Love Like Yesterday

Love Like Yesterday

Irene was constantly ignoring Joy and Wendy for how many days now. The girls didn’t also bother her anymore, though Wendy was still holding everything in. She wanted to talk to her, she wanted to know what’s really going on but she managed to control herself.


“I’m going to stay at the library after class. Don’t wait for me”, Wendy texted Joy.


“Why would I wait for you? It’s a good thing  I won’t go home with you. Hahaha!”, Joy replied.


Wendy didn’t reply and just went to the library. She went in and walked straight to her favorite spot until she saw someone already owning it. She looked around and saw that the library is just half-empty.


“Of all the places, why did she go to my spot?”


Wendy was looking at her when the girl stood with her things packed. It turned to be Irene who was about to leave the library.


Wendy’s heart beat so fast as they looked at each other.


Irene walked passed her.


Ignored again.


Wendy sighed as she moved to her spot , removed her bag and was about to go and look for a book when she saw Irene next to her.


“Can we talk?”, older girl asked with weary eyes.


Wendy didn’t know what to say. She was close-mouthed.


“Yes. We really need to talk”, she just thought.


“Oh. I’m sorry. I think I’m bothering you. We should do this some other time”


Irene said as she tried to walk away from Wendy who immediately grabbed her hand.


“No. Yes. We need to talk.”, she said as she grabbed her bag back and pulled Irene out from the library. She pulled her until they reached the school’s gazebo. They stopped but Wendy still tightly holding  Irene’s hand.




“Now tell me, what’s wrong?”, she demanded as she let go of Irene’s hand.


Irene looked down as she got hold of the thought running through her mind.


“Aren’t you going to tell me?!”, she asked with a louder voice.


Irene seemed like she doesn’t have the guts to open up to Wendy. She seemed lost and out of her mind.


“I’ll be honest. I don’t know what is exactly going on with you. What I am well aware of is that, I am bothered about everything that is happening to you, everything that you do seems to affect me a lot even though I don’t want to!”


Wendy paused as she tried to calm herself but she can’t. Her heart is exploding and she really wanted to let it all out.


“I was having a normal life until you came and made me confused about every single ing thing including myself! No matter how much I try not to care, I always end up worrying about you even more!”, frustrated Wendy stomped her foot as she half confessed her feelings.


“I.. I’m sorry”


“Damn it Irene! Don’t you get it!?”


Irene couldn’t figure what is Wendy talking about. She’s so confused about her own thoughts and now Wendy. The slightly mad and frustrated girl lowered her voice...


“Irene... I.. I like you. Don’t you even get it?”


Irene’s eyes widened because of what she heard. Wendy turned her back on her and can’t believe herself for that sudden confession. Those words silenced both of them.




Silence took over, until Irene broke it.


“I’m sorry. I’m sorry... I can’t....”


Irene didn’t finish her sentence and ran away from Wendy who was left behind with no reason... again.


“Why do you always do this to me?”, she asked herself as she look at Irene at a distance.




“You what?!”, Joy shockingly asked. “You confessed to her?! Wait! You like her?!”


Wendy took a deep breath as she laid down on Joy’s bed. She was dumbfounded of her own action. She was just constantly exploring the ceiling until a pillow hit her face.


“Hey what was th—“


Joy hit her more with her pillows, and stuff toys and pillows again.


“Stop it! What the hell Joy!”, she yelled as she tried avoiding and covering her head.


“What the hell Wendy! You lied to me!”, Joy stopped hitting her and went infront of her laptop.


“I’m sorry and yes... I do like her. I just realized it.”


Joy didn’t say anything. She wanted more than what she heard but Wendy didn’t say anything else.


“Go home”, Joy said.




“Just go home!”


“Hey. I know I lied and more so, I know I kept a secret from you.. and I’m sorry for that”,


Wendy picked all the pillows and stuff toys that were on the floor, placed it on Joy’s bed before she left.


It’s the first time they fought like this. Joy has been open to Wendy all of her life especially when it comes to Seulgi. She felt betrayed that her friend, her bestfriend, didn’t do the same.



“Aigoo~ Sounds like our Joy is mad”, Seulgi said over the phone.


“Wendy !”


“Okay. Calm down. What did she do now?”


“Well... she confessed her feelings to someone and...”


“You’re jealous!”


“No! Why would I be jealous?!... and I have you”, Joy teased


Seulgi chuckled to what she heard.


“What’s funny?”


“Nothing. I can imagine your face right now”, Seulgi controlled her laugh but ended up bursting out.


“And you’re laughing at me?!”


“Because you’re so cute Sooyoung-a”


Joy’s frown turned into a smile. She bit her lips as she threw her feet in the air.


“Really?”, Joy blushed.


“Yeah. I’m serious. You’re cute.”






“Are you confessing to me right now?”, Joy joked... No. She meant it.


“There you are smiling. Hahaha Joy, why are you so weak when it comes to me?”, Seulgi laughed.


“What the—“


"But seriously Joy. You should've set yourself aside. Wendy needs you. Don't ignore her."


"Sigh. I... I will talk to her tomorrow."


"Okay. Tell me everything. I should sleep now. Goodnight Ddooyounga!~"


Joy couldn't contain her feelings because her crush did aegyo over the phone.


"Goodnight Ddeulgi yah! I love---"

- call ended -


"Damn it Seulgi!"




"Mom I'm going to sleep now", Irene said as she half finished her dinner.


"Are you alright dear?"


"Yes mom. I think I'm just tired today."


Irene went to her room, took a shower and changed to her pajamas. She remembered everything Wendy said.


"...everything that you do seems to affect me a lot even though I don’t want to!"


" matter how much I try not to care, I always end up worrying about you even more!"


"...I like you"


She felt her heart beating unusual... again... after a long time. She held her hand on her chest as she closed her eyes...


"Wendy... Do I like you too?", she asked herself.


"No! You can't. You'll just hurt her"


"But I think I am starting to fall for her"


Her mind and her heart started to battle...


"How about Seulgi?"


She opened her eyes just by the thought of Seulgi.


"Seulgi where are you?", she sobbed.


Irene cried herself to sleep... unknowingly who she was crying for. Wendy or Seulgi?




-end of chapter 5-


I am so sorry that it took me so long to update this story. I've been very busy and I couldnt keep up. I hope you guys will still continue reading and thank you for your support! Okay I am also torn between Wenrene and Seulrene. Let's see what will happen! :))) This is purpledeity. Love you guys! <3


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Chapter 5: hi.. i know this fic has been here for four years but i would really appreciate it if you could update it,,
Eririn #2
Please make it wenrene.
Chapter 5: Lol Irene and Wendy liking each other... That was fast. Haha. Just make my bear happy Idc who ends up with who lol fighting author!! Story is really interesting ^^ (p.s. Veeerrry Seulgi biased so.. :p)
Chapter 5: *pout* baechu, hold on :"
Chapter 5: I read this up to your latest update today haha. I must say.. Even though Irene and Seulgi had a thing before, I think it's better for them to not to go back as they were before. What I meant was, they should love another person. Since Seulgi has amnesia and Irene likes Wendy (Based on what she felt when she rembered what Wendy said to her) If Irene starts loving Seulgi again, she is just going to hurt herself, coz Seulgi doesn't remember her. And I think Joy really likes Seulgi. Wenrene and Joygi pls Authornim. Update soon! Thanks!
Chapter 5: ARGH.


But omo wenwen likes bae T^T wenrene yas <3

But hey omo Seulgi and Joy?

Uhh Love Square i like it <3

Anyways update soon please T^T

I always need to backread the last update before reading tha latest lol
norevS #7
Chapter 5: seulrene.. bae pls wait for the bear..
she's back..
Chapter 4: pls update asap hehe I can't wait for the next chapter
eunyeonship #9
Chapter 4: Finally the Kang is here *0* please, remember Irene, or at least make new memories! My seulrene heart is crying for sadness and happiness hahaha but then, there's Wendy to mess up with seulrene "relationship"