To Forgive is Divine


 6/7/2015 -







To Forgive is Divine










Dara was walking out from the bathroom and returning to the table where her father, Jiyong, Sanghyun and Mino were seated when she ran into someone that made her stop.




The tall handsome man turned, then smiled. “Darah-ah, what are you doing here?” He’d often wondered over the past year what had become of her and how she was doing.


“I’m having dinner with my family.”


He looked in the direction she pointed and saw her father seated there along with Kwon Jiyong and two others. “So you returned home.”


“It turned out that way, yes,” she smiled.


Soo-Hyuk looked her over. He raised a hand and lightly touched her hair. "I like this look on you. It suits you. So did the rebel look, mind you. But I think I like this look too."


Dara laughed, then asked: “How are you, oppa? Are you well?”


Soo-Hyuk shrugged. “I'm surviving. Trying to be good."


"You are good," Dara said to him. "Thank you for helping me that time. I'm grateful for it."


"So you're getting along with your old man now?" he asked, and Dara nodded.


"We've learned to talk to one another instead of shouting. It seems to be working."


Soo Hyuk smiled. "Well I'm glad. I’m here with some people and I need to get back. Maybe we can do lunch soon and catch up?”


“I’d love that,” Dara answered. They exchanged numbers and Soo-Hyuk leaned in to buss her cheek.


“I’m glad to see you back. I’ll call you soon.” He waved and walked in the direction of where his table was.


Dara returned to her group and sat down. The food had arrived and the others were already eating except for Jiyong who was waiting for her.


"Noona, Hyung was about to come looking for you. We thought you got lost."


"I ran into a friend and we were talking for a bit," Dara explained. Beside her Jiyong sat quietly eating, but she sensed some tension coming off of him. She put her hand on his leg to get his attention. “Are you okay?” she asked.


“Fine,” he answered, and continued to eat. He’d seen her talking with Lee Soo-Hyuk and how they had exchanged numbers before the other had leaned in to casually kiss her cheek. He told himself it was nothing, but he couldn’t help but be upset at her associating with that man. Especially since Jiyong knew Soo-Hyuk had lied to him and had helped Dara when she left home. On top of that Soo-Hyuk's father had strong ties with the mafia. He didn’t want Dara talking to or being anywhere near that guy.


After dinner Dara rode with Jiyong. “It was a nice night, wasn’t it?” Dara asked.


Jiyong made a grunting sound in response, causing Dara to look at him curiously. “Are you feeling sick?” she asked, concerned. He’d been acting strangely the past hour and she was beginning to notice it more.


“What’s your connection with Lee Soo Hyuk?” Jiyong asked suddenly


“Lee Soo-Hyuk? You know him?” Dara asked, and then realized he must have seen the two of them together. “He’s a friend. I asked him for help when I left home and he did.”


“He should have talked you out of doing something so careless,” Jiyong gritted. His tone of voice caught Dara by surprise, and his reference to her running away as being careless stung.  She drew back and pressed her lips together tightly to keep from saying something back.


“I don’t want you seeing him,” Jiyong continued roughly. “Or talking to him on the phone.”


“You can’t dictate to me who I can or can’t see,” Dara stated, frowning at him. If he’d asked her nicely she would have responded in kind and she probably would have even adhered to his wishes. But the tone he was taking with her rubbed her the wrong way.


“Sandara,” he warned. “Lee Soo-Hyuk is dangerous. Do not associate with him.”


Dara went silent.


She was trying to keep her anger in check. He loves you. He’s just trying to look out for you. But still she found herself angry… and hurt.


Jiyong noticed she didn’t say anything and figured she was probably upset. But he was serious about this. He didn’t want her anywhere near Lee Soo-Hyuk and he was not going to relent on it.


He drove to his apartment and turned off the car. He was about to open the door to come around when she spoke, her voice low and emotionless. “I want to go home please.”


Jiyong sighed. She was mad at him. “I’m sorry if I was rough with you, but this is important to me, Dara. I don’t want you seeing him.”


“I understand,” she said, in that same flat tone of voice. “Now take me home.”


Jiyong sighed again, then started up the car. He drove her home and on the way neither spoke a word. Once they arrived Dara got out without waiting for him to open her door.


“Dara, wait.” He caught up with her, held her arm and turned her to face him. It was cold, their breath formed smoke in the air. “Don’t go away angry,” he said, quietly. “I’m sorry if I made you mad. – I’m just… worried about you.”


“Soo-Hyuk wouldn’t hurt me. He looked out for me when I needed help.”


Jiyong’s anger flared. “By what? Helping you run away? Giving you a fake ID? What if something had happened to you?!”


“Then it would have been my fault, not Soo-Hyuk’s,” Dara defended.  She pulled her arm free. “I’m going in. Good night.” She turned and marched into the house and closed the door behind her.



Luckily her father and the boys were not in sight when she got in. Dara went straight to her room and prepared for bed. She had just gotten out of the shower when she heard her phone ring. Looking at it she saw it was Jiyong. Dara declined the call and turned her phone off.


At his apartment Jiyong listened to the recording indicating Dara had turned her phone off. Great. Now she was really mad at him. He tossed his phone to the side and went to shower.


The next day Dara woke up and got dressed. She was taking Sanghyun and Mino shopping today and to get something for their parents. After fixing her hair and slipping on a pair of shoes, Dara opened the door, and jumped back. Jiyong stood there leaning against the door frame. Her heart leapt to see him standing there dressed in a dark gray turtleneck and blue jeans. Before she could react Jiyong slipped in the room and closed the door.


Dara took a step backwards. "What are you doing?"


Jiyong didn't say anything but he kept advancing, and Dara kept moving back. "I'm going to be late," Dara said to him. "The boys are waiting for me."


"I've sent them along with JT and Sungmin. I gave them my credit card and told them you and I will meet them there."


She was against the wall now with no where else to go. Jiyong put his arms up on either side of her, blocking her in.


"Who said you're going?" she asked defiantly. "You're not invited."


He stared at her. His dark brown eyes to her lighter ones. His nearness played havoc on Dara's nerves. He smelled clean and masculine and she found herself wanting to lean into him. But instead she held herself still. She knew what he was up to and she wasn't about to let him get away with it. Well... at least she was going to try her best not to.


Jiyong sighed seeing the stubborness in her glare. "Did you sleep well last night?" he asked her.


"Of course. Why wouldn't I?" she replied. But the truth was it took her hours to fall asleep. because she'd been so upset.


His eyes traveled to her nose, and then her lips. "I couldn't sleep at all, Dara. I kept thinking of you being angry with me. I don't want you to be angry at me."


"You should have thought of that then before you yelled at me and forbid me to see Lee Soo-Hyuk."


"I didn't yell at you, and let's not discuss him," he said, closing the gap between them as he brushed her lips with his. "Forgive me?"


Dara tried to resist him, but he continued pressing kisses against while his hand was at her side and began to slide upwards.


"Stop!"   Dara pressed her lips tightly together, her hands pushed his arms away.


Noting her rigid stance and refusal to yield to him, Jiyong backed off a little sighed. "Alright," he conceded, taking her hand in his and leading her over to the loveseat. "Let's talk this out then."


Dara didn't try to pull her hand away from him. Instead she sat next to him and waited.


"I'm sorry I yelled at you, Dara. And I'm sorry I ordered you around. But I really don't like that guy and seeing you with him makes me worried."


Her anger thawed as she witnessed his remorse. "If you had spoken to me like this last night I wouldn't have gotten angry," she said to him. His gaze met hers and Dara smiled lightly at him. "Don't judge Soo Hyuk by his family, Ji. He can't help who his father is. He's a good person. I know you're angry that he didn't tell you what he knew about me but you have to see as well that he was being loyal to his friendship to me. He wouldn't rat me out. When I went to him I needed help. He knew very well that if I only had him to rely on and if he didn't help me it would have made things harder for me at that time."


"He kissed you!"


"Huh?" Dara was confused, and then chuckled as she recalled the friendly kiss on the cheek Soo Hyuk had given her the night before. She pushed her shoulder playfully against Jiyong's. "Dummy, that meant nothing. The two of us are just friends. It's not like he kissed me on the mouth or anything."


"Even your cheeks are mine."


Dara scoffed. "Whatever." A moment later she shifted so that she was sitting on his lap, her arms around his neck as she snuggled close. "I'm yours," she conceded. "Completely yours, monkey."


Jiyong pulled back, one eyebrow arched in amusement at her. "Monkey?"


Dara nodded and pointed to herself. "I'm the rabbit, you're the monkey."


Jiyong shook his head. "I'm 'Yong' - a dragon," he argued, even as his arms tightened around and a grin spread across his mouth.


"But I like monkeys. They're cute and adorable." 


Jiyong's answer was to lean forward and kiss her. This time Dara allowed him to deepen the kiss.


"So am I forgiven?" he asked gently, a smile on his mouth. Dara gave him an answering smile and nodded.


"You're forgiven, monkey."








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Chapter 21: One of my favorite daragon story and thanks authornim for this beautiful story ❤️
Chapter 21: Re reading this beautiful story and may I request authornim add special chapter ♥️
Chapter 21: Wow. I really enjoyed reading this. I hope there was an epilogue showing their wedding or a glimpse of their married life. Nevertheless, this was a fun read. Thank u for this author ?
Chapter 21: i hope there's an epilogue.
This is good .. thabk you authornim
Chapter 21: Daebak Pls made special epilogue and thanks for sharing your story
freckles #6
Chapter 21: Thumbs up! . . . :-D
Unixai21 #7
Chapter 21: Omo... This is so good... Thank you authornim...
jessicabyun #8
Chapter 21: Omo...i want more, i love it. Thanks for sharing
pyeong21x #9
Chapter 21: I love this story, though the daragon moments were still short, still thankful that you extended the chapters hahaha thank you xoxo
perfectlame #10
Chapter 21: I've finished all your stories, and wow, i love them all. I can't decide which of them i love most. Thank you for sharing them. I hope you'll share again soon.