Day Out

My Immortal

Hello readers!!! Sorry for the VERY VERY VERY late update! I am so sorry you had to wait like forever for this chapter. I had to focus on another story, the sequel to “If We Ever Meet Again” (yes, I’m shamelessly promoting it here). The link to the sequel can be found at the end of the chapter.

I just rushed this chapter today, because…

School is about to start, and I am going to be SO busy with college. Especially because I’m an incoming freshman and I need to focus more to adapt quickly. I won’t have time to check for updates in twitter and other sites. I’m gonna miss BTS so much huhuhuhu T.T

The next update will be very late… I am sure about that. Because like what I said, college.

So…here it is!!! Enjoy!(?)


Day Out

Jungkook’s POV:


I opened the shower room door after getting myself squeaky clean. While drying my hair, I headed to the closet and started scanning my wardrobe for something to wear for today. I have lots of clothes in my arsenal, but I still find it a bit hard to find the right combination of clothes that will look the best on me. Not that they don’t look good on me, because hell, they do. But that’s kinda the problem.

Of course, a pair of tight-fitting jeans automatically qualifies, so I immediately pulled out my favorite black ones that hug my legs perfectly, with rips across the area above the knee for added impact. With the jeans settled, all I need to find now is the perfect top.

Most of my tops are red, white, or black, with a few being in a different color. In the end, I just opted for the white long sleeves that will effectively keep my skin hidden from the sun, because the place that I am going to will be an open space.

After being choosing my outfit, I stood in front of the mirror and styled my hair to match it. I was done within a few minutes, and when I took a glance at the clock, it’s just 8:45. I still have some time to wait for him. At least he won’t be the one waiting.

When I went down from my room to wait in the living room, eomma is already in front of the TV, watching her dramas. I sat down in another couch in the living room and stared at the TV while waiting for Jimin.

“Wow… you’re actually watching drama with me?” eomma asked me when she noticed I was ‘watching’ the show. “Why did you become interested all of a sudden?”

“Eomma, I am NOT interested.” I answered her. “It’s just that I have nothing to do while waiting for hyung to pick me up.”

“Ok fine. But you got to admit – the show is good, right?” She smiled.

“Yeah right.” There’s really no point to arguing with eomma with this one, because she will never give up a fight when it comes to topics like this.

Another few minutes of staring at the screen and listening to my eomma’s rants about the characters in the TV, a loud car horn was heard. I let out a sigh of relief as I stood up from my seat and headed straight to the door.

“Eomma, I need to go, I think that’s Jimin-hyung already.”

“Ok, son! Take care and enjoy!” She answered without turning her gaze from the colorful box. “Oh! And send my regards to Jimin!”

“Kay, eomma!” I answered as I closed the door behind me. And there he is, standing outside his car, looking absolutely stunning. I walked over to him and smiled.

“Good morning, hyung!” I greeted him energetically. He smiled his signature eye smile and greeted me back.

“Good morning, Kookie.” He scanned me from head to toe. “You look great.”

“Well, thanks!” I answered. My cheeks felt warmer just a bit, and from the small chuckle Jimin made, I can say that he can see what his compliment did to me. “Well, you look gorgeous, as usual.”

“I know.” He answered, and we laughed at how confident he is. “So, are you ready?”

“Yup!” I answered as I circled the car and stepped inside, at the passenger seat beside Jimin. He started the engine and started driving.

Yesterday, when he fetched me back from school, we talked about hanging out together for today. He suggested that we go to the amusement park again. I gladly agreed to his plan. Any bonding time I get to spend with him is welcome – may it be in the amusement park, or in the mall, or in a restaurant, or heck, even if it’s just in the streets near a garbage can. Especially now, because our school decided to be an angel all of a sudden and did not give any school work for us to do over the weekend, which means I get to spend the whole two-day break with my Jimin. I like his company even more after he said he already made it up with his old friend, Taehyung. After the said reconciliation, he changed a lot. He feels lighter, jollier. Like a great weight has been lifted off his shoulders. He became that much brighter – much likable, if that were even possible.

We only labeled our relationship status as ‘dating’. Of course, I was more than happy to know back then that he wasn’t just being friendly – that he actually took interest in me, too. And right now, I wouldn’t mind if we are going to upgrade that label to something more special and intimate. After all the time spent with him, the least I can say is that I love and trust him with all my heart.

“We’re here!” Jimin sing-sang. His smile was even brighter than the colors of the balloons held by vendors around the area. We stepped out of the car and went inside the theme park.

“Which ride do you wanna ride first?” Jimin asked me while we walked around the park, hand in hand as I looked around the place for a good ride.

“You?” I asked him. Then, there was silence. I even felt Jimin’s grip on my hand tighten as he stopped in his tracks. I turned around and looked at him, confused. He was looking at me, his mouth opening and closing like he was trying to say something.

“What?” I asked him. He swallowed HARD. The tips of his ears were already pink. “Is there something wrong?”

“Y-You… you wanna r-ride…” Jimin stuttered. He was finding it difficult to get his words out. Did I say something wrong?

“What?” I motioned for him to continued.

“You… wanna… ride me?” He asked, his eyes shut close. Then, I realized what it was. that sounded so wrong.

I tugged at my hand as my face completely turned red within seconds. “NO! I MEAN YES!” I answered, and his eyes widened in shock. “WAIT WHAT THE HELL I MEAN NO!!!”

Jimin let out a loud laugh, while I buried my flushed face in my hands. “Oh god this is so embarrassing.” I sobbed into my hand. When I was able to relax enough to speak, I went cleared my throat and started explaining.

“Ok… What I meant with ‘you’, is that ‘you, what do want?’. I was asking for your opinion. I really didn’t mean it to be like…” I took a deep breath. “I didn’t mean that I want to ride you.” I buried my face again into my hands from all the embarrassment.

Moments later, Jimin stopped laughing and I heard his steps become nearer and nearer. “It’s alright, I get it.” He said as he pulled my hands off my face. “Let’s go.” He took my hand again and led me to another walk. “But… what’s with the yes? Really, I don’t mind you riding me and – “

“PARK JIMIN YOU’RE SUCH A ERTED TEASE!” I shouted as I felt my face heat up again. I looked away, while he laughed. “Because of that, we’re riding the roller coaster.” I stated, pointing up to the high rails that made hoops. Jimin’s laughter ceased.

“W-What? W-Why not the Ferris wheel? O-Or the games over there?” Jimin asked, his eyes begging for me to take back my request. I knew he wouldn’t like the roller coaster ride.

“Nope, I want to ride the roller coaster.  Not the Ferris wheel, not the other rides, not even you.” I answered firmly. “Now let’s go.”

I pulled Jimin to the entrance to the ride, with him slightly resisting my drag. You tease…

“Kookie, please, any other ride except that one.” He continued pleading.

“Okay. Then I want to enter the haunted house.” I answered. “Haunted house then?”

Jimin’s face looked so worried and scared, and he was so cute like that. He sighed and looked down. “Okay… roller coaster then.”

When we reached the front of the line, Jimin stopped before he stepped into the ride. He called the attention of the theme park worker operating the ride.

“Adjussi… are you sure this is safe?” He asked with all the worries in the world.

“Yes sir. We’ve made sure all the rides here are safe.” The operator answered. Jimin didn’t seem convinced.

“B-But this thing will go up in the air and will loop and –“ Jimin continued asking. I gave his hand a squeeze, making him stop and look at me with his glossy eyes.

“Hyung, it’s safe, I promise.” I reassured him. He sighed and stepped into the cart and sat beside me. After putting on and locking the belts and lowering the U-shaped thing that caged us to safety, Jimin held onto my hand with his one hand and on the steel bar. I held his hand tighter as the ride accelerated. Jimin was shaking a bit, but by the time the ride reached its full speed, Jimin already let go of my hand and was screaming to the top of his lungs, with his arms flailing in enjoyment. I watched him as he loosened up and let go of his fear of heights as he kept screaming and laughing.

After the ride came to a stop, Jimin got to hyped up that he requested few more rounds in the same ride. I was getting bored already by the ride, so I just enjoyed it as I watched Jimin shout and let out long ‘ohhh’s when the ride goes around a loop. He continued doing that for the next roller coaster rides we rode, and we ended up spending the whole morning in the same ride. He even won’t stop for lunch just to get back on the stupid roller coaster ride.

“Kookie, last one let’s go!” Jimin cheered as he led me to the end of the line for the roller coaster ride.

“Hyung, you’ve been saying that for the last five repeats of the same ride!” I whined. “And aren’t you starving already? We need to eat lunch.” I faked a hurting stomach. Jimin looked at me and went over to ruffle my hair.

“Okay… sorry Kookie I got too obsessed with the ride. Sorry.” Jimin sadly said to me. “Okay. Let’s go and eat lunch.”

And with that, we headed to the picnic benches somewhere around the center of the whole theme park. We just bought lunch from one of the food stalls stationed at the side. So there we are, eating lunch on top of a picnic table in the amusement park, the sun shining brightly while we were protected by a tree towering overhead. It was so romantic, at least for me.

“Hey, what does that tastes like?” Jimin asked me, pointing to the grilled pork belly I was eating with the rice.

“Try it, here.” I took a slice and handed it over to him to eat it. He opened his mouth as I stared into his face, confused. “Hyung, a fly can come in there. What are you doing?”

“Feed me that.” Jimin answered. He then opened his mouth again and pointed to it in anticipation. I just laughed as I carefully put the piece of meat in his mouth. He closed his mouth even before I got my fingers out.

“Hyung that’s disgusting!” I shouted at him. He looked at me and ING SMIRKED AROUND MY FINGER. He then the finger deeper into his mouth. “Y-YAH!”

I pretended to not like what he was doing. I started pulling my finger out of his mouth, but whenever I do that, he bites on my finger to make me stop pulling, then continued and my finger. I am surprisingly getting by his little stunt.

When he finally let go of my finger, it was already red.

“I just relished the flavor of the grilled pork. You got some on your finger so I cleaned it for you.” He smiled INNOCENTLY at me before continuing to eat his own food, like nothing happened.

After eating, we stood up from the picnic table and walked around the whole park. We carried on an easy banter about his job. He told me about his two friends, Hoseok and Yoongi, and their not-so-secret relationship with each other. He said that he can’t think of a plausible reason for them to hide it.

“You remember the day I slept in your house after the dinner?” Jimin asked me. I nodded at him in confirmation. “Well, when I came to our office, Hoseok asked me about it.”

“And? What did hyung say?” I asked him.

“He was so invested in the idea that we had that night.” Jimin calmly answered, as opposed to how violent my reaction will be.

“WHAT THE HELL?!” I exclaimed, my face turning red again for like the fifth time today. “IS YOUR CIRCLE OF FRIENDS ACTUALLY A GROUP OF ERTED TEASES?”

“Of course not!” Jimin defended. “I am not a ert!”

“Wow… after telling me you don’t mind me riding you?” I scoffed.

“I was just being honest.” Jimin stated as he SMIRKED AT ME AGAIN, making me blush even harder, it that were even possible.

“You’re such a tease.” I mumbled under my breath as we continued walking around, watching children play as we walked past them. At the end, we decided to ride the Ferris wheel as the last ride for the date.

We just sat inside the cart, staring at the view below us as the people began to get smaller and smaller in our view. The ride continued to turn, and we got a good view of the setting sun. I turned to face Jimin who was looking at the horizon, the sunlight making his face glow, making him impossibly more beautiful. I found myself staring at his perfect side profile.

“Hyung?” I called his attention. He looked at me and flashed a smile that rivaled the sunrays in brightness. “Thank you for today. I’m glad that every day spent with you makes me know you more.”

“Kookie… I am happy, too. Thank you for today. Thank you for every day that you gave to me. Thank you for making me alive again.” He thanked me back. “And thank you for fixing me.”

He reached over to me and pulled me in for a hug. We shared a comfortable silence as the ride continued, with me resting my head on his shoulder, his arm wrapped around my waist. It was just too perfect, and I didn’t want it to end.

After the ride, we went to sit on one of the benches, just enjoying each other’s company. I was just humming a song, while Jimin was humming along with me, and I can feel the way his chest vibrates every time the tune was low. It was all too peaceful, with the two of us in each other’s arms, watching the children play around us, with the night setting in. Then, a phone rang, and by now I knew that it was Jimin’s. He pulled away for a while and took his phone out. He looked at the screen, and he smiled before answering it.

“Kookie, I need to answer this, wait, ok?” He asked for persmission. I nodded at him and just continued to hum the tune we’ve been humming together before the call. I listened to Jimin’s words.

“Hello?” He started the call. His face was happy one moment, and then it became confused, and then it became worried, or something like that. He pulled the phone away from his face and leaned over to me.

“Kookie, it’s Taehyung.” Jimin whispered.

“Oh. Okay?” I whispered back, waiting for him to continue.

“He was asking if we can hang out tomorrow. Is it okay to you if I hang out with him?” he asked. Why is he even asking for permission?

“Of course!” I answered him, shouting in a whisper.

“But what about you? We can’t meet tomorrow if I agree.” He continued.

“I-I’ll be fine!” I answered. He doesn’t look convinced, so I had to make up an excuse. I really think he needs to have some time for his friends. “I… I have school work to do tomorrow. Yeah. I have.”

Jimin looked at me and his phone. “Thanks, Kookie.” He came back to talking in his phone. “O-okay. I guess I’m free tomorrow.”

After he said that, the call ended, and Jimin stuffed his phone back in his pocket. “Do you want to go now?” He asked me. I nodded at him, because I was actually a bit tired already. We walked back to the car, and he started to drive me back to my place. The drive back was also silent, but comfortably so. When we reached the house, I stepped out of the car as we exchanged good nights and sweet dreams and thank you’s. I stood at the side walk as I watched him drive away, back to his own house to rest as well. I threaded back to my room and slept, because I was already tired enough to skip dinner.

The next day, I was back to being bored. My excuse to make Jimin agree to meet Taehyung turned out to be a major drawback for me, because here I am again, lying on my bed, waiting for the day to end. I don’t have school work to do, I am certainly not in the mood to do some advanced studies, and I can’t just go downstairs and watch drama with my eomma.

Even if I knew there was a big chance that Jin was busy for the moment, I still dared to text him. It’s the only way I can kill time.


To: Jin-hyung

Hi! Are you busy? I’m so bored here in the house. Jimin-hyung’s off to meet an old friend.


Within seconds, his reply came. So he isn’t busy?


From: Jin-hyung

No, I am not. I decided to let my employees run the café today. I’m just chilling around here.


“Wow… that’s new.” I mumbled.


To: Jin-hyung

What a rare occasion! Jin-hyung is chilling? No way!

Ahaha just kidding. So what are you doing to chill right now?


His reply came a bit later.


From: Jin-hyung

Nothing. Maybe thinking about a way to hit on some really cute guy that visited my café yesterday? :)


“What? Jin-hyung likes someone?” I was shocked by his message.


To: Jin-hyung

WOW!!! Really? What a great news!!! You are finally getting some action! Ahahaha

So… what’s his name? Do you have his number? Tell me about him!


I knew he was going to describe the guy in VERY vivid detail because he likes him. I waited about five minutes before he replied again.


From: Jin-hyung

Well… he’s about as tall as you. He’s thin, really thin. It makes him look prettier. <3 Anyway… he’s got really smooth tanned skin. Light brown? I can’t describe. His voice is deep, yes. Much deeper than mine. He said he just came back from a vacation in Japan.

His name is Kim Taehyung.


I froze on my spot on the bed. Is he the same Kim Taehyung that Jimin-hyung was talking about? 

There!!! Here's the link for Where The Lines Overlap (Rated M)

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Yara-chan #1
Chapter 60: I THINK it nearly took tooo me 3 days to finish this but I won’t mind if it’s more bc srsly ...and to be honest ...I wish if it more...”I so s o so so lllooovveeeddd thisssss...thogh it did break my heart at some point but ya know I tend to love these heartbreaking stories as long as I have a lovely endingggggg....
ANd again I must say I love this slap thank u to your hard work :)
Chapter 17: My stomach is turning into a tornado... How to tell what I am feeling now , it's so painful from Jiminieee's pov, it's so sweet from kookiee's side and it's so creepy from Tae's hankey's side..
Nayira #3
Chapter 59: I really like the plot in this story, i'm glad that they end up together
Chapter 60: *cryhard*
Finally i found a long chapter fanfic with a good slow ending. Thank you for your hard work!
Chapter 59: I kinda want motor chapter. Like maybe Jungkook finally getaran married with Jimin. But Well, this story it's really goooodddd
Chapter 39: OMG jungkookieeeeeeeee T.T
He is such kindly and grown up man. Is that love can do with this situation ?
I love the way how jungkook handle this matter. And poor jimin, I cannot blame him though for did such thing.
You cannot chooce who will be your lover. Your heart choose their way.
Chapter 20: I don't know why but I'm so sad that read how jungkook just happy as long as jimin safe without knowing with who and why jimin ditching him.
Chapter 7: I just thought the new customer will be namjoon. But, it's turn out to be taehyung after I read the line 'no, I just comeback from japan'..
Chapter 2: Before I continue read this story till the end, I just want to tell you something author-nim...
When I know that you're the one who write 'Turning Table' story, I don't need to wait to read this story. Because I loveeeeee so much 'Turning Table' story. So so so much. And I have high expectation for this one story to tho.

Hope that in the future you can write another story about jikook or BTS more :)) I would love to read that ~
Pikapandalien #10
Chapter 59: I am cryiiinnng Its so freaking amazing but I don't want this fic to end T___T thanks so much for this fic unnie it was one of the most awesome fic that I have ever read love you ♡♡♡