A New Student

The Secret Life of Park Jimin

Jimin glanced down at the note in his hand again, delivered to his class by a TA. It was from Ms. Yim, telling him to come to the teacher’s lounge before fifth period. So there Jimin was, tightening the straps of his backpack nervously.

“Ah, Jimin-ah!” Ms. Yim said, smiling as she opened the door to the teacher’s lounge, a large stack of printed handouts in her arms, “Come on, we can walk to class together. I just wanted to go over a few things for the class.

“So, as you know, this class will probably be a lot more advanced than what you’re used to. I understand that, so if you’re feeling overwhelmed or swamped at any time, let me know so I can help you out and let you take a breather. I also want you to be in contact with your partner for this project, I really think he’ll be able to help you as well.”

“Ah, thank you!” Jimin exclaimed, smiling widely.

“Alright, well, best foot forward, here’s the classroom!” She replied, opening up the door. Jimin followed behind, hands shaking a tiny bit. “Good morning class!” Ms. Yim greeted the class. Jimin shrank down behind her, not knowing what to expect from this more advanced class of upperclassmen. Ever since he’d been moved up to Music 2 the day before, he’d been worrying about how class would go, “We have a new student who will be joining us. Jimin, please introduce yourself.”

Ms. Yim stepped aside to let all eyes fall on Jimin, who turned bright red. Yoongi, who was sitting in the back corner of the classroom, was pleased to see Jimin’s eyes widened when he saw him.

“A-Annyong hasaeyo! I’m Park Jimin, year 1. I enjoy music and dancing, and I hope you all treat me well!” Jimin bowed the full 90 degrees, willing God to let his cheeks become less red. A few people started chuckling at the adorable freshman.

“Jimin, why don’t you take a seat next to Huang Zitao?” Ms. Yim pointed to the second to last row of desks in the room. Jimin nodded and dragged his enormous back pack over, eagerly sitting down.

“Yeah, that’s smart, put the poor kid next to the Chinese guy who can’t speak Korean properly,” Yoongi rolled his eyes, half glaring at the empty desk next to him.

“So, class, today, we’ll be studying the entertainment industry of America through the 20th century,” Ms. Yim began her lecture, pulling up a power point, “Then you’ll get the chance to work on your projects. Just a reminder that this will make up a good portion of your semester grade, as it will show your ability to work on your feet and with people who you may not know.”

Jimin nodded, determined to do well. He pulled out his brand new red notebook and began taking neat, precise notes on Ms. Yim’s lecture. It was interesting, but not really what Jimin was into. He was more looking forward to the physical parts of the class.

About halfway through the class period, Ms. Yim ended her lecture and told everyone to find their partners to get started on their work. Jimin looked around awkwardly, pulling the beanie that he was wearing further down on his head.

He sat there, fiddling with his pens and notebook until Ms. Yim noticed the idle boy.

“Oh! Jimin! I forgot that you don’t have a partner!” She said, patting him on the back, “I’m sorry about that, I even arranged for your partner. You’ll be with Min Yoongi; he originally didn’t have a partner, so it all works out.”

Jimin’s back immediately straightened and his eyes widened.

“M-Min Yoongi!?” He stammered, swallowing nervously.

“That’d be me, kid,” Yoongi drawled from behind him, making Jimin jump slightly. He turned around in his seat to see Yoongi sitting there, a wide smirk on his face, “Turn your desk around so that we can start working.”

“I’ll leave you two boys to it!” Ms. Yim said cheerfully, walking off to go check on other groups. Jimin stared at the older for a moment, the red on his cheeks making a reappearance. Yoongi internally smirked, looking forward to teasing the cute kid.

“So, I’ve already started on our project,” Yoongi commented once he was done staring sharply at Jimin, “I didn’t know that you’d be in my group, so there’s a couple minor adjustments I have to make. I’m writing a beat out, and originally I was going to add my rapping over it. You rap at all?”

Jimin shook his head, smiling slightly, “I don’t rap, I sing.” Rapping was more of Jungkook’s thing, but even Jungkook wasn’t totally into it. “I also dance, but I guess singing would be better for this.”

“You’re right,” Yoongi chuckled, “A real genius.” Jimin blushed again, pulling the sleeves of his sweatshirt up over his hands. “I’ll finish up the beat and then bring my laptop in. You wanna work tomorrow at lunch on it?”

Jimin heaved a sigh of relief, “Oh, thanks! Yeah, that works,” He responded, happy that his free time after school wouldn’t be taken away.

“Alright, sounds good. Our theme is just rebellion and doing what you want, should be easy,” Yoongi shrugged, tipping the chair at his desk back.

Jimin nodded excitedly, leaning forward slightly, “Sounds awesome, hyung…” His voice trailed off as he continued timidly, “I can call you hyung, right?”

“I’m ing older than you, brat,” Yoongi rolled his eyes, “Course you can.”

“Sorry, sorry, just checking,” Jimin shrugged again, and in an attempt to copy his beloved Yoongi-hyung, he tipped his chair back as well.  Being the uncoordinated puppy that he is, Jimin succeeded in tipping his chair completely over with a screech.

Yoongi full out laughed when he saw Jimin sprawled out on the floor, cheeks bright red.

When class ended, Yoongi waved goodbye to Jimin, giving a small wink. As Jimin packed his things up into his backpack, he could feel his cheeks getting warm.

“What’s the nerd doing in our class, anyways,” he heard someone mutter, and his happy mood faded slightly. It was nice to have his reality taken from his life for even a few minutes by Yoongi, but it always seemed to come back. “God, he looks so irritating. And talk about ugly, I mean just look at those glasses.”

With a sigh, Jimin raised his head and slung his backpack over his shoulder, heading towards the cafeteria for lunch. As soon as he was joined by his friends, any negative thoughts disappeared.




“So you’re telling me that Yoongi is literally having you be featured on one of his rap songs?” Taehyung shrieked from Jungkook’s floor. The other two were situated on Jungkook’s bed, both lying there out of boredom. School had ended and the three boys were eager to all race over to Jungkook’s spacious house.


Jimin grinned widely, very excited at the project with Yoongi, “Yup! I even get to call him hyung!”

“Damn, you’re into some ,” Jungkook cackled as Jimin turned bright red. “Jo-king. Not really.”

“Oh, shut up!” Jimin snapped, still blushing. He rolled over onto his back, still laid out on Jungkook’s fluffy carpet. “But I get to eat lunch with him tomorrow, and work on the project! Isn’t that great?”

“You’re not sitting with us tomorrow?” Taehyung began, joking, “Wow, rude.”

“You both know I don’t mean it like that,” Jimin groaned, kicking Taehyung’s leg in response. “I’m really looking forward to it, though. Should I wear eyeliner?”

Jungkook rolled his eyes and sighed, “Save the eyeliner for parties and clubs,” He commented, “I don’t think a school project is that much of a big deal.”

“It is for me!” Jimin shouted as he sat up, a ridiculous grin on his face, “I’m really looking forward to this!”

“Trust me, we know,” Jungkook shook his head at the older boy, “You’re just a little too into this guy. It’s kind of scaring me.”

Jimin shrugged, burying his face into Jungkook’s unicorn Pillow Pet, “He’s just perfect! It’s not my fault that he is incredibly handsome and a really good rapper and has an awesome voice and the best sense of style ever.”

“Oh my god, you really like this guy,” Taehyung complained, tossing a pillow at Jimin’s face. “Would you shut up already? Please? We get it!”

Jimin frowned, not happy that his friends weren’t as eager to share in his excitement. He was really looking forward to the next day, though. It seemed as though his fifth period class couldn’t come fast enough.

“Oh hey, my mom says dinner’s ready,” Jungkook commented as they all got up from the bed, “She obviously wants you guys to stay.” Even though the Jeons were very rich and the family of a very wealth business, Jungkook’s parents always made time for him and his friends. Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung had been best friends since their second year of middle school, and all of their parents were very good friends and got along well with each other.

Jungkook’s mom was constantly feeding the boys, and doting on them whenever she could. She was probably one of the nicest people that Jimin knew, and he was glad that Jungkook’s parents weren’t some stuck up, snobby rich people.

The next day in class, Jimin could hardly sit still in his seat, waiting for lunch to finally come so that he could see Yoongi work on the project. He still couldn’t believe that he was working on a track with Min Suga, one of the most popular guys in school.

“Park Jimin! You had better start paying attention in class!” The teacher at the front of the room turned her wrath towards Jimin, who had been staring out of the window thinking about Yoongi. “Your grades aren’t looking too good and you keep forgetting to put on your tie in the morning!” Jimin jolted in his seat, turning bright red as usual at the sudden attention. He pushed his glasses up his nose and nodded his head, embarrassed.  People began snickering at the small guy.

“He’s such a nerd, wow,” Jimin overheard a girl whisper to her friend, “I hear he only has two other friends.”

“I know, I think he spends all his time playing League or something,” Her friend replied, giggling into her hand.

Jimin rolled his eyes discreetly, not particularly bothered. If only they knew that they were asking me for a hug and a selca only five days ago.

For the rest of class, Jimin snuck on his phone, talking to some of his friends outside of school. Hearing people gossip about him so obviously had kind of put him in a bad mood. When lunch finally came, he was only too happy to run over to their usual table, soon joined by Taehyung and Jungkook.

Yoongi’s eyes scanned the cafeteria as he sheepishly ruffled his hair. He’d been so excited to get a new album that morning in the mail that he had forgotten about working with the adorable little freshman, Jimin, during lunchtime.

He finally found the younger, sitting at a table with two other freshmen. He looked a little sad, but was still talking animatedly with his friends.

Yoongi strolled up to the table, looking forward to teasing Jimin a little, “Yo, sorry I’m late.”

Jimin leapt up from his seat, knocking the plastic chair over, “A-ah! Hyung!” He bowed slightly, then scrambled to pick the chair up. His two friends sat across the table, snickering at their friend’s misfortune.

Yoongi pulled up a chair next to Jimin and took out his phones, handing one of the earbuds to him. “Just give it a quick listen to, we can work more today during class and maybe after school.”

Jimin accepted the earbud and listened quietly to the track that Yoongi played. The rapper enjoyed watching the different emotions flit across Jimin’s face. He looked very impressed with the beat, and looked awestruck at Yoongi’s rap parts.

“Your voice is so…” Jimin’s voice trailed off, trying to find the right word, “Rough.”

Yoongi smirked slightly, deepening his voice on purpose, “That’s not the only thing that I can make rough.”

It took Jimin a moment to understand what he was saying, but when he did, his cheeks turned bright red, “H-Hyung! That’s messed up!”

“What’s messed up?” Yoongi replied playfully, “If you thought of it like that, then your mind was already in the gutter.”

“It was not!” Jimin protested, waving his hands around spastically.

“It always is,” one of Jimin’s friends, the tall one who looked like a rabbit, chimed in, snickering.

Jimin just groaned and sunk his head into his hands. “Hyung, please ignore my friends, they’re very mean and inconsiderate.” Yoongi just laughed at Jimin, ruffling the younger’s brown hair. Jimin tried not to lean into the amazing feeling of Suga running his fingers through his hair, lightly skimming his scalp. Jungkook caught Jimin’s wide smile and started snickering again.

Jimin got out of his seat, glaring at Jungkook, “Hyung can we go move somewhere else?” He kicked Jungkook under the table as he redirected his glare to Taehyung, who was also laughing and not bothering to hide it, “My friends don’t seem to be able to keep their together.”

Yoongi just chuckled and nodded, getting up, “We could go sit with my friends if you want,” He offered, gently placing a hand on Jimin’s back, leading him towards Bangtan’s lunch table. He watched, delighted, as Jimin’s face turned bright red again.

“A-ah, really? You’d be okay with that?” Jimin asked incredulously as they approached the other three.

“Of course, babe, take a seat,” Yoongi smiled over at Jimin as he gestured towards the chair next to him.  Jimin sat down as well, grabbing the attention of Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok as they turned to him.

“Guys, this is Jimin, the guy who I’m working on Yim’s project with.” Yoongi announced, pulling some of Hoseok’s food in front of him.

“Oh, you poor thing!” Jin said, reaching over the table to pinch Jimin’s puffy cheeks, “You’re so adorable! Namjoonie, look at that adorable face!”

Namjoon looked at Jimin, slightly grumpy that this punk was taking so much of Jin’s attention when he’d just been feeding him rice two seconds ago.

“I know! I just want to hug him forever!” J-Hope squealed, wrapping an arm around Jimin’s shoulders.

“Okay, okay, hands off my partner,” Yoongi said lightly, flicking J-Hope’s forehead, “I want him to be alive to finish the project.”

“O-oh, it’s okay,” Jimin managed to stutter out, “I’m used to this, my friends smother each other a lot.”

Jin and J-Hope let out simultaneous squeals and continued to coo over the freshman, much to Yoongi and Namjoon’s dismay. Once the two were done, Yoongi glanced over at Jimin, who was in the middle of cleaning his glasses with his shirt sleeve.

“Yo, I’ve never actually heard you sing before,” Yoongi commented, “So I don’t know how well it’ll go with the track. You free today after school? You can come over to the studio.”

J-Hope, ever the observant one, looks sharply at Yoongi. His studio was like his second home; he wouldn’t let just anyone in there.

Jimin shook his head, “I have dance practice for about an hour and a half, if you’re willing to wait that long.”

“Yeah, sure, just give me the address and I’ll head over there later after school,” Yoongi nodded, grinning. Jimin was interesting, and he wanted to see more of the side that he’d seen at Homecoming—the flirtatious, y side that seemed to seduce him. Half of Yoongi longer for that side, but the other half was becoming increasingly attached to the small, adorable little Park Jimin that turned red when more than two people were looking at him.

Jimin scribbled down the address of the dance studio that XYZ practiced at occasionally and handed it to Yoongi.

“I lost my phone, so I can’t text you,” Jimin said woefully, hoping that Yoongi wouldn’t mind.

“Oh, I know,” Yoongi said casually, then froze at his slip up. Jimin looked up at his hyung, obviously confused, “Oh, uh, I mean, obviously you lost it, otherwise you would have been begging for my number by now.” That comment set off another round of firecrackers on Jimin’s cheeks, and Yoongi internally screamed at how cute he looked.

Jin was still looking at Jimin, totally enthralled by the new addition to their lunch table. He turned to Namjoon, a wide smile on his face. “Isn’t he adorable?”

Namjoon gritted his teeth, forcing a smile. He really wasn’t appreciating all the attention the newbie was getting from Jin, or rather, the lack of attention Namjoon was getting.

“Yeah, really cute,” Namjoon replied, letting his head sink down to the table.

“Hey, you okay?” Jin asked quietly, resting his chin on Namjoon’s shoulder. Namjoon shrugged slightly, not wanting to bother Jin’s head.

“Yeah, just feeling a little down,” Namjoon replied, trying to not meet the other’s gaze.

“You sure?” Jin asked, snuggling a little closer to Namjoon’s side. Namjoon just gave a noncommittal grunt. Jin leaned forward slightly, and Namjoon felt something warm quickly press against his cheek. His eyes shot open as he realized that Jin had just ing kissed him on the cheek. But he had turned back to Hoseok and was talking about something in English class, his body still snuggled up to Namjoon’s.


Yoongi got off the bus that, quite conveniently, stopped right in front of Jimin’s dance studio. The door was propped open, leading to a four story building. Yoongi entered and looked around; there was a reception desk, but the receptionist wasn’t there. Being that daredevil that he is, he took off down the hallway where loud music with a heavy bass was being played.

Yoongi peered through the clear glass door, only to see Jimin dancing by himself in the dance studio. He swallowed hard, eyes scanning up and down, not missing how drenched Jimin was in sweat, making his white t-shirt stick to his body.

XYZ Jimin was back, with fullblown hipthrusts and body rolls, and Yoongi couldn’t tear his eyes away from Jimin’s body. The music lasted for less than a minute, but it was enough to definitely stick in his head for a while.

Yoongi looked down, not realizing that his fist was clenched as he slowly relaxed it. He had to take a couple of deep  breaths to calm himself down, and entered the room.

“Ah, hyung, you’re here already?” Jimin looked up, exuding confidence that Yoongi wasn’t used to, “Let me just get a different shirt on.” In one smooth motion, Jimin yanked his shirt off of his head and rummaged around his gym bag for a new one, leaving Yoongi to gape open mouthed at the topless punk. If the dancing had been bad, this was even worse. Yoongi couldn’t tell if this was XYZ Jimin or school Jimin, and he wasn’t sure if that thought scared him of excited him.

“Enjoying the view, hyung?” Jimin asked playfully as he pulled a black tank top on.

“Maybe,” Yoongi replied, holding the door open for Jimin as they walked out, “How long have you been practicing today for?”

“Oh, maybe 45 minutes,” Jimin estimated, shrugging, “I’m not that tired, though. Don’t worry.”

“I wasn’t,” Yoongi replied as they arrived at the bus stop—the bus would get there in about 2 minutes. “Don’t you worry your pretty little head about that, baby doll.”

Jimin felt his cheeks color slightly, but brushed the nickname off, “So, what exactly do we need to do for the project?”

“I’ve already written your lyrics, you just need to figure out a tune and sing it. I have some of my recording equipment at my house, so we should be okay,” Yoongi explained, readjusting his heavy backpack.

“I thought we were going to your recording studio?”  Jimin asked, confused as the bus pulled up. “What happened to that?”

“Decided against it,” Yoongi responded, shrugging, “The other guy is bringing his boyfriend around, and I don’t want to watch them their faces off.” He glanced over at Jimin, smirking, “I’m sure you wouldn’t mind, though.”

Jimin grinned cheekily back at his hyung, “I wouldn’t mind your face off, hyung.”

“You’re getting a little out of line, punk,” Yoongi growled slightly, lightly slapping Jimin’s as they headed towards the back of the bus. “Don’t forget who I am.”

“Trust me,” Jimin smiled mysteriously, intriguing Yoongi even more than he had been before.  “I haven’t.”

Jimin bent down in his seat to grab something from his backpack in front of him, his shirt riding up his back slightly to reveal a stripe of bare skin. Yoongi’s eyes shot straight ahead as he swallowed, trying to think of old grandmothers with wrinkly faces.

Jimin straightened back up, smiling. Yoongi couldn’t help but notice how adorable he looked, his eyes completely disappearing into cute crescent moons. “How much farther, hyung?”

“Three more stops, punk,”



Namjoon and Jin were in Jin’s bedroom, just chilling after a particularly taxing day at school. Jin sighed, curling up on his bed. Namjoon laid down next to him, the two staring up at the ceiling.

“I have so much homework,” Jin complained, frustrated.

Namjoon groaned, “Oh God, don’t remind me of that. I don’t want to think about school.”

“You’re going to eventually,” Jin chuckled slightly, rolling over onto his side.

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Namjoon moaned, scratching the back of his neck.

“I didn’t see you during free period, where were you?” Jin mentioned, turning his head to face Namjoon.

Namjoon sighed and sat up, leaning against the white walls of the room. He shrugged noncommittally, leaning his head back, “talking to someone,” He replied vaguely, obviously evading the question.

“Who?” Jin pressed, curious.”

“Kwon Jidam, if you must know,” the rapper replied as Jin also sat up to look at Namjoon closely, “she asked me if I wanted to go out with her.”

Jin sighed silently, nodding to himself, “and what did you say?”

Namjoon looked back at Jin, meeting his eyes. A small smile curled at his lips, “I said no.”

Jin closed his eyes in frustration. He couldn’t tell if Namjoon was trying to tell him something, just like he hadn’t been able to tell almost every day for a year.

This is the day that it ends.

Jin crawled towards Namjoon, who backed up until he was trapped in the corner of the room, still on top of Jin’s bed. Namjoon could feel his breath leaving his lungs and never being replaced. He looked into Jin’s narrowed eyes, which almost seemed to be darker than usual.

“Stop this,” Jin growled out in a frustrated voice, irritation and disappointment flooding over him, “Stop leading me on and then shutting the door in my face. I’m sick and tired of it.”

“I-I,” Namjoon began stammering, “I’m not leading you on!”

“Then tell me,” Jin said, reaching out and cupping Namjoon’s face in his hand, relishing the way his best friend and love leaned into his hand. “Tell me if you love me like I love you.”

“I-I’m not sure,” Namjoon whispered as Jin’s face drew close enough, close enough to feel his breath fan across Namjoon’s face.

“Then be sure,” Jin said, and brought his lips a couple of inches closer to meet Namjoon’s. Their first kiss was short, sweet, and precise enough to finally let Jin know that Namjoon was sure.

Namjoon let his eyes drift closed as Jin brought his other hand to play with the short hairs at the nape of his neck, moving his head to fit with Namjoon’s. After a couple more seconds, the two pulled away, Namjoon’s eyes still closed. Jin’s mouth curved up in an enormous smile, bringing the hand from Namjoon’s face up to brush over his lips.

At Jin’s touch, Namjoon’s eyes shot open, and he swallowed sharply, pushing Jin away. He shook his head, as if trying to clear thoughts from his head.

“W-what the hell?” Jin looked at Namjoon, his disappointment from earlier flooding back. It had been too good to be true.

“I-I have to go,” Namjoon said thoughtlessly, almost as if he was in a daze. Jin watched from his bed helplessly as Namjoon collected his bag and shoes and left. For a couple of minutes, Jin just sat there, trying to fully understand what had just happened. Tears began running down his face, growing in momentum. Soon, he was full blown sobbing, complete with hiccups and short breath.

Namjoon had kissed him back, but Namjoon wasn’t sure.



“You want anything to drink? Water, juice, hot chocolate?” Yoongi asked once they had taken their shoes off, entering the kitchen.

“Hot chocolate sounds nice,” Jimin commented, “I can make it myself, if you want.”

“Sure,” Yoongi shrugged, showing him where the hot chocolate mix, mugs and spoons were, “I’m gonna go change out of my school clothing.”

Jimin nodded as he started preparing the hot chocolate, humming to himself. He smiled to himself at the situation, and hoped that he would be able to be confident around Yoongi like he normally was.

Yoongi rushed back down the stairs, pulling a sweatshirt over his head. He stopped in his tracks as he heard someone—Jimin—singing to himself.

“And I set fire, to the rain,” Yoongi quietly tip toed down the stairs, not wanting to scare the younger. When Ms. Yim had said that Jimin was talented, he hadn’t realized that holy this kid had the voice of an angel. He’d only seen Jimin in a light of mystery, but his singing was definitely something that Yoongi could get used to hearing. “Watch it pour as I touch your face.”

“Yah, punk!” Jimin jumped when Yoongi seemingly appeared out of nowhere. He started blushing, embarrassed to have been caught singing like that. “Are you done with the hot chocolate?”

“Huh?” Jimin blinked a couple of times, still staring at Yoongi open mouthed. “Oh! Yeah, here, I made a cup for you.”

Yoongi accepted the offered mug gratefully, not wanting to voice his thanks. He simply nodded, then suggested that they sit down on the couch to start working.

“Here,” Yoongi tossed his phone to Jimin, open to the Note where he’d written his lyrics to. Jimin’s eyes scanned over them, a small smile gracing his face as he read over them.

“Hyung, these are really good!” He exclaimed, eyes forming the eye smile that over the past couple of days, Yoongi had come to appreciate. “I can’t wait to get started.”

“Finish your hot chocolate and we can head up to my room,” Yoongi sighed impatiently, taking his phone back from Jimin, opening up a game to distract himself until Jimin was finally done. After about two minutes of waiting, he looked back at Jimin, only to do a double take.

“Are you your hot chocolate?” Yoongi stared at Jimin, who was lapping at his chocolate milk, almost like a cat. Jimin just looked up at Yoongi, barely tilting his head.

“Maybe,” Jimin replied, smiling as they settled onto Yoongi’s couch. Yoongi had his laptop out and was in the process of firing it up. Yoongi probably would have gotten that done a lot faster if he hadn’t been so concentrated on Jimin’s ing pink tongue scraping hot chocolate from the sides of the mug.

“Pabo,” Yoongi shook his head, snatching the mug from Jimin and placing it into the sink, “Let’s go, you need to get home before its dark.”

Jimin scrambled to follow Yoongi up the stairs, his bare feet relishing the way the thick, fuzzy carpet felt on them. “Hyung! I can take care of myself!”

Yoongi just sent Jimin an unamused look, “I don’t live in the best of neighborhoods, punk.” Jimin nodded as he tripped his way into Yoongi’s room.

Recording equipment was strewn all over his desk in the corner. Clothes were piled on the floor, and his quilt was bunched up in one corner of his bed. Posters of rappers and basketball players decorated his walls.

“Here, you’ve already heard the track, right?” Yoongi said, pulling up another chair for Jimin to sit in. He lifted his laptop onto his desk after clearing space for it. Jimin nodded as Yoongi went over his parts again.

For the next two hours, Yoongi saw a whole new side to Park Jimin. He was focused, excited to come up with his part. He was completely wrapped up in music. Before, Yoongi had thought that Jimin was something to take up time, something to amuse him with his mannerisms and seemingly spilt personality. Now that he was seeing this more serious, focused side to him, he realized that the two could probably be very good friends.

They had a lot in common, it turned out. Through the light chatter that upheld throughout the afternoon, Yoongi found out that Jimin had played basketball at his old school and was thinking about trying out for the team at his new school. Yoongi was also surprised at how serious Jimin was with music, a stark contrast to his usual bubbly and awkward self.

He watched closely as Jimin sang his heart out into the microphone, trying not to notice how his heart started to beat a little faster.

Once they were done, Yoongi walked Jimin to his bus stop, keeping an eye out for the creepy guys who tried to sell innocent teens weed and drugs. The summer air was slowly turning into fall, and the nights were getting colder, Yoongi noticed as Jimin hopped from his left to right foot, trying to stay warm.

As Jimin’s bus arrived, Yoongi decided to act on his revelation that the two could be good friends.

“Hey, you wanna hang out tomorrow?” Yoongi asked, eyebrow quirked up at the younger, “We have a half day, so we could go do something.”

“Sure, hyung, that’d be cool,” Jimin nodded as the doors to the bus opened.

“I’ll find you after school,” Yoongi called after Jimin, who was getting on the bus.



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first chapter will be up soon, exact date tba


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SAy_ma_name #1
Chapter 7: Please,please,please update this story....
Chapter 7: Jimin's parents are so accepting it so nice of them... N yoongi oppa n jimin oppa just confess ur feelings Plzz /\
Chapter 6: Ok namjin is real yay....
N joonie's dad is so rude how could he...??
Bdw hoseok is like a lil. Angel..
Chapter 5: Did namjin just kissed???!!! Djfjfjfjg
N wah namjoon why can't u realise u r so in love with seokjin
Chapter 4: Awww jealous namjoon it's so sweet.. Yah rapmon just confess to jin now please...
N about yoongi n jimin.. I died of my feels... Great work authornim...
Chapter 2: Awww it's so cute .. Why didn't I find this story before n aishhh why does these four I mean suga jin namjoon and jhope sounds like F4 like from BOF...
N jimin as geum jandi lol...
This story is cute.. ^^
Chapter 7: Hobi is gonna be the fairy godmother of yoonminXD
Chapter 6: Hobi's tiny voice in his mind XD LOL
Gabibarrib #9
Chapter 7: I'm so glad that there is "yoonmin is where it's at", if not for this blog I probably wouldn't have come across this wonderful fic. This story is fudging hilarious, honestly, I cracked up so much my stomach is hurting. And ffs, can they get their head outta the god damned gutter! (jk, i live for the innuendos and dirty thoughts, ha "Yoongi! No!" - hoseok serving as yoongi's conscience - that line is great)

When will jimin get his phone back? Who knows? By the way things have been going, probably never.
Leo_Trash #10
Chapter 7: Please update soon author nim! But no pressure!