Second Invitation


And in a matter of thirty seconds, IamwhoIam was defeated. Even in Dragon avatar, he couldn't defeat the Alpha in Battle avatar. 

Although, Hoseok found it a bit difficult during the first seconds since his Dragon Avatar did not belong in any of the elements. Instead, it had the power of wavelength and sound. The Dragon of his enemy was a new sight; he hadn't seen any like it. It was a bat experiment gone wrong. It was a black scaly bat-like dragon the size of a bus. Perfectly resembling a bat, its wings were connected from its arms to its body. The only different were the scales, and its head. The dragonic head had two gigantic ears, as if proportionate to a rabbit, assuming the rabbit was the size of a bus. 

After each duel, there would be a few minutes so the program could evaluate and return both players back to their respective places. During the evaluation, they would return to their Normal avatars. Hoseok returned to his sweater-wearing Normal avatar. 

He watched as the other return to his Normal avatar. He looked young in his customization, only wearing a shirt and denim pants. Hoseok learned to never believe the faces of the customization, even though it was really realistic. Even his own Normal avatar was not exactly what he looked like in real life, but there were few resemblances only his close friends could notice, around three or four only. 

The challenger stared at the Alpha's Normal avatar. He scrunched his nose after in distaste. 

"Hyung, why didn't you use your real look?" 

"What do you mean by that?" 

"I used my real world look! Why didn't you use yours?" 

Hoseok was quite shocked, but he didn't show it to the other. Instead, he rode with it as if he knew the challenger. 

"I'm not here to socialize." 

"But the updated handbook said to use it!" 

"When did you even started? The update happened a week or two ago." 

"The day after the update." 

"And you're in Level 5 that easily? That's basically great, whoever you are." 

"Of course you don't know me. I'm Changkyun," the guy named Changkyun introduced. 

"Wonho," Hoseok replied. 


"Who's that?" 

"Your real name!" Changkyun retorted. 

"That's not my real name," Hoseok coolly disagreed. 

"Shin Hoseok," Changkyun pressed. 

"Wonho," Hoseok argued. 


"Why would I tell you? You're still practically a stranger." 

"Hyung don't be like that! We will get married soon and

"Hold up. You lost so you won't marry me." 

"I'll challenge you again!" Changkyun replied enthusiastically. 

"And your reason?" 

"I love you," Changkyun replied brightly.  

"You what?" 

As if coincidence, the AI finished updating and both avatars began to be transported back. Hoseok watched as the other, Changkyun, tried to speak up during the transport. But everybody knew voices wouldn't be heard during transport. Amateur mistake. Hoseok could somehow read his lips. Somewhat in between "I'll be back" and "Remember". Well, another annoying challenger coming up. 

Although, deep inside, Hoseok took interest in the player. It was quite different than the rest of the players. He might need Minhyuk's help with researching. 


Everyone was laughing their asses off at Hoseok's story. They could not even believe what happened. 

"Hyung has a stalker!" Yoonho laughed. 

"I should have recorded it. This is comedy gold," Seokwon added. 

"I'm serious. It's way too creepy," Hoseok retorted. 

"There wasn't any new dragon types in the update. Having a Dragon that used sound as its element is pretty weird," Kwangji answered. 

"Thank you for listening well!" Hoseok chuckled. 

"To top it off, his Dragon appearance were based on a bat. Most Dragon avatars were based in reptiles, even some amphibians like frogs, but never in mammals like a bat," Hyunwoo added. 

"There aren't even rumors spreading about this peculiar dragon. He's a quiet one. If he managed to get Level 5 in less than two weeks, maybe he had bought those new boosters for levels and battled NPC monsters," Minhyuk concluded. 

"But hyung, he loves you. Get married!" Seokwon pressed teasingly. 

"Yoonho, could you please make Seokwon quiet?" Hoseok requested. 

"Like now? Really? You wanna see how I make Seokwon quiet?" Yoonho replied with a smirk. 

"Yah, yah!" Seokwon reached out the nearest thing he could get and pretended to throw it at Yoonho. 

"That's my vase, Seokwonnie! Put it down!" Minhyuk reprimanded in a horrified way. 

The three eldest could only shake their heads, or maybe chuckle softly. It was fun seeing the younger ones bickering about. 

"What time is it, Kwangji? My clock hasn't been repaired by my GML," Hyunwoo asked.

Kwangji swiped the air in front of him.

"About 2:15AM. Sunday. Sunny weathers later!" Kwangji announced with a laugh. 

Like Kwangji had said, it was around 2:15AM in the morning. The Battle was almost won by the three youngest but Kwangji managed to destroy the last stronghold in the nick of time and Hyunwoo gave the final blow. Literally, with his wings. Minhyuk, at that moment, had destroyed two strongholds already but time was not in his side. Yoonho and Seokwon worked hard to protect the strongholds but their hyungs were slightly more powerful. After the battle, Minhyuk invited them over at the Optaz Building, the central government of the Electric Kingdom and his home after being the Alpha. When the Alpha Battle ended, Hoseok was transported there and told everything. 

After setting back the vase, Minhyuk returned to his seat and sighed heavily in relief. 

"But I think I heard the name Changkyun before. I just couldn't quite put a finger on it," Minhyuk spoke. 

"Seokwon, isn't the name of the transferee Changkyun?" Yoonho asked.

"I wasn't really paying much attention," Seokwon answered. 

"You were thinking of me, weren't you?" Yoonho wiggled his eyebrows. 

"I swear to god, Yoonho. You'll really get it."

"Bring it on, Choi Seokwon." 

"You'll even beg for it, No Yoonho." 

"You two lovers, stop having your quarrel here," Kwangji said. 

"We're not lovers!" Both of them instantly retorted. 

"The only thing left for you two is making it official," Hoseok teased with a grin. 

"My head is hurting," Seokwon pinched his nose bridge. 

Hyunwoo and Kwangji laughed. Even Yoonho quieted down at Hoseok's statement. It was technically true. 

"Back to topic. I really think it's the name of the transferee," Yoonho spoke, trying to change the subject. 

"I'm counting on you to─" 

"Go to school, hyung," Yoonho cut in, knowing what Hoseok would request. 

"I'd have to agree on Yoonho this time around. You've been out for almost a month! Just drop by," Kwangji said. 

"Hyunwoo?" Hoseok asked. 

Hyunwoo just smiled, and Hoseok knew that smile. He agreed with Kwangji and Yoonho. Hoseok released an exasperated sigh. 

"See you on Monday, then." 

"Tomorrow," Minhyuk replied with a successful grin. 

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Hello everyone! I just fished out a oneshot from my mind. Do check it out ^^


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kkjj44406 #1
Chapter 11: Hi, I'm Kei ^.^
I just found your story and must admit that I'm hooked already. A very interesting story indeed, makes me wanna read it over and over again.
Can't wait for you to reveal the next chapter but I'll be waiting patiently here.
Thanks for the great work. Fighting!!!
Chapter 11: Why no update?
Please continue this TT
Chapter 11: please update. really interesting, looking forward to the next chapter. especially now that there's some hyungwonho back story too.
babyitsallright #4
Chapter 11: please update this is a great fanfic i love the plot im hooked on this
Hannahsu #5
Chapter 11: This is a great mix between super fluffy fluff, humor and the SAO feeling!!
chris__cannibal #6
Chapter 11: Y a s s, bless i waited for this alot. I love this consept and changkyun is so cute fucgzdfzhbljy
Chapter 10: this is getting more interesting ahah cx
and wonho does sound like wonho here somehow hehe.
hitech #8
Chapter 10: wah... wonho's ex._.
update asap please?
Ishiee #9
Chapter 10: Wah. I'm so glad you updated since I really really love how this story goes. There's a lot of mystery going on and I like it. I'm looking forward for the next update *_*
Chapter 9: ugh so cute. update please?