

Changkyun swiped down through his screen and pressed on the name Garnet Terror, then he pressed the option 'Duel'. 

Hoseok's eyes seemed to shift to his own screen. Changkyun took it as the signal that the popup invitation had already been sent, and Hoseok saw it. A surge of excitement and nervousness coursed through Changkyun. He was waiting all this year to meet Hoseok. He had not seen him yet personally, but Changkyun's thorough search for Hoseok's profile in the internet helped him have an image of who he was. Creepy as it may sound, but Changkyun fell instantly for his looks. He was completely infatuated. All that he needed was a reason to go further. 

"Hyung, same rules apply. A bet will take place. If I win, you will be my husband," Changkyun said with a grin. 

"And if you lose, you will not bother Hoseok again in being his husband!" Minhyuk butted in. 

Feeling a bit annoyed at the sudden intrusion, Changkyun scrunched up his expression. He didn't even know why he felt annoyed. He just was. He looked at the blond male at Hoseok's side. 

"Who are you?" Changkyun asked, annoyed and a little curious as well. 

The unfamiliar male suddenly shifted his position. His arms were already wrapped around Hoseok's frame and his chin rested on Hoseok's shoulder. He flashed a cheeky grin at Changkyun whose blood was starting to simmer. 

"Ah, me? I'm Hoseok's soon-to-be real life husband!" Minhyuk replied with a sing-song manner. 

Hoseok could only look weirdly at Minhyuk. The latter made eye contact with his hyung and smiled knowingly. Hoseok knew that smile anywhere, whereas Changkyun was confused and even more annoyed than usual. His blood started to boil as he watched Hoseok reaching to ruffle that blond male's hair. 

"Aigoo, Minhyuk. And we were so well in keeping this a secret to everyone," Hoseok chidded with a soft laugh. 

"M-minhyuk? I didn't even see you in the profile..." Changkyun mumbled. 

"What is that?" Minhyuk asked, noticing Changkyun faltered a little. 

Changkyun quickly took back his Duel invitation with Wonho. In a swift move, he pressed Topaz Crunch and pressed the option duel. Minhyuk's head flinched at the notification sound, and shifted his eyes to see the popup. 

"Minhyuk, I challenge--" 

"Minhyuk-hyung," Hoseok corrected. 

If he weren't Wonho, he would have added fuel to the fire. The scorching inferno inside Changkyun's heart that moment. What more drove this feeling was the irrationality of the feeling itself. He didn't know why he was feeling that way. 

"Minhyuk hyung, I challenge you to a Duel. If I win, I'll be Hoseok's in-game husband," Changkyun spoke. 

"And if I win, stop bothering Hobear from now on. Alright?"

Staring dead-on at Changkyun, Minhyuk pulled away from his hugging position and stood in a serious manner. Changkyun's eyebrow suddenly shot up when he heard the nickname. 

"H-hobear?" Changkyun asked. 

"And he's my Minpuppy," Hoseok replied with a grin. 

Oh . Are they really an item? Changkyun thought. 

"Fine! Deal! But I won't back down!" 

Minhyuk smirked as he pressed the option 'Accept'. Suddenly, the blue hue changed into a red one. Shades of red turned the world into a monochromatic wasteland. The setting also changed. They were at school, although the school buildings were a wreck. Destroyed roofs that one could see the dark, blood red sky. The grounds were completely desolated with sand-like soil. Scrap metal were scattered here and there. As if the whole world became a junkyard. 

Changkyun was already in his Battle Avatar, but Hoseok was a bit shocked. His Battle avatar was different when they first met. Although everything almost looked normal, it was not. Changkyun's Battle avatar was similar to his Normal avatar. The only difference was his feet, which became large reptilian steel feet, and he was holding two batons, somehow like a huge pair of drumsticks. 

Minhyuk's Battle avatar was a different case. Believe it or not, Minhyuk had bought the limited edition Pikachu Battle avatar that was released two updates ago. He had not changed that Battle avatar ever since. So that time, he was the small Electric Mouse Pokemon. 

"Pikachu? Is this available? Wow I didn't know this ancient game still existed," Changkyun asked, almost mesmerized. 

"Not anymore. This is expensive. I had to deplete my allowance in half just to buy this one! Only four kinds were sold in a minute. Pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur." Minhyuk explained. 

"Unfair!" Changkyun whined. 

Changkyun looked around the area while he was trying to distract the other. He saw Life Points above them and a Dragon Gauge at the bottom. At the middle was a timer that was ticking down from 300. It felt like a virtual reality Tekken game. When he saw the timer changed to 298, he wasted no other second. However, Minhyuk was faster. Minhyuk slammed his body against Changkyun's stomach. 

Changkyun forcibly tried to keep up on his feet as Minhyuk clutched on and released a surge of electricity from its body. With a loud groan, Changkyun dealt the damage and slammed Minhyuk to the ground using his gigantic drumsticks. He continued "drumming" Minhyuk and Minhyuk's health lowered, as his Dragon Gauge shot up quickly. Minhyuk acted fast and made duplicates of its Pikachu self. 

Changkyun's Dragon Gauge soon filled up full and he didn't wasted any time. He changed into his Dragon Avatar. The failed-bat experiment dragon. It roared aloud and sent Minhyuk flying to the opposite direction. Soon after, Changkyun sent numerous shockwaves to Minhyuk. He then became confident when Minhyuk's hit points were already so low he could be finished in one attack. He sent another shockwave attack, but this time it didn't work. Minhyuk was already changing to his Alpha Dragon. 

It took Minhyuk exactly 62 seconds to knock out Changkyun. And in a blink, they were back to their real bodies. Back to reality. Time flowed once again. 

Changkyun found himself back in his classroom with the professor blabbering about historical facts like the dispute in the body of waters and earthquakes all around the world. He shook his head lightly, as if waking up from a small nap. Seokwon took notice of the gesture and decided to poke the student in front of him. 

"Sleepy?" Seokwon asked like a small tease. 

"Naah. Drowsy. This teacher is boring," Changkyun answered. 

"Let's go to the rooftop during lunch. You still have to do something," Seokwon replied with a grin. 

Yeah, he had to do something. He had to investigate whether Hoseok and Minhyuk were truly together.

He had to know whether Minhyuk was a formidable rival to beat. 

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Hello everyone! I just fished out a oneshot from my mind. Do check it out ^^


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kkjj44406 #1
Chapter 11: Hi, I'm Kei ^.^
I just found your story and must admit that I'm hooked already. A very interesting story indeed, makes me wanna read it over and over again.
Can't wait for you to reveal the next chapter but I'll be waiting patiently here.
Thanks for the great work. Fighting!!!
Chapter 11: Why no update?
Please continue this TT
Chapter 11: please update. really interesting, looking forward to the next chapter. especially now that there's some hyungwonho back story too.
babyitsallright #4
Chapter 11: please update this is a great fanfic i love the plot im hooked on this
Hannahsu #5
Chapter 11: This is a great mix between super fluffy fluff, humor and the SAO feeling!!
chris__cannibal #6
Chapter 11: Y a s s, bless i waited for this alot. I love this consept and changkyun is so cute fucgzdfzhbljy
Chapter 10: this is getting more interesting ahah cx
and wonho does sound like wonho here somehow hehe.
hitech #8
Chapter 10: wah... wonho's ex._.
update asap please?
Ishiee #9
Chapter 10: Wah. I'm so glad you updated since I really really love how this story goes. There's a lot of mystery going on and I like it. I'm looking forward for the next update *_*
Chapter 9: ugh so cute. update please?