. Thank you for your hard work!
Chapter 59: I kinda want motor chapter. Like maybe Jungkook finally getaran married with Jimin. But Well, this story it's really goooodddd
Chapter 39: OMG jungkookieeeeeeeee T.T
He is such kindly and grown up man. Is that love can do with this situation ?
I love the way how jungkook handle this matter. And poor jimin, I cannot blame him though for did such thing.
You cannot chooce who will be your lover. Your heart choose their way.
Chapter 20: I don't know why but I'm so sad that read how jungkook just happy as long as jimin safe without knowing with who and why jimin ditching him.
Chapter 7: I just thought the new customer will be namjoon. But, it's turn out to be taehyung after I read the line 'no, I just comeback from japan'..
Chapter 2: Before I continue read this story till the end, I just want to tell you something author-nim...
When I know that you're the one who write 'Turning Table' story, I don't need to wait to read this story. Because I loveeeeee so much 'Turning Table' story. So so so much. And I have high expectation for this one story to tho.

Hope that in the future you can write another story about jikook or BTS more :)) I would love to read that ~
Pikapandalien #10
Chapter 59: I am cryiiinnng Its so freaking amazing but I don't want this fic to end T___T thanks so much for this fic unnie it was one of the most awesome fic that I have ever read love you ♡♡♡