
Too Cool to be True


Sports day is fast approaching, so Kyungsoo spends a few days on the field after school, running a couple of laps with Jongdae under the hot sun. Thankfully, Jongdae has already completed most of his student council work, so he's not required to be elsewhere. Sports day is a big deal for them, since they plan participate in the race together, especially the 4 x 400 relay. Yixing is supposed to join them too, with another student from Kyungsoo's year named Hyunsik. While waiting for the other two to arrive, Jongdae and Kyungsoo begin their training with some warm up exercises first.


It's another one of those days when Kyungsoo couldn't find his gym shorts so he's stuck wearing something shorter which Jongdae creepily saves for him in his locker. It shows off too much skin for his comfort, riding up his milky white thighs when he follows along to Jongdae's stretching. "To your left, Soo. Go all the way down and let them boys see your gay white ."


Kyungsoo shoots him a glare. "It's only Jongin, really. I've no interest for anyone else."


"Oh please, we've been living in the same dorm for almost a year, Soo. Don't give me that homophobic crap. I see how you stare at other guys too. High school freshmen tend to be so obvious"


Kyungsoo lets out a snort."You're only in your second year, hyung. The only freshmen you know is me." 




"What? Was I that obvious?" Jongdae simply flashes him a cheeky grin, and Kyungsoo figures that there's no point hiding anything from Jongdae anymore. It's one of those disadvantages of having to live in a school dorm because Jongdae's home is all the way south, somewhere near Gwangju, while Kyungsoo's house is in Daegu.Most of the students in school are fortunate though, because a majority of them originate from the city - Yixing and Jongin for example. Studying apart from their families had been hard the first few months, though it's not as tough for Kyungsoo because Jongdae's there to guide him. He's always wanted to study in Seoul, so when a letter arrived at his house one morning, informing him that he's been accepted to study in one of Seoul's most famous high schools, Kyungsoo's the first to break down in tears.


 Now here they are.


"Well, for you to notice how obvious I am, it means you've been watching my gay white too. Admit it."


"It's true. You caught me. I love your ..." Jongdae says, "but not as much as I love Yixing's."


"You're gross, you camel dinosaur."


Kyungsoo wants to hit his roommate for being disgusting, but he doesn't want to pull a muscle, so the both of them return to their warm up exercise. A few minutes later, they race each other around a few laps, Jongdae leading because of his slightly longer legs. Kyungsoo, however, has greater stamina so while Jongdae slows down to catch his breath, the shorter male would then run past him with a maniacal laugh. "See you later, loser."


"I ain't losing to anyone!"


Their midday training that day would have gone smoothly if it wasn't for a lone thumb-sized pebble which has somehow rolled into the tracks while they're running. By then, Kyungsoo is leading again, throwing up both arms as a sign that he's about to reign victory over the panting senior at the back. They've already done six laps each by then, so both boys are actually tired. Adrenaline rushes in a few seconds before reaching the finish line, but Kyungsoo doesn't make it to the end.


Instead he loses his balance and footing when his shoes scrape against the pebble, sending him face first against the synthetic, red surface of the field track. He might have garnered a few bruises and cuts on his face and arms as a result, pain taking over a second later when he could literally feel the cuts burning.


Someone lifts him up bridal-style seconds later. He thinks it's probably Jongdae, but then he could see the senior student still running up to him from the side, before he falls into unconciousness. When he wakes up, it's Yixing's face he sees first, concern flashed across his expression. "Kyungie! You're awake. I thought you died."


"I'm fine." He croaks out, still in pain.


"Don't move, little squish." This voice belongs to Jongdae. "You got cuts and bruises all over, and the nurse told us to let you sleep. She says you're just exhausted. Why didn't you stop running when you know your body couldn't take it?"


"How long was I out?" Kyungsoo asks instead, slowly getting up with a little help from the Chinse male. He's not in the mood of answering questions. Sports days is drawing near and he needs to keep training. They can't lose 


"About thirty minutes. Wanna go home and rest? I'll make hot chocolate." Jongdae suggests. 


"But what about training? Sports day is in two days, hyung. I thought you said you wanted to win this year."


"Hey, I still have two more years to win this thing, so we could always do it next year. You've only started high school this year, so I don't want you tiring yourself out over it. Chill, little squish. I won the race last year because I had a fourth year senior backing me up. For the next three years of our high school life together, you're stuck being my sidekick. It's just that we don't have to win anything this year, until you get better."


", I'm feeling guilty now. I'm sorry for worrying you guys."


"It's fine, Kyungie." Yixing says. "By the way, you should thank Jongin for carrying you here earlier."




"Apparently he was sitting in the bleachers when you guys were training. Saw you fall like a limp banana when you tripped over that pebble."


Jesus, just kill me now, Kyungsoo internally screams.


"Got to you before I did." Jongdae adds. "Anyway, he went for dance practice. Told me to tell you that you bled all over his gym shirt so he wants you to wash it for him. Poor boy almost fainted at the sight of blood.." This is a new thing for Kyungsoo too. He wouldn't have guessed that Jongin's the type who's afraid of blood.


Wait, hold on. Wash for him?


"What do you --?" A shirt is then thrown into his lap and he could see blood staining the front of it. "Wow, is this all mine?"


"Yup. Mostly from your nose because the impact must have hit you hard. But you've got a cut across your right temple and a few small ones on both your arms." Kyungsoo absentmindedly touches the bandage on his forehead. "Jongin looked so pale when he finally got you here. Took off his shirt and quickly ran out the door." The Chinese male remarks.


Kyungsoo looks down at the shirt, a faint scent of Jongin's body odour drifts into his nose. He feels like he's floating in heaven. Despite the blank look on his face on his face, Jongdae could tell what he's thinking. "You don't plan on washing that, do you?"


"Did he specifically ask for me to wash it?"


"Yeah I asked him. He couldn't bear the thought of carrying it home, even though I suggested covering it up with newspaper. I guess the thought of something bloody in his bag revolts him?" Jongdae chortles. "What a funny guy. I think he's just looking for a reason to see you again."


"Cut your crap, Kim Jongdae." Kyungsoo says, blushing lightly nevertheless.


"Aww... look at him, Jongie! He's blushing! You really like Kim Jongin, huh? It's okay. Your secret's safe with us."


Kyungsoo then recalls what Jongin said to him during the night at Yixing's party and he lets out a deep sigh. "What's the point... he likes someone else anyway."


"Are you sure about that?" Yixing elbows his boyfriend in the side, giving him a look. "U-uh, what I mean is that have you actually asked him?"


"And embarass myself again? The one and only time I tried talking to him was at the party and I burped at his face, hyung. My life is a joke. Now I'm afraid to ask him to the prom."


"Kim Jongin is too perfect for you I guess." Yixing elbows the male again.


"Don't listen to this idiot, Kyungie. Anyway, I need to get going. My mum's cooking dinner tonight, so I've gotta be there to make sure she doesn't burn the house down." He gives his boyfriend a peck on the cheek. "Don't get home too late, Kim Jongdae. And you too, Do Kyungsoo."


"See you tomorrow, my love. I'll text you tonight."


"You guys are drowning me with all your sweet talk. Get out of here, Xing ge."


Yixing simply winks back at Kyungsoo.






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Chapter 10: Finished it all in a row! I loved it. It made me feel their pure love.
Chapter 11: Oh this was really nicely done
Very simple but just packed with amazingness!!!
Ok I just love how u incorporated diarrhea and exploding farts into this, plus the reactions of kaisoo as a couple to it was very realistic! :"D
Nicole121314 #3
Chapter 10: Juat finished reading. The fic is so beautifully written. Job well done authornim. God bless
Chapter 11: Yesss.. ty oneshot pleaseee
wolfiester #5
Chapter 11: Much fluff,me likey XD Its so beautiful and fluffy (and freaking funny ) I LOVE IT LET ME CRI OF HWO BEAUTIFUL THSI IS.And yes I'm very much interested in a y oneshot
Animelia #6
Wah~! I just finished reading this story and oh my goodness, can I just say that I really enjoyed it! I love the way you made the characters both adorable and hilariously cute, the way they interacted with eachother was perfect, and all the one liners were fun to read. Honestly Kyungsoo is just so strong, both for going through all that trouble back in middle school, and for all that embarrassment, if any of those embarrassing moments had happened to me, I probably would have died and shut myself in for an entire month! The Kaisoo in here are such a cute pair, and I think it's wonderful that they can be so free with eachother, especially when it comes to their state of physical health. The added Xingdae is an absolute gift, I love the fact that they can be both so sweet and caring, and little trolls when it comes to Kyungsoo and Jongin. Overall, I had a lot of fun reading this story, and I'm very happy that the ending was fluffy and sweet. Thank you very much for creating this authornim!
Chapter 11: Lol that was cute! Soo's past surprised me tho. That's just.. horrible. Glad that he overcame his problems!
Well, to me, I guess it doesn't matter if the ty sequel is written or not. Cause the story feels complete. c: well done authornim!
No wait. If you're really gonna write a sequel then would you write about jelly jongin? He could get jealous to the point where he s soo mercilessly omg kyaaa
Jana-chan #8
Chapter 10: Thanks for writing such a fluffy and cute fanfic <3
squishy_soo #9
Chapter 10: I loved this fic so much!! is so fluffy and cute <33
Chapter 11: Such a good story. I loved this. That title drop in the last chapter/ Awwwww. Thanks for sharing! ^.^

Favorite part: Kyungsoo's got an answer planned out in his head. "I heard from somewhere."
yeaaa... nice one KyungSoo. That's the right answer there xD