Meeting EXO!

Always Unexpected
[C3. Meeting EXO!]
|Remarks : Edited|
We end our performance with a bow. And again, squeals and whistles errupt inside the hall. We all smile and walk to backstage.
Brenda congrats for our performances. Yvonne barges in and hugs us. “Whoah! You sure are a great singer!" she compliments. I blush and playfully hit her arm.
“Don't say that! I feel guilty because I replaced your place and you didn't get to perform." I sigh and stare the floor. She lifts my chin and flicks my forehead.
Gosh, this people! Why do they like to flick people?!
“Ouch! That hurts you know!" I frowned.
That make the whole band burst into laughters.
We're now sitting among the crowd to see EXO performing. Luckily, we get to sit at front line so I'll let my voice cracked up.
I can't wait to see Luhan performing for OVERDOSE. Gee, I'm blushing :3
After the MC announces, EXO shows up on the stage. Like usual, they greet. “We are one! Hello, we are EXO!" they bow and wave to the crowd.
The crowd are squealing and whistling even louder. I dart my eyes on Luhan! Omaigawd! He's too cute!! *drools*
They perform OVERDOSE and followed by Moonlight which is perform by D.O and Baekhyun. The others sit on the chair—surrounding both of the vocalist.
Moonlight is a very sad song. Like VERY SAD. I even cried when I heard the dong for the first time. The crowd are getting immersed into the song.
Baekhyun and D.O's voice are really catchy. I blush when I remembered that time when I bumped into Baekhyun. I found out that he's cuter when I saw him in that distance.
Gee~, what am I thinking? >//< I cup my cheeks and continue to watch their performance. When they reach the chorus of Moonlight, Baekhyun stands up and walks towards my direction.
Am I dreaming?
Yvonne and the whole crowd are squealing really loud when Baekhyun offers a hand. My mind went blank.
I look into his eyes. He just keep on singing. Rose and Emiely are just too excited so they push me to the stage and make Baekhyun's hand intertwined with me.
I blush and go up to the stage with him until they finish their performance. I am completely stunned.
I didn't realize that Baekhyun is dragging me towards the backstage until someone snaps me back to reality.
“Kimmieee~! xD" Yvonne and Vale squeal as they barge in. I cough and grasp for air. “Guys, you're suffocating me!" I frown in between my breathe. They giggle and let go.
Baekhyun goes to my side and rests his hands on my shoulder. I blush crimson red. God, what is he doing?!
“Guys! Come here!" Baekhyun calls the rest of the member. I stand next to Vale and watch them.
They begin to do their usual greeting and introduce themselves.
“Hello, I'm the oldest. The name, Xiumin." Xiumin smiles with his bun cheeks. Aww~ he's cute! I can't believe that he just turned 25. Vale is already mentally squealing when she hears Xiumin's voice in live. I secretly chuckle.
“I'm EXO's Deer, Luhan. This is duizhang Kris and our leader Suho." Luhan says as he points at Kris and Suho. Kris half-smiles while Suho just smiles and bows.
“Hi, I'm Lay!" his deep dimples show up when he smiles. Ohmaigawd. Is he even in his 20s? I have guts about them being in their 20s.
“Hi, I'm Baekhyun! This is Chen and the Happy Virus, Chanyeol!" Baekhyun says—pointing at the Troller and the Happy Virus.
Like always, Chanyeol smiles with her white teeth. Chen simoly smiles and bows.
“He's our eomma, D.O. That is Tao, Kai and lastly.." before Suho could finish, Emiely ceases him by saying Sehun's name. She blushes when she realized that she's just too excited.
Sehun quietly chuckles and offers a handshake with her. She happily accepts it.
“Our manager would like to talk to you all." Kris states. Then, a middle age man appears. I bet he's in his 30 by his looks. Maybe he's EXO manager?
[A/N : To be continued :)]
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